
  • 网络Fed;federal reserve bank;FRB
  1. 看看长期资金管理这家公司吧,它是对冲基金,被一批天才拥有和经营,其中包括所罗门的前总裁,前美国联邦储备银行行长,2届诺贝尔奖获得者。

    Look at Long-Term Capital Management , a hedge fund owned and operated by a clutch of certified geniuses , including a former Salomon director , a former Fed governor , and two Nobel Prize winners .

  2. 美联储开行1914年的11月16日,美国联邦储备银行正式开行。

    Fed of the U.S. officially opens November 161914 , The Federal Reserve Bank of the United States officially opens .

  3. 现在,包括巴塞尔银行监管委员会、美国联邦储备银行、美国证券交易委员会和欧盟银行监管部门在内的世界范围的金融监管机构都将VaR方法作为基准的风险衡量与管理方法。

    Today , many financial regulative institutions of the world , including BCBS , FRB , SEC and banking supervision institutions of EU , use VaR as a benchmark for risk measurement and management .

  4. 1938年,创立于1934年的muzakcorp开始大批推出“工作音乐”这一领先项目,保诚(prudential)、贝尔电话(belltelephone)甚至美国联邦储备银行等组织都是其客户。

    In 1938 , muzak Corp , founded in 1934 , began rolling out its trailblazing " work music " programmes for organisations such as Prudential , bell telephone and even the US Federal Reserve banks .

  5. 本文在对支付系统风险进行归类和总结的基础上,研究了美国联邦储备银行大额支付系统Fedwire在30多年运行过程中的风险控制实践和经验,提出了加强我国支付系统风险管理的主要措施。

    Based on a summary of risks in payment system , this paper studies the experience of Fedwire in the risk management of payment system and puts forward some measures to strengthening risk management in payment system .

  6. 单一国号下的南北联邦制美国联邦储备银行交换所制度

    North-South Confederation under a Single National Title Federal Reserve Clearing House System

  7. 田中:因此,美国联邦储备银行发行的钞票是目前主要的货币形式。

    T : Therefore , the Federal Reserve Note is the main one today ?

  8. 1987年8月11日,他接替了保罗.沃克出任美国联邦储备银行主席一职。

    He replaced Paul Volcker as chairman of the Federal Reserve Board on August eleventh , nineteen eighty-seven .

  9. 美国联邦储备银行和其它银行说,他们将向全球金融市场注入数以亿万计的资本。

    The American Federal Reserve and other banks say they will add hundreds of billions of dollars to the world 's financial markets .

  10. 美国联邦储备银行和欧洲央行、英国央行、加拿大央行、瑞典央行、瑞士央行均已于周三联合纷纷降息,应对金融危机。

    The Federal Reserve , together with six other major central banks from around the world , slashed interest rates Wednesday to cope with the current financial crisis .

  11. 在最近的一次演讲中,美国达拉斯联邦储备银行总裁理查德费希尔(richardfisher)警告称,不断上涨的食品和能源价格“可能发出了较长期结构性通胀压力的信号”。

    In a recent speech , Richard Fisher , President of the Dallas fed , warned that rising food and energy prices " might be providing signals of longer-term structural inflationary pressures " .

  12. 美国里士满联邦储备银行行长杰弗里莱克尔(JeffreyLacker)表示:我将仔细评估我们是否需要或希望提供额外的刺激资金,以购买联储批准的抵押贷款支持证券计划中的全部证券。

    Jeffrey Lacker , president of the Richmond Fed , said : I will be evaluating carefully whether we need or want the additional stimulus that purchasing the full amount authorised under our agency mortgage-backed securities programme would provide .

  13. 美国的联邦储备银行和英国央行分别实施的量化宽松计划,已帮助这两个国家的经济能够比欧元区更成功地走出全球金融危机。

    Programs of quantitative easing by the Federal Reserve in the United States and by the Bank of England in Britain have helped the economies of those two countries recover from the global financial crisis more successfully than the eurozone has been able to .

  14. 这样,联邦储备系统就要增加美国财政部在联邦储备银行的支票帐户上的存款数。

    In return , the Federal Reserve may increase the Treasury 's checking account at a Federal Reserve Bank .

  15. 下周位于华盛顿的美国联邦储备局有望在银行间削减短期贷款的目标利率。

    Next week , the Federal Reserve in Washington is expected to cut its target rate for short-term loans between banks .

  16. 正如美国一位地区联邦储备银行行长所评论的那样:如果你打算不停地玩蹦极,你最好祈祷那根绳子能吃得住。

    As the president of a regional Federal Reserve bank observes : If you are going to go bungee jumping , again and again , you had better hope that the rope will hold .

  17. 由于英国和美国的房地产市场可能因利率上调而遭受影响,美国联邦储备银行(federalreserve)和英格兰银行(bankofengland)的官员可能很快便要领教同样惨痛的教训。

    With the housing markets in the UK and the us vulnerable to rising interest rates , officials at the Federal Reserve and the Bank of England may shortly be forced to learn the same painful lesson .