
  • 网络website traffic;Web Traffic
  1. 与谷歌看重的社交媒体业务Google+相比,Reader带来了更多的网站流量。

    Reader drives more traffic to websites than Google + , the social-media project Google seems focused on .

  2. 最近几个月,facebook已开始促进网络上各大网站流量的不断增加。

    In recent months , Facebook has begun driving an increasing amount of traffic to prominent sites around the web .

  3. Web网站流量分析系统设计

    Design of a Web Site Throughput Analysis System

  4. 数字营销公司ZetaInteractive通过研究折扣零售网站流量和博客发贴量,发现此类网站的业务在明显升温。

    The digital marketing agency Zeta Interactive has measured a distinct increase in the buzz recorded by the volume of Web-site and blog postings surrounding discount retail sites .

  5. 为什么说用Alexa来统计网站流量是不精确的?

    Why is Alexa an inaccurate way to estimate the traffic to a given website ?

  6. 上周五来自源码网StatCounter的网站流量统计称,bing前几周在美国的使用量超过雅虎,成为全球第二大搜索引擎。

    A Web traffic report last Friday from StatCounter said Bing twice passed Yahoo in usage in the United States in its first few weeks . Yahoo is the second biggest search engine .

  7. 假如核心要害词选择得当,在SEO的过程中可以事半功倍,并且可以提高网站流量和业务成交率。

    If core keyword choice is proper , OK in the process of SEO get twice the result with half the effort , and can increase website discharge and business clinch a deal rate .

  8. 作为交易的一部分,BackType将停止BackTweets(帮助内容发布商了解推讯是如何转化为网站流量和销售额)的新用户注册。

    As part of the deal , BackType has already stopped taking on new users for its BackTweets product , which helps publishers track how their Tweets covert to web traffic and sales .

  9. 特别是如果其中某些网站流量特别大的时候。

    Especially if some of them particularly when Web site traffic .

  10. 谷歌分析是用于追踪和分析网站流量的工具。

    Google Analytics is a tool for tracking and analyzing site traffic .

  11. 网站流量评估监测系统的设计与实现

    Design and Implementation of a Web Site Traffic Evaluating and Monitoring System

  12. 把你宝贵的网站流量转化为收入。

    Turn your valuable web site traffic into money .

  13. 你一定要把网站流量变成钱!

    You have to convert that traffic into money .

  14. 当股市下跌时,我们看到网站流量增加。

    We 've seen more site traffic when the stock market has gone down .

  15. 它是带动网站流量的最常用方法。

    It is one of the most thriving methods of generating traffic on your site .

  16. 网站流量流量明星网红庞大的粉丝基数

    online celebrity with a large fan base

  17. 网站流量分析,是指在获得网站访问量基本数据的情况下网站访问流量包括哪些主要统计指标。

    Website traffic analysis includes what is the main statistics index , obtaining the basic visiting data .

  18. 网站流量包括消费者查询网购价格和信息,以及实际购买操作。

    Website traffic includes customers checking online prices and information , as well as those actually buying .

  19. 万事达起初将问题归咎于其网站流量过大,并表示其支付服务未受影响。

    MasterCard initially blamed problems with its website on heavy traffic and said that its payment services were unaffected .

  20. 提升网站流量计划借助广告网络的力量发挥效能,这个网络由数百万个发布商(网站)组成。

    Website traffic generation program works by collaborating with an advertising network of millions of publishers ( websites ) .

  21. 此客户接触工具的公司来说,有一个在自己的网站流量高度出色。

    This customer engagement tool is excellent for companies that have a high degree of traffic on their sites .

  22. 看你的网站流量数据与您的电视广告系列数据可以帮助您优化您的电视广告系列。

    Looking at your web traffic metrics alongside your TV campaign metrics can help you optimize your TV campaigns .

  23. 还有一个新的网站流量分析工具,它最近刚刚推出了公共测试版即大道状态。

    There is another new website traffic analytics tool which has just recently unveiled its public beta namely BLVD Status .

  24. 尽管它的网站流量颇为可观&平均每月吸引10万名独立访问者,但它的评论内容并没有拉动销售。

    Despite its respectable site traffic averaging 100,000 unique visitors every month editorial content did not translate into high sales .

  25. 如果您可以提供这方面的资料,你会开始产生读者并从中获利的网站流量。

    If you can supply that information , you will begin to accrue readers and profit from that web traffic .

  26. 如今,公司网站流量爆增,每天发送的订单超过200多万份。

    Today , traffic to its website is exploding and the company is filling more than two million orders a day .

  27. 没有足够的市场数据及没有足够的网站流量是他们共同面临的营销挑战。

    Not having enough marketing resources and needing to drive more traffic to company Web sites were the other highly ranked marketing challenges .

  28. 国家互联网信息办公室副主任任贤良敦促网络媒体不能一味追求网站流量,要切实履行社会责任。

    Ren Xianliang , deputy head of the CAC , urged online media not to blindly pursue website traffic , rather , to fulfill their social responsibilities .

  29. 本文首先描述网站流量分析所应包含的指标体系,继而深入研究这一分析系统的具体实现技术,最后探讨了数据挖掘技术在分析系统中的可能应用。

    This article begins with the criterion system of site throughput analysis , and then studies the specific implementation technique , and finally discusses the possibility of data mining in analysis systems .

  30. 网站流量将快速下跌,因为用户将发现,没有自动联想词,搜索极其麻烦,并会觉得他们找不到自己要找的结果,如国外旅行和购物信息。

    Traffic will drop quickly because users will find it extremely cumbersome to search without automated keywords and will feel they cannot find results they are looking for , such as foreign travel and shopping information .