
chán zú
  • foot-binding
缠足 [chán zú]
  • [foot-binding] 把女孩子的脚用长布条紧紧缠住,使脚畸形变小,以为美观,这是旧时的陋俗

缠足[chán zú]
  1. 出现在中国五代时期的妇女缠足(foot-binding),虽然最初是宫廷舞女为了方便跳舞而采用的一种行为,但由于有人认为脚裹起来更好看,所有很多人就开始效仿起来。

    The practice of foot-binding for women appeared in the Five Dynasties , but in the beginning , it was only adopted by the court dancers for convenience while dancing . Since people thought the foot-binding made womens feet look more beautiful , many females rushed to follow suit .

  2. 基督教与近代中国的反缠足运动&以福建为中心

    Christianity and the Movements against Foot-binding in Modern China

  3. 古代日本人一出生就缠足的习俗。

    The ancient Japanese practice of binding the feet from birth .

  4. 这种缠足传统延续了一个千禧年。

    The ' lotus feet ' tradition lasted through a millennium .

  5. 正常人足与缠足的应力分析和比较

    On Stress Analysis and Comparison of the Normal Foot and the Bound-Foot

  6. 清季官绅对不缠足运动的态度探讨

    On Attitude of Officials and Gentries Towards Anti-foot-binding Movement in Late Qing Dynasty

  7. 妇女没有剪短发的,很多人还缠足。

    No woman could bob her hair and very many had bound feet .

  8. 传教士与近代山东的不缠足活动

    The Missionary and the Movement of Not Binding the Feet in Modern Shandong

  9. 民国防区制时代四川的反缠足努力

    Anti-foot-binding Efforts in Defense Area Times in Sichuan

  10. 缠足陋俗在中国已延续上千年。

    Foot-binding lasts thousands of years in China .

  11. 论近代中国的戒缠足思潮

    On the Anti-foot-binding Ideas in Modern China

  12. 近代山东不缠足运动述论

    The Anti-Foot-binding Movement in Modern Shandong Province

  13. 在近代中国的反缠足运动中,基督教传教士的倡导之功不可否认。

    Christian missionaries played a significant role in advocating movements against foot-binding in modern China .

  14. 清末直隶新式社团十分活跃,各种天足会的成立推动了直隶的不缠足运动。

    The new mass organizations in Zhili Province were very active in late Qing Dynasty .

  15. 以最简单的性别词汇来说,当中国废除了缠足与一夫多妻制,它就迈向现代化。

    In simplest sexual terms , China became modern when it abolished bound feet and polygamy .

  16. 缠足是中国古代社会对妇女迫害的主要证据之一。

    Feet - binding was one of the persecutions that women suffered in Chinese ancient society .

  17. 中国古代缠足略说

    Foot-Binding in Ancient China

  18. 据说,中国的缠足这个习俗始于公元十世纪,大约是宋朝。

    Chinese foot binding is estimated to have begun in the 10th century , during the Song Dynasty .

  19. 若不慎跌扑,则使用专门为力弱者和缠足女子所创的地躺术来牵制对方。

    If accidentally fall , use the special help the weak , and lay foot-binding woman set to contain each other .

  20. 于是一场由有识之士发起的倡导女性戒除缠足、求取新知的妇女解放运动便在中国的土地上蓬勃开展起来。

    Thus , a female emancipation movement which advocated casting off foot-binding , obtaining knowledge had been launched in the land .

  21. 缠足是一种装饰行为,和隆胸或隆鼻殊途同归。

    Foot binding was a cosmetic practice , not much different in its own way from breast implantations or nose reconstruction .

  22. 近代不缠足运动肇始于基督教会和传教士的努力。

    Depending on the efforts of the Christian and the missionary , the movement of not binding the feet comes into being .

  23. 从缠足时代到现代化的今天,妇女的作用和权利已经大幅转变。

    From the age of foot binding to modernization today , the role and rights of women have undergone a drastic transformation .

  24. 不到一个世纪前,许多中国女性还深受缠足之苦,几乎走不了路。

    Less than a century ago , many Chinese women had their feet broken and bound so tightly they could scarcely walk .

  25. 一九四二年我们禁止缠足,当时我们下了一道命今,提出了一个口号,叫‘解放小脚’,凡是缠足的女人都罚款;

    We issued an order and adopted a slogan : 'Emancipate feet . 'The family of any woman with bound feet was fined .

  26. 在家长制社会,妇女没有平等的地位。而缠足限制了妇女的行动,满足了男人的欲望。

    Footbinding limited women 's movements to satisfy men 's desires in a patriarchal society when women didn 't have an equal status .

  27. 但传教士的反缠足活动完全是为其传教活动服务,是基督教会整个传教政策的副产品,并不是要刻意改变中国的社会陋俗。

    The anti-foot-binding movement serves missionary activities and it is the by-product of the missionary policy instead of eliminating undesirable customs in China .

  28. 除缠足外还有一系列的习俗束缚着妇女参与社会劳动,强化着农村家庭内两性间的性别分工。

    Beside foot-binding , there are some other habitude effects women participate in social labor and strengthen sexual division of labor in peasant family .

  29. 清末不缠足运动,是近代中国妇女解放史上的重要组成部分。

    The Campaign of non-foot binding in the end of the Qing dynasty was the important part of women liberation history in modern times .

  30. 并且我确信你没有亲自经历过缠足,所以我猜你在哪儿读到它。

    And I am pretty sure that you did not experience footbinding personally , so my guess is that you read about it somewhere .