
fénɡ zhēn
  • sewing needle
  1. 针织物缝针穿刺阻力的分析和实验探讨

    Theoretical and experimental analysis of sewing needle penetration force on knitted fabrics

  2. 不同面料所用的缝针由服装厂的技师根据经验选择并通过实际缝制实验验证。

    The size of sewing needle for each kind of apparel fabrics was chosen by the experienced technicians in a garment factory and sewing experiment was conducted for confirming its correctness .

  3. 缝针支托法在深层角膜异物取出术的应用

    Needle supporting for removal of the deep layer corneal foreign body

  4. 手缝针:由粗到细编号。

    Hand Sewing Needles : sized from coarse to very fine .

  5. 钝头缝针引线支撑泪小管断裂吻合术

    Threading a needle of lacrimal ductile break anastomosis by blunt end

  6. 五号房的孩子需要缝针,头部撕裂,伤口四厘米。

    And the kid in five needs stitches - 4-centimeter head laceration .

  7. 很严重?我是说,要缝针吗?

    Is it bad ? I mean , do you need stitches ?

  8. 家具装饰缝针,手用,钢制

    Upholstery needle for use in the hand of stee

  9. 中号针用来缝制永久性的手缝针迹。

    Medium needles are used for permanent hand stitching .

  10. 在缝针这位是内特

    Getting stitches . Um , this is Nate ,

  11. 选用适当的缝针与针板孔的配比关系;

    Giving coordination of needle and sewing board hole ;

  12. 噢,宝贝,你得缝针了。

    Stephanie : Oh , honey , you 're going to need stitches .

  13. 这次缝针的时候小心一点。

    Be careful about the stitches this time .

  14. 如果不缝针的话,她会流血而死的。

    If he doesn 't sew up her wound , she might bleed to death .

  15. 用径向技术测量了缝合预制件的渗透率,研究了缝针型号、缝合参数对渗透率的影响。

    The influences of the sewing needle and stitching parameters on the permeability were studied .

  16. 改良组发现缝针遗失1例,其余为0例。

    However , there were only 1 case with suture needle missing in improvement group .

  17. 聚氯乙烯消雾型无滴膜的研制热缩膜肌理纹样成型效果与绣缝针距的关系

    The research of PVC anti-fog films Influences of Stitches on Patterns Formed by PVC Films

  18. 我还记得呕吐,血,和产后缝针。

    I remember the s - , the vomit , the blood , the stitches .

  19. 在机缝线迹不能达到要求的地方,用于永久线迹的手缝针迹是必需的。

    Hand stitches are used where permanent stitches are necessary but machine stitching is not desirable .

  20. 不论是羔羊或是狮子,他的伤口必须立刻清洗缝针不然会化脓的.

    lamb or lion , his wound must be washed and sewn or it will fester .

  21. 这条裙子是手工缝制的。家具装饰缝针,手用,钢制

    This dress is sewn by hand . upholstery needle for use in the hand of stee

  22. [砂纸]粒度号数,粗细手缝针:由粗到细编号。

    Grit size , grit number Hand Sewing Needles : sized from coarse to very fine .

  23. 那只是为了麻醉你的皮肤,你就不会有被缝针的感觉了。

    Doctor : It 's just to numb your skin so you won 't feel the stitches .

  24. 大针眼缝针,钢或铁制

    Bodkin of iron or steel

  25. 同样,公司投入大量时间和精力,在中国制造的大量产品中寻找缝针。

    Similarly the company invests a lot of time and effort in finding needles in Chinese haystacks .

  26. 除可任意使用的物品外,不可采用钉书钉或缝针固定的板条箱和纸板箱。

    Stapled or " stitched-nailed " crates or cartons should not be used except for disposable goods .

  27. 用粗针把缎带缝在帽上手缝针:由粗到细编号。

    Tack a ribbon on to a hat Hand Sewing Needles : sized from coarse to very fine .

  28. 这不是割伤是刺伤你要缝针

    It 's not a cut , it 's a stab wound . You need to get stitches .

  29. 方法显微镜下采用缝针支托法取出深层角膜异物28例28眼。

    Methods 28 cases ( 28 eyes ) with the deep layer corneal foreign body were treated with operation .

  30. “带它去看看兽医,乔治。”她说。“可能它需要被缝针。

    ' Take him to the vet , George , 'she said . 'Perhaps it ought to be stitched .