
jì fù
  • stepfather;step-parent
继父 [jì fù]
  • [stepfather] 生母再婚后的丈夫

继父[jì fù]
  1. 他的继父经营着一家生意红火的涂料公司。

    His stepfather ran a prosperous paint business

  2. 那个不幸的男孩常遭继父殴打。

    The poor boy is usually knocked around by his stepfather .

  3. 之后母亲改嫁,他随了继父的姓氏。

    His mother remarried and he took his stepfather ’ s name .

  4. (美国第38任总统,1974-1976年在任)生于1913年的他本名LeslieL.King,Jr.,因为目前离异再婚,他被继父收养,改名为GeraldR.Ford。

    Bornin 1913 as Leslie L. King , Jr. , his mother divorced and remarried.His stepfather informally adopted him , renaming him Gerald R.Ford 。

  5. 2.eventuallyadv.终于,最后他恨他的继父,最终从家中逃走了。

    He hated his stepfather and eventually ran away from home .

  6. 从八岁开始,他在Connecticut由母亲和继父抚养,但在军校放在生父那里度假。

    From the age of eight he was raised in Connecticut by his mother and a stepfather , but spent time with his father during vacations from military school .

  7. 日前,“格莱美奖”得主、流行歌手贾斯汀·汀布莱克在《GQ》杂志评选出的“全美十大型男”中拔得头筹,他称自己的衣着品味得益于身为银行家的继父。

    Grammy-winning pop singer Justin Timberlake has topped GQ magazine 's list of the " 10 most Stylish Men in America , " and gives his banker stepfather the credit for his dress sense .

  8. 《绯闻女孩》最后一季现在正在纽约紧张拍摄中。所有迹象都表明,Chuck和Blair会在Blair继父Cyrus主持下,举行一个简短的结婚仪式。

    Gossip Girl is currently filming its series finale in NYC , and all signs point to Chuck and Blair getting married in a quickie ceremony performed by her diminutive stepfather , Cyrus ( Wallace Shawn , who will guest star in the finale ) .

  9. 不像上一季布莱尔的王室婚礼,这件事看起来并不像一件大事-唯一的见证人是Chuck的叔叔杰克,布莱尔的继父赛勒斯,瑟瑞娜、丹、内特……奇怪的是,布莱尔憎恨的乔治娜也在场。

    And unlike Blair 's royal wedding last season , this affair doesn 't seem to be a big event - the only witnesses are Chuck 's uncle Jack , Blair 's stepfather Cyrus , Serena , Dan , Nate ... and , oddly enough , Georgina , who Blair hates .

  10. 贾斯汀在《GQ》三月号中称,他的时尚品味受到继父保罗·哈利斯的影响。身为银行家的保罗·哈利斯每晚都会选好第二天要穿的衣服,然后“穿得像电影《美国舞男》中的理查·基尔一样”去上班。

    Timberlake said in the March issue of GQ that he got his sense of style from his stepfather , Paul Harless , a banker who laid out his suit for the next morning every night and went to work looking " like Richard Gere in American Gigolo . "

  11. 贾斯汀在《GQ》三月号中称,他的时尚品味受到继父保罗•哈利斯的影响。身为银行家的保罗•哈利斯每晚都要选好第二天早上要穿的衣服,然后“穿得像电影《美国舞男》中的理查•基尔一样”去上班。

    Timberlake said in the March issue of GQ that he got his sense of style from his stepfather , Paul Harless , a banker who laid out his suit for the next morning every night and went to work looking " like Richard Gere in ( American ) Gigolo . "

  12. 虽然继父死后她再也没说过。

    Even though she never said that again after he died .

  13. 他的继父以前常用铁棒打他。

    His stepfather used to beat him with an iron bar .

  14. 你和你那个继父的事儿吗?

    About the stuff that happened between you and your stepdad ?

  15. 我已经给你继父写了信。她回答。

    ' I 've written to your stepfather ,' she replied .

  16. 这里的生活非常艰苦。她的继父告诉我们。

    Life here is very tough , her step-father tells me .

  17. 孩子们和他们的母亲及继父一起度过了假日。

    The children spent the holiday with their mother and stepfather .

  18. 孩子们与他们的母亲和继父一起度假。

    The children spent their holidays with their mother and stepfather .

  19. 乔伊的继父因不付罚金而被捕入狱。

    Joy 's stepfather was in prison for non-payment of fines .

  20. 我的继父要挟我和我妈一起生活。

    My stepfather blackmailed me into living with my mom .

  21. 我把它给我继父和母亲了。

    I give it to my stepfather and my mother .

  22. 她小的时候,她妈给她找了继父。

    She has had a stepfather since she was young .

  23. 丹尼不是我真实的父亲。他是我的继父。

    Danny is not my real father . He is my stepfather .

  24. 该土地大部分在她已故的继父名下。

    Much of the land is the name of her dead father-in-law .

  25. 我要求了你做我的继父。

    I know I asked you to be my stepdad .

  26. 我的继父补充说,她只要周末才喝酒。

    My step-dad said she only drinks on the weekend .

  27. 沙莉的继父把她送到她爷爷奶奶那去了。

    Charlene 's stepdad sent her away to live with her grandparents .

  28. 他们在单亲家庭里长大或是继父继母带大的。

    They grew up in one-parent families or with stepmothers and stepfathers .

  29. 他有没有看到他的继父在接受审讯?

    Did he or did he not see his stepfather in interrogation ?

  30. 你继父提出异议是为你好。

    Your stepfather 's challenge is for your own good .