
  1. 塔里木河流域产业结构经济效益比较研究

    Comparison of the regional industrial structure benefit of the Tarim River Basin

  2. 鄂尔多斯盆地北部(简称鄂北)工区钻井技术已配套成龙,优选的井身结构经济效益明显;

    Streamlined drilling technology and selected well structure has brought obvious economic benefit .

  3. 高效预应力砼结构经济效益与大开间住宅建筑体系选择

    Economic analysis of high efficiency prestressed concrete and selection of large space building system

  4. 结构经济效益的产生主要来自生产关系的调整和经济结构的合理布局。

    The creation of the structure economic benefit primarily comes from the adjustment of the production relation and the reasonable distribution of the economic structure .

  5. 首先,以GDP为因变量建立分析模型进行能源消费结构的经济效益分析。

    First , it takes GDP as dependent variable to make a model which giving economic analysis on energy consumption structure .

  6. 对税收超GDP增长因素,从经济结构、经济效益、进出口、税制、征管、政府支出等方面进行了系统分析。

    It systematically analyses the factor that tax revenue increase faster than GDP in the aspect of economic structure , economic profit , import and export , tax system , tax administration and governmental expenditure etc.

  7. 房地产企业多产品结构的经济效益分析

    Economic Efficiency Analysis on the Multi-product Structure of Real Estate Enterprise

  8. 1粮+复种结构的经济效益比套种结构平均提高73.75%。

    The economic benefits of interplanting can averagely increases 73.75 % .

  9. 加强内部管理依靠科技进步优化产品结构提高经济效益

    Strengthening Mangement to Make Progress and Optimizing Product Structure to Obtain Benefits

  10. 论项目筹资结构与经济效益和风险的关系

    Discussing the relations of money-raising structure to economic results and risks of project

  11. 钢管混凝土结构的经济效益

    The economic effectiveness from steel pipe - concrete structure

  12. 调整经济结构提高经济效益

    Adjust Economic Structure and Improve Economic Benefits

  13. 用动态经济评价方法对浙江省南部的庆元杉木种子园的投资结构及经济效益进行了评价。

    Investment composition and economic benefit of the Chinese fir seed orchard in Qingyuan County , Zhejiang Province were analysed and evaluated .

  14. 然后探讨了企业信息资源配置的基本理论,包括企业信息资源配置的目标、技术框架、组织结构和经济效益等。

    Second , it discusses the basic theory of corporation 's allocation of information resources , including its target , technique frame , organization structure and economic benefit .

  15. 思想观念、地区经济竞争力、经济结构、经济效益及增长方式、开放度及市场化等方面的差距是加快西部大开发的主要制约因素;

    But the restriction factors are thinking , ideology , regional economic competitiveness , economic structure , economic benefits , the way of growth rate , opening degree and marketization .

  16. 但生产内容单调,多数为纯粮型种植结构,经济效益不高,不利丰富社会产品和改善土壤物理性状。

    But the low benefit of mono - cereal cropping structure is their main weak point which are unfavourable for providing plentiful agricultural products and improving the physical character of soil .

  17. 介绍宝钢能源中心计算机系统二期改造的情况,并对能源计算机系统设备选型、功能配置、系统层次结构及经济效益等做了技术评估。

    The condition of the reformation of energy computer system in Baoshan Iron and Steel Works is presented , and a technical evaluation is given for the computer model selection , function configuration , hierarchy construction and application economic efficiency etc. of the system .

  18. 结果表明,不同间伐强度的林分在林木生长、林分结构及经济效益上均有很大差异,间伐强度对林木径级、成材年限和干形等亦有重要影响。

    The cutting was conducted beginning from the spring of 1985 , and the cutting intensity was 63.0 % , 47.4 % and 42.0 % respectively . The results showed that there was great difference in tree growth , structure and economic benefit in stands with different cutting intensity ;

  19. 在建筑高度为100m左右时,两者的综合经济效益基本持平,当超过120m时混合结构的综合经济效益好于钢筋混凝土结构。

    The general economic benefit is almost equal between these two options when the building height is about 100m , the composite structure is better than the concrete structure when the height is beyond 120m .

  20. 白蜡园种群结构与生态经济效益

    The Population Structure and Eco-economical Benefit in the White Wax Plantation Knowledge garden

  21. 重庆制造业结构变动与经济效益的实证研究

    The Empirical Research on Structure Change and Economic Benefit of Chongqing Manufacturing Industry

  22. 带孔沉箱结构类型与经济效益分析

    Structural Types and Economic Benefit Analysis of Perforated Caissons

  23. 优化投资结构,提高经济效益

    Optimize investment structure and raise economic benefit

  24. 合理设计钻孔结构提高钻探经济效益

    Proper borehole design increases drilling economic efficiency

  25. 粮食主产区的生产结构调整及其经济效益分析

    The adjustment of production structure and the analysis of its economic results in the main grains ' growing regions

  26. 大力调整经济结构,提高经济效益,保持经济适度增长;

    And must greatly improve the economic structure , rise the economic benefits and keep the proper economic increase ;

  27. 天山北坡经济带土地利用结构变化及其经济效益分析

    An Analysis of Structural Change of Land Use and Economic Profit in Northern Slope Economic Belt of Tianshan Mountains

  28. 地区产业结构变动的经济效益测算是产业结构问题研究中的一个极为重要的内容。

    The measurement of economic effectiveness from the development of regional industrial structure is a very important component in the industrial structural research .

  29. 名牌战略与提高产业竞争力相互作用的理论机理,主要体现在名牌战略与产业规模、产业结构调整、经济效益的互动作用和影响。

    The interaction between brand strategy and the improvement of industrial competitive edge lies in the interdependence between brand strategy , the scale and structure of an industry and economic returns .

  30. 该破碎机为两级破碎、技术先进、结构合理,经济效益和社会效益显著,可用于多个行业破碎多种物料,是目前较为理想的破碎设备。

    Featuring two-stage breaking , advanced technology , reasonable structure and prominent social and economic profits , the cake crusher has proven an ideal crushing device for diverse materials in various industries .