
  • 网络Absolute;absoluteness;absolutity
  1. 关于相对运动时钟的相对性和绝对性

    On the Relative Nature and Absolute Nature of Relative Movement Clock

  2. 绝对性和相对性是相对真理所具有的两种属性。

    Absolute and relativity are two attributes of relative truth .

  3. 然而,由于腹腔镜下手术动作轴向的相对性受限和手术操作空间的绝对性狭小,限制了LUS探头对某些方位上超声窗的利用。

    Nevertheless , in a limited space under laparoscope , some sonic windows on some aspects cannot be utilized .

  4. 但印度总理辛格(ManmohanSingh)领导的政府,在去年的选举中因国大党(Congressparty)获得绝对性胜利而上台。辛格政府正将基建作为优先考虑事宜,特别是把道路建设作为重点关注。

    But the government of Prime Minister Manmohan Singh , empowered by a decisive victory for his Congress party in elections last year , is making infrastructure a priority , with roads a particular focus of attention .

  5. 总之,任何事物都没有绝对性。

    There is , in short , no absoluteness in anything .

  6. 道德具有自律性、他律性、绝对性、相对性及稳定性。

    Morality possesses autonomy , heteronomy , absoluteness , relativity and stability .

  7. 世界是物质的,物质不停地运动,运动具有绝对性。

    The entire world is made of material in absolute sport state .

  8. 生态价值超越多元的价值观而具有全球性和绝对性。

    Ecological morality is of global and absolute beyond plural value views .

  9. 第二部分是本文的理论部分,主要介绍了绝对性评价的基本理论。

    Part 2 is about the theory of criterion - referenced assessment .

  10. 《大日本帝国宪法》赋予了裕仁皇权的绝对性。

    The Constitution of Great Japanese Empire has bestowed Hirohito absolute power .

  11. 试析社会发展代价的绝对性与相对性

    Analysis on the relativity and absoluteness of the cost of social development

  12. 它是绝对性与相对性的统一,是客观性与主观性的统一,是人们对历史必然性的一种表述形式。

    It unified absolutization and relativism , subjectivity and objectivity .

  13. 割裂了真理的相对性和绝对性的辩证关系;

    His cutting apart the dialectical relation between absoluteness and relativity of truth ;

  14. 讲求机械化训练的普遍性和追求效率的绝对性;

    Emphasizing on the universality of mechanical training and the absoluteness of efficiency-seeking ;

  15. 对知识的绝对性不信任。

    The disbelief in any claims of ultimate knowledge .

  16. 讨论了司法公正的相对性和绝对性;

    The relativity and absolutism of judicial justice discussed .

  17. 自由意志作为道德应该的标准有其绝对性的一面,同时又具有历史性。

    Free Will as a standard of Moral Ought is absolute and relative .

  18. 主权的绝对性和相对性不是相悖的,而是辩证统一的。

    Absolute sovereignty and relative sovereignty are not opposite , but dialectical unity .

  19. 建立绝对性对话的世界&巴赫金对话主义读解

    On Bakhtin 's Concept : to Construct an " Absolute Dialogue " World

  20. 绝对性评价在小学数学教学中的开发与应用研究

    The Development and Utilization of Absolute Evaluation in Math Teaching of Elementary School

  21. 事情的绝对性是不可以动摇的。

    No mortal being can influence the absolute .

  22. 而科学技术的发展具有绝对性;

    The development of science technology has absoluteness .

  23. 论意志自由的绝对性

    On the Absoluteness of the Freedom of Will

  24. 文学翻译标准的相对性与绝对性

    On the Relativity and Absolutism in Literary Translation

  25. 生产力标准的绝对性、相对性与科学发展观

    On the Absoluteness and Relativity of the Standard of Productivity and the Scientific Development Outlook

  26. 从翻译的三个认知域论翻译的绝对性与相对性

    A Probe into the Absoluteness and Relativity of Translation from the Three Domains in Translation

  27. 在理论界,关于真理的绝对性与相对性问题争论的焦点在于绝对真理的存在形式上:有的既承认有具体的绝对真理,又承认无数相对真理总和构成的绝对真理;

    In theory , the absoluteness and relativity of the truth focus on the form .

  28. 否定了力的绝对性。

    The absolutization of force was negated .

  29. 技术异化尽管是相对特定人群而言的,但却具有绝对性和永恒性。

    Although technical alienation is aimed at special group , it is absolute and perpetual .

  30. 公正的绝对性和相对性。

    Absoluteness and relativeness of fairness .