
  • 网络green procurement;Green Purchase;green purchasing
  1. 所以,对绿色采购的需求也更加迫切。

    Therefore , the need for green procurement is more demanding .

  2. 论我国制造企业实施绿色采购的意义及途径

    The Importance and Ways for China Manufacture Build Green Procurement System

  3. 利用两状态、时间离散的Markov链描述了CS的动态转移过程,以赋值形式引入利润变量,建立了ESC绿色采购决策的随机优化模型,体现了顾客导向的思想;

    With a two-status and time-discrete Markov chain , the dynamic transform process of CS is described . The profit variable is introduced in the form of evaluating to form a stochastic optimization model of environmental purchasing in ESC , which reflects the customer-oriented ideology .

  4. 我国政府绿色采购制度的法律问题研究

    Search on the Legal Issues of Chinese Government Green Purchase System

  5. 建立绿色采购标准,发布绿色采购清单;

    Establishing the green purchase standards and publishing the green purchase lists ;

  6. 政府绿色采购的国际经验与借鉴

    Foreign Experience of Government Green Purchase System and its Reference for China

  7. 绿色采购下供应商的政策一致性

    Dynamic Consistence of Supplier 's Policy in Green Supply Chain

  8. 陶瓷原材料市场绿色采购的信号传递博弈研究

    The signal game research of environmental purchasing in ceramic raw materials market

  9. 企业绿色采购对财务绩效的影响

    The Effect of Enterprises ' Green Purchasing on Financial Performance

  10. 推进建设工程项目绿色采购的对策建议

    Countermeasures and Recommendations for Developing China 's Green Purchasing of Engineering Construction Projects

  11. 政府在绿色采购中所起到的作用是政府环境管理在采购领域的体现。

    The function of government in green purchase is embodiment of environment management .

  12. 建立政府绿色采购制度促进循环经济发展

    Building Government Green Purchase System to Advance Circular Economy

  13. 企业绿色采购影响研究

    Study on the Effect of Enterprises ' Green Purchasing

  14. 从经济学视角分析绿色采购中政府补贴的作用

    The Role of Governmental Subsidy in Green Purchase

  15. 绿色采购:不能忘记市场之手

    Green Procurement should not Forget the Market Factor

  16. 与一般采购流程相比,绿色采购流程多了环境友好的控制环节。

    Compared to common purchasing procedure , green procurement includes the environment-friendly control process .

  17. 通过经济手段,扶植绿色采购发展。

    Fostering the development of the green purchase by the means of economic measures .

  18. 这些方法包括绿色采购、绿色制造、绿色营销和逆向物流。

    The method contains green purchase , green manufacture , green marketing and reverse logistics .

  19. 基于绿色采购模式下的供应商选择

    The Supplier Selection Based on Green Purchasing

  20. 研究表明:绿色采购实践可以提高企业的环境绩效。

    The previous researches indicated that green purchasing practices can improve enterprises ' environmental performance .

  21. 供应商的选择是绿色采购的核心内容,也是绿色采购实施的首要环节,通过供应商评价指标的设计可以进一步反映出企业绿色采购实践的水平。

    The implementation level of green purchasing practices can be evaluated through supplier selection indices .

  22. 对建立政府绿色采购制度的思考

    Thinking about Establishing Governmental Green Purchasing System

  23. 以前,消费者也曾热心于绿色采购和节约能源,但结果都不了了之。

    Consumers have been through enthusiasms for green purchasing and energy saving before that fizzled out .

  24. 随后,文章对欧盟政府绿色采购制度中的若干法律问题进行了集中的探讨。

    Secondly , it makes a deeply discussion of legal issues of green government procurement in EU .

  25. 最后,分析总结美国政府绿色采购的具体方法与措施。

    Finally the article summarizes the specific methods and measures of the U. S. green government procurement .

  26. 实施绿色采购也是企业获得政府采购订单的前提。

    At the same time , green procurement is an essential prerequisite for company to obtain government orders .

  27. 政府绿色采购作为适应可持续发展趋势的&项重大措施受到了人们越来越多的关注。

    As an important measure of sustainable development strategy , green government procurement has been gaining more and more attention .

  28. 而供应商的选择是实现绿色采购的第一步,也是最关键的一步。

    Suppliers ' selection is the first step in achieving green purchasing , and it is the most critical step .

  29. 绿色采购的实施能够显著降低污染物的排放,有助于提升员工满意度。

    The implementation of green procurement policies and standards can reduce pollutants , and emissions , and raise employee satisfaction .

  30. 政府绿色采购制度是近年国际组织和世界各国在政府采购领域的焦点问题。

    In recent years , the issue of green government procurement has drawn a great attention amongst international organizations and countries .