
  • 网络Waitrose
  1. 决非巧合的是,维特罗斯是JohnLewisPartnership的子公司,后者的员工就是所有者因此,这里参与讨价还价的只有两方,而不是三方。

    It is surely no coincidence that Waitrose is part of the John Lewis Partnership , where the owners are also the staff so there are only two elements in the bargain , rather than three .

  2. 阿斯达(Asda)、莫里森(Morrisons)和维特罗斯(Waitrose)都称自己从来没有用运食物的车运过垃圾。

    Asda , Morrisons and Waitrose all said they never transport general waste in their food lorries .

  3. 《维特罗斯(Waitrose)食品和饮料报告》显示,蛋奶冻夹心饼干在约克郡(Yorkshire)的人气无人能敌,而在兰开夏郡(Lancs)、牛津郡和剑桥郡,巧克力消化饼干才是王道。

    Custard creams are king in Yorkshire , says the Waitrose Food and Drink report , while chocolate digestives rule in Lancs , Oxford and Cambridge .

  4. 最后,卡米拉在维特罗斯超市查尔斯王子的有机食品品牌“公爵原作”区买了满满一篮子的食品杂货,消费28.49英镑。

    Finally , Camilla shelled out28.49 pounds for a basketful of groceries from her husband 's Duchy Originals brand .

  5. 不过343家维特罗斯连锁店的数据显示:如果让孩子们购物的话,我们吃到的估计都是果酱夹心饼干。

    But if children did the shopping , we 'd all be eating Jammie Dodgers , according to data from 343 Waitrose stores .

  6. 维特罗斯表示:“这个国家泡饼干的习惯导致了惊人的结果。你选择的饼干绝对可以和你居住的地区联系起来。”

    Waitrose said : " The nation 's dunking habits produced surprising results . Choice of biscuit could definitely be linked to your postcode . "

  7. 霍普金斯女士则是一位维特罗斯奶酪和熟食专家,她说羊驼是完美的牧人,会把羊羔当做自己的种群来保护。

    Ms Hopkins , a Waitrose cheese and deli specialist , said the alpacas were perfect shepherds , protecting the young lambs as if part of their flock .