
  • 网络Vestas;Vestas Wind Systems
  1. 西门子的竞争对手阿海珐(ArevaSA)和维斯塔斯(VestasA/S)已经有8兆瓦的产品了。

    Rivals Areva SA and Vestas A / S already offer 8 MW units .

  2. 另外一家则是丹麦的维斯塔斯(Vestas)。

    ( Vestas of Denmark is the other . )

  3. 根据商业咨询公司富事高商务咨询(FTIConsulting)的数据,在香港上市的金风科技(Goldwind)2015年风电装机总容量超过了长期以来的市场领导者——丹麦公司维斯塔斯(Vestas)和通用电气(GeneralElectric)。

    Hong Kong-listed Goldwind installed so much turbine capacity in 2015 that it overtook the long-time market leader , Denmark 's Vestas , as well as General Electric , according to FTI Consulting , a business advisory firm .

  4. 这使中国产生了这一领域的冠军企业,与维斯塔斯(Vestas)这样的业内巨头展开竞争;维斯塔斯的股价自2008年来下跌了近90%。

    That has created Chinese champions in those sectors , boosting competition with incumbents such as Vestas ; its share price has fallen nearly 90 per cent since 2008 .

  5. 11月末石油输出国组织(Opec,简称欧佩克)决定不减产后,丹麦维斯塔斯公司(Vestas)的股价应声暴跌——目前跌幅仍达11%,明显逊于整体股市表现。维斯塔斯是全球最大的风力涡轮发电机供应商。

    Shares in Denmark 's Vestas , the world 's largest wind turbine supplier , dived after the oil producers " cartel Opec decided not to cut production in late November and prices are still down 11 per cent , noticeably below the broader market .

  6. 维斯塔斯正试图解决这一问题。

    Vestas is trying to work around that .

  7. 该收购协议一旦达成,将给分列第二、第三大风机制造商的维斯塔斯和通用电气带来更多压力。

    If sealed , that deal would add pressure on Vestas and GE , ranked numbers two and three , respectively .

  8. 维斯塔斯还通过自己的部分中国工厂为亚洲其它市场服务,以此从降低要素成本中获益。

    Vestas also serves other markets in Asia from some of its Chinese plants , thus profiting from the lower component cost .

  9. 2007年,维斯塔斯的全球市场份额为27%,较几年前逾30%的比重有所下降。

    Vestas ' global market share stood at 27 per cent in 2007 , down from well over 30 per cent a few years ago .

  10. 维斯塔斯去年11月份警告称,尽管2010年的业绩肯定要超出预期水平,但2011年的收入与利润可能会持平。

    Vestas warned in November that , while 2010 was set to finish stronger than previously expected , revenues and profits were likely to be flat this year .

  11. 维斯塔斯投入了巨额资金,在美国与中国兴建生产厂,以扩大自身的地理覆盖面。但去年,该公司仍有大约半数的订单依赖欧洲。

    Vestas has invested heavily in US and Chinese production facilities in a bid to broaden its geographic reach but remained dependent on Europe for about half its orders last year .

  12. 维斯塔斯的规划是基于这样的假设:美国市场陷入低迷,导致其明年全球产量下跌大约20%。

    Vestas ' planning is based on the assumption that a slump in the US market will contribute to a fall of about 20 per cent in its worldwide production next year .

  13. 在位于呼和浩特的新工厂,维斯塔斯计划针对内蒙古风力强度稳定在低至中级的情况,制造一种尺寸较小但叶片较大的涡轮机。

    At its new plant in Hohhot , Vestas plans to make a smaller turbine with bigger blades , a machine tailored to the steady low to medium-strength winds that occur in Inner Mongolia .

  14. 金融危机对全球各个经济领域的影响仍在继续“深入”,但这并没有影响世界风电巨头维斯塔斯对中国的投资热情。

    " Vestas will continue to expand its investment in China which will reach RMB3 billion yuan this year . " The financial crisis does not hit this wind power giant 's investment enthusiasm in China .

  15. 增长放缓有助于人们理解维斯塔斯最近做出的决定:关闭在成本高昂的祖国丹麦的4家生产工厂及瑞典的一家工厂,并裁员3000人(约占其员工总数的13%)。

    The slowdown helps explain the recent decision by Vestas to cut 3,000 jobs – about 13 per cent of its workforce – with the closure of four production facilities in its high-cost home country of Denmark and another in Sweden .