
  • 网络Jomon
  1. 中国上古审美文化对日本绳文时代的影响

    The Influence of Ancient China 's Aesthetic Culture on the Rope Culture Era in Japan

  2. 日本绳文时代出土的陶器上就有纹样出现,随着宫廷贵族和武士的大量使用,纹样渐变为家徽并传承至今。

    With the wide use of heraldries by the royal peers and warriors , heraldries gradually became the family heraldry till now .

  3. 从中国和日本考古文物、古代文献、古史传说来看,中国上古审美文化对日本绳文时代审美文化曾产生重大影响。

    Comparing the cultural relics , ancient documents and historical legends between China and Japan , we can know that Chinese aesthetic culture in remote ages had a great influence on Japanese aesthetic culture in Rope Patterns Age .