
  1. 狐的能量、蛋白质需要量及其饲料配制技术的综合研究报告

    Requirement of Energy , Protein and Feed Formulation Techniques in Fox

  2. 吉林省水稻高产稳产规范化栽培技术综合研究报告

    Report on studies of standardized cultural technique for rice high-stable yield ( sctrhy ) in Jilin

  3. 广汉县农业现代化科学实验基地综合研究报告

    Report of the comprehensive research on the science experimental base for the agriculture modernization in Guanghan County

  4. 黄瓜霜霉病无公害综合防治技术研究报告

    Research on cucumber downy mildew nuisance free integrated control technique

  5. 老年性眼底病变综合研究的临床报告

    Clinical report on comprehensive study with senile ocular fundus

  6. 本文是大跨度上承吊桥研究的一项综合性试验研究报告。

    This paper is a comprehensive test research report on big span upside suspension bridges .

  7. 沿海防护林木麻黄病虫害综合控制技术研究报告&木麻黄抗病、抗虫优良品系筛选

    Study on integrated control techniques of pests and diseases of Casuarina forest in coastal selection of Casuarina clones resistant to pests and diseases

  8. 《思想政治教育专业培养目标和课程体系的综合改革》项目研究报告

    Study Report on Reform of Nurture Target Course System About Ideological and Political Education Major

  9. 金黄色葡萄球菌L-型毒素休克综合征&1例研究报告与文献复习

    Toxic shock syndrome caused by staphylococcus aureus : studies on a fatal case and review of literatures