
  • 网络Cabbage;heading;agglomeration;Free Air Ball;nodule
  1. 对应于这些参数在焊线机制程的关键技术,可分为金线结球及焊线路径稳定性两个部分。

    Considering these factors , the flowing two parts should be considered in the wire bonding process : Free air ball formation and Looping stability .

  2. 结果表明,不结球白菜不同品种在Cu处理下有很大差异。

    The result showed that there was difference between different varieties .

  3. 增施CO2气肥对温室结球莴苣光合作用影响的综合模型研究

    Comprehensive Model on the Effect of CO_2 Enrichment on Lettuce Photosynthesis in Greenhouse

  4. 不结球白菜硝酸还原酶基因cDNA的克隆及序列分析

    Cloning and sequence analysis of nitrate reductase gene cDNA fragments from non-heading Chinese cabbage

  5. 结球甘蓝cDNA文库的构建和鉴定

    CDNA Library Construction and Identification of Cabbage

  6. 大白菜结球中前期~(14)C运转与分配特性的研究

    Studies on the Characteristics of Translocation and Distribution of  ̄( 14 ) C-labelled Assimilate of the Middle and Early Stage of Heading in Chinese Cabbage

  7. 研究了赤霉素(GA)和温度处理对结球生菜叶片采后食用品质的影响。赤霉素处理能显著提高结球生菜的采后品质。

    It was shown that the quality of iceberg lettuce was significantly improved by treatment with GA.

  8. 大白菜结球期叶片中EST和基因表达分析

    ESTs and gene expression analysis of heading leaf of Chinese Cabbage

  9. 本文探讨了烧结球团过程多媒体CAI软件系统的设计与开发。

    In this paper , the design and developing techniques of muti-media CAI software system were approached .

  10. 应用RAPD标记鉴定结球甘蓝品种

    Dentification of Cabbage Cultivars with RAPD Markers

  11. 抗氧化酶和AsA分解酶也表现出类似的趋势以保护不结球白菜减少氧化胁迫。

    Antioxidant enzymes and AsA reduced enzymes have the same trends .

  12. 结球甘蓝相对于大白菜的连锁群特异SSR标记建立

    Establishment of Specific SSR from Different Linkage Groups of Cabbage Compared with Chinese Cabbage

  13. 不结球白菜SSR引物的高效开发及其通用性研究

    Development of SSR Primers of Non-heading Chinese Cabbage and Transferability among Closely Related Species

  14. CryIA(c)转基因结球甘蓝的抗虫性研究

    Inheritance and Resistance to Insect in CryIA ( c ) Transgenic Cabbage

  15. 结球甘蓝细胞质雄性不育(CMS)类型的分子鉴定

    Molecular Identification of the Cytoplasmic Male Sterile ( CMS ) Type in Common Head Cabbage

  16. 大白菜-结球甘蓝双单体异附加系的SSR鉴定及其特性

    Identification of Chinese Cabbage-Cabbage Double Alien Monosomic Addition Line by SSR and Studies on Its Characters

  17. 结果表明,Cu处理后,不结球白菜AsA含量上升,且高于对照。

    The result showed that the AsA content was increased significantly after Cu treatment and higher than the control .

  18. 采后结球蔬菜过氧化物酶和IAA-氧化酶的研究

    Peroxidase and IAA-OXIDASE of Postharvest headed vegetables

  19. 4种浓度的植物生长素处理苗期的结球白菜反义BcpLH基因转化株后发现,IAA处理的转化株叶色变淡,叶片外卷。

    The leaves of transgenic seedlings treated with four concentrations of IAA exhibit yellow-green and revolute .

  20. 植物激素与不结球白菜波里马胞质雄性不育系(PolCMS)育性的关系

    Relationship of plant hormone and fertility of Pol CMS in non heading Chinese Cabbage

  21. 不结球白菜CMS新种质细胞学及生理生化特性研究

    Study on Cytomorphology and Characteristics of Physiology and Biochemistry in the New CMS Line of Non-heading Chinese Cabbage

  22. 在高温和盐胁迫下,不结球白菜在芽苗生长至第3d时对胁迫的响应最积极。

    In the high temperature and salt stress condition , the non-heading Chinese cabbage have the most positive response to stress on the third day during the seedling growth . 4 .

  23. 该图谱是国内第一张结球白菜分子遗传图谱,将为基因定位、比较基因组学和重要农艺性状的QTL定位等研究打下良好基础。

    The molecular genetic map is fundamental for gene localization , comparative genomics , and QTL mapping of agronomically important traits .

  24. 菌肥A1对结球甘蓝(BrassicaoleraceaVar.capitata)的肥效及土壤微生物的影响

    Effects of microbial fertilizer A1 on Cabbage ( Brassica oleracea var. capitata ) and on soil microorganisms numbers

  25. 本研究定位的不结球白菜Vc性状的QTL是首次报道,这将为不结球白菜Vc性状分子标记辅助选择育种奠定基础。

    This QTL in non-heading Chinese cabbage were first report , This result is fundamentals for molecular assisted selection of quality-related traits in non-heading Chinese cabbage breeding .

  26. 这些定位到的QTL将为不结球白菜产量等性状的分子标记辅助选择提供理论基础。

    These mapped QTL could be used to marker assisted selection programme for the yield trait in non-heading Chinese cabbage in the future .

  27. 内源激素含量测定结果表明:不结球白菜Pol胞质雄性不育与IAA、GA的高含量及ABA的低含量呈正相关。

    The results showed that the male sterility is correlated with its inner higher content of IAA and GA and lower content of ABA .

  28. 不同倍性不结球白菜PolCMS及保持系生理生化特性比较

    Comparison on Physiological and Biochemical Properties of Pol CMS Lines and Their Maintainer Lines in Different Ploid Materials of Non-Heading Chinese Cabbage

  29. 不结球白菜遗传图谱的构建及重要农艺性状的QTL定位将为其遗传育种及分子标记辅助选择提供有益的参考。

    Construction of genetic map and QTL mapping will provide an available reference to genetic breeding and molecular marker assisted selection in non-heading Chinese cabbage .

  30. 种子的老化显著降低植株叶片中Vc、可溶性糖和可溶性糖含量,增加硝酸盐含量,降低了不结球白菜的营养品质。

    The contents of Vc , soluble sugar and soluble sugar in non-heading Chinese cabbage leaves reduced while the nitrate content increased , seed aging significantly reduced the nutritional quality of non-heading Chinese cabbage .