
wǎnɡ luò lù jìnɡ
  • network path
  1. 这可以防止各种绕过Web服务器前或Web服务器中的任何安全性检查的暗中攻击,创建一个可信的网络路径。

    This prevents various sneak attacks that bypass any security that might be in front of or in the Web server and creates a trusted network path .

  2. MANET网络路径稳定性及增强策略的研究

    Research on the Network Path Stability and Enhance Strategy of MANET

  3. 动态未知环境下一种Hopfield神经网络路径规划方法

    Hopfield neural networks for path planning in dynamic and unknown environments

  4. 基于概率推理的Ad-hoc网络路径选择算法

    Ad-hoc Networks Routing Selection Algorithm Based on Probabilistic Reasoning

  5. 要创建从Web服务器到应用服务器的受信任网络路径,您需要配置应用服务器Web容器SSL配置以使用客户端身份验证。

    To create a trusted network path from the Web server to the application server , you configure the application server Web container SSL configuration to use client authentication .

  6. DCA能够利用较少的信道消除网络路径内的冲突、减少路径间的冲突。

    DCA avoids conflictions within a path and reduces conflictions among different paths with a small number of channels .

  7. 网络路径的端到端性能直接决定了为用户提供服务的质量,网络路径性能的测量是网络运营和SLA(ServiceLevelAgreement)验证的重要组成部分。

    The end-to-end performance of the network path directly determines the quality of service offered to the user . Monitoring and measuring network path performance is a fundamental component of network operations and Service Level Agreement ( SLA ) verification .

  8. 提出了一种新的网络路径流量测量策略COPP。

    A new measuring strategy of network path traffic named COPP was proposed in this thesis .

  9. SHAA移动机器人实时神经网络路径规划算法

    SHAA Neural Network Approaches to Real-Time Motion Planning of Mobile Robots

  10. 出现SQL1042还可能是因为无效的路径名或不可访问的网络路径。

    SQL1042 can also occur due to a invalid path name , or an inaccessible network path .

  11. 本文对BFC拓扑和蝴蝶拓扑进行了仿真分析。结果表明,BFC拓扑结构继承了Clos网络路径多样性丰富的特点,在拥塞程度较高的网络环境下,时延和吞吐性能表现要优于蝴蝶网络拓扑。

    Therefore , this topology has the characteristic of multistage . Simulation analyses show that , BFC inherits the rich path diversity of Clos network , and it has a better performance than butterfly network in throughput and delay in a quite congested traffic pattern .

  12. 生物激励神经网络路径规划仿真研究与改进

    Simulation Research and Improvement on Biologically Inspired Neural Network Path Planning

  13. 端到端推测网络路径上的数据包转发优先级

    Inferring packet forwarding priority through end - to - end measurement

  14. 双权网络路径的最优化分析

    Optimal analysis of the path of the network with double weights

  15. 大规模动态交通网络路径选择模型分析

    A Review of Rout Choice Models for Large Scale Dynamic Traffic Networks

  16. 但也可能引起网络路径上流量占用和网络抖动问题。

    But traditional way will significantly increase traffic occupation and jitter problems .

  17. 一种基于应用需求的网络路径可用带宽测量策略

    Towards Estimating Available Bandwidth on Network Paths with Application Requirements

  18. 这个其它选项的网络路径不可用。

    The network path for this alternate is not available .

  19. 基于时延-容量转换的网络路径优选研究

    Research on Paths Optimization in Network Using Delay-Capacity Conversion Method

  20. 网络路径问题及其多目标扩展形式的混合进化算法

    Hybrid Evolutionary Algorithm for Network Routing Problem and Their Multi-attribute Extended Forms

  21. 基于改进势场的有向传感器网络路径覆盖增强算法

    A Path Coverage-Enhancing Algorithm for Directional Sensor Network Based on Improved Potential Field

  22. 未找到分支程序集的网络路径。

    Network path not found for the spoke assembly .

  23. 网络路径带宽有效测量方法的研究

    Research on Efficient Estimation of Bandwidth along Network Path

  24. 网络路径容量测量算法仿真研究

    Simulation Research on the Network Path Capacity Measurement Algorithm

  25. 必须输入网络路径及文件名。

    You must type a network path and filename .

  26. 异构网络路径上视频的流式平滑传输算法

    A Streaming and Smoothing Transmission Algorithm of the Video on the Heterogeneity Network Path

  27. 一种多属性条件下的交通网络路径选择模型

    Route Choice Model with Multi-attributes in Traffic Networks

  28. 一种无线网络路径容量分析模型

    A Path Capacity Analytical Model for Wireless Networks

  29. 自动使用超链接替换互联网和网络路径

    Automatically replace Internet and network paths with hyperlinks

  30. 列出用户共享主目录的网络路径。

    HOMESHARE : Lists the network path to the user 's shared home directory .