
  • 网络Maintenance program;MaintainX.X.X.exe;maintenance procedure
  1. 你们是否建立了预防性的维护程序?

    Do you have an established preventive maintenance program ?

  2. 系统带增补与维护程序

    System tape addition and maintenance program

  3. 这个实现不仅需要对维护程序添加新的功能,也需要所有服务实现设计支持“探寻(ping)”。

    Such an implementation requires not only additional functionality incorporated into maintenance application , but also " ping " support designed from ground up in services implementations .

  4. 如果一个团队要建模、实现、开发或者维护程序时,那么Reconciled协议将会变得十分有用。

    The Reconciled protocol becomes especially useful if different teams model , implement , develop , or maintain the application .

  5. 维护程序必须进行编码、测试,然后运行。

    Maintenance programs must be coded , tested , and then run .

  6. 内部构件容易拆卸,适用于常规检测和维护程序下进行现场更换。

    Internals easily removed for field replacement under normal inspections and maintenance procedures .

  7. 现设计了系统的总体框架、知识库、神经网络推理机、解释程序及数据库维护程序,完成了初步的系统外壳,并进行了测试和实验,证明了系统的有效性和合理性。

    Designed the whole frame of the system .

  8. 未建立并遵守适当的书面设备清洗和维护程序。

    Failure to establish and follow adequate written procedures for equipment cleaning and maintenance .

  9. 系统带增补与维护程序建筑基坑支护技术规程

    System tape addition and maintenance program Technical specification for retaining and protection of building foundation excavations

  10. 一旦完成了这个工作,把验证服务的功能加入到注册中心维护程序就很直接了。

    Once this is done , incorporation of service verification functionality into registry maintenance application is fairly straightforward .

  11. 设置了故障告警和保护电路以及维护程序,提高了系统的智能型和可靠性。

    Having good fault-alarm , protection circuit and maintenance program , enhance the intelligence and reliability of system .

  12. 维护程序安定和司法权威性,减少诉讼成本。

    Maintaining the procedure stability and protect the authority of justice , reducing the costs of the lawsuit .

  13. 如同以上所讲,维护程序是用来简化服务信息的创建和修改。

    As we have mentioned above the role of maintenance application is to simplify creation and modification of services information .

  14. 有责任向工程部经理助理提出可使运营和维护程序更加经济的新政策和程序的建议。

    Recommends to the Assistant Chief Engineer , new policies and procedures for a more economical operation and maintenance program .

  15. 反兴奋剂司法中,“程序正义与实质正义”的取舍中,优先维护程序正义;

    In anti-doping jurisdiction , the selection of procedural justice and substantial justice , should give priority to procedural justice .

  16. 女法官的语言富有感情、具有亲和力,她们更注重用语的规范,表达更准确,能够正确使用程序语言来维护程序正义。

    The female judges are more emotional and friendly . They prefer to use the specification language to defend the procedural justice .

  17. 多数原则以维护程序正义为限度,是因为程序具有限制多数保护少数的功能;

    Secondly , majority principles should maintain the procedure justice , because the procedure is able to restain the majority from injuring the few .

  18. 软件的设计包括单片机控制程序、工业单板机的系统守护进程、切换程序、系统维护程序等。

    The control programs on SCM and daemon programs , switch programs and system maintenance programs on SBC and so on are included in software design .

  19. 例如,如果一个大表的大部分行必须更新,那么维护程序通常是解决方案。

    For example , when a huge percentage of the rows in a large table must be updated , a maintenance program is often the solution .

  20. 当审查现有维护程序或考虑编写新的维护程序时,请务必停下来考虑实用程序是否可以处理问题。

    When examining existing maintenance programs or considering writing new maintenance programs , do stop and consider whether a utility might just take care of the problem .

  21. 发现故障趋势或维护程序修改时,须发布服务通告并相应地更新相关数据库和文件。

    When failure trends or changes to maintenance procedures are identified , service bulletins will be issued , and the appropriate database and documentation will be updated accordingly .

  22. 在组织结构上由数据库系统、知识库系统、模型系统、推理机、人机界面及系统的维护程序等部分组成。

    There are database system , knowledge library system , model system , inducing equipment , man-machine contact surface and system servicing procedure and so on in structure .

  23. 从维护程序稳定的角度看,权利自认只有具备较强的约束力才能防止诉讼不公和诉讼迂回。

    From the standpoint of maintaining stability of the procedure , in order to avoid unfairness and bypass of litigation , the effectiveness of confession should have a strong restriction .

  24. 设置合理的非法证据排除规则,应当充分兼顾有效证明与维护程序正当性二者的内在价值,以利实体公正与程序公正二者尽可能共同实现。

    During the establishment of such regulations , due attention should be paid to the inherent values of valid testimony and the protection of procedural righteousness for the realization of both entity righteousness and procedural righteousness .

  25. 民事检察监督权对审判权的有效制约,能够预防、发现和纠正民事审判活动及诉讼过程中的各种违法现象,维护程序公正,以实现实质正义。

    Effective restriction of civil procuratorial supervision to jurisdiction could be able to prevent , detect and correct various violations in the civil trial activities and litigation processes , maintain the procedural fairness , and achieve real justice .

  26. 在民事证据法领域,这一制度的确立对民事纠纷的解决起到了积极的作用,对于实现实体正义,维护程序正义,推动民事审判方式的改革都有重大的价值。

    In the realm of the civil evidence law , it plays an active part in settling civil dispute and has great value in realizing substantial justice , maintaining procedural justice , impelling the reform of civil trial fashion .

  27. 和其它行政执法活动一样,水法法规也必须维护程序正义,而这一正义的维护必须强化专业执法队伍和坚持平衡公正与效率。

    Like other administrative execution of the law , regulations of the law of water must maintain procedural justice , and the maintenance of such justice requires us to reinforce the training of professional personnel of execution of the law and to insist balanced justice and efficiency .

  28. 庭前审查程序不但为刑事案件开庭审理做好准备,而且很大程度上影响诉讼进程,对诉讼结局产生重大影响,对刑事诉讼的顺利进行和维护程序正义都具有极为重要的意义。

    The pretrial review procedure not only as a criminal trial ready , but largely influence the process of litigation , the litigation outcomes produces major effect , for the smooth progress of the criminal proceedings and the maintenance of the justice of the procedure has important significance .

  29. 行政相对人的程序性权利不仅有保护相对人实体性权利实现的外在工具主义价值,同时有尊重相对人人格尊严、保障相对人平等地位、维护程序正义等独立价值。

    Procedural rights of private parties not only have the outside instrumentalism value of protecting substantial rights of private parties to be reality , but also have independent values of respecting the dignity of private parties and protecting the equal status of private parties and defending procedural justice .

  30. 模型(model)是主要的组件,它维护应用程序呈现出的状态和数据模型。

    The model is the main component that maintains the state and data model that the application represents .