
qún jū
  • social;gregarious;living in groups;live in groups
群居 [qún jū]
  • [live in groups] 成群地聚居于一处

群居[qún jū]
  1. 雌兽与幼崽显然受益于群居。

    Females and cubs clearly derive some benefit from living in groups .

  2. 黑盾胡蜂亲代个体群居分工合作有利于生存和种族繁衍。

    Parental generation living in groups and cooperating together contribute to Vespa bicolor ′ s existence and reproduction .

  3. 它们是群居鸟类,会集群觅食。

    They are gregarious birds and feed in flocks .

  4. 雪雁是群居性鸟类。

    Snow geese are very gregarious birds .

  5. 麦克生活在一个群居团体里。

    Mack lived in a commune .

  6. 蚂蚁是一种群居昆虫。

    The ant is a social insect .

  7. 群居终日,言不及义,好行小慧,难矣哉。(《论语》)

    To be together all day long and never talk about fundamentals but take pleasure only in showing one 's cleverness & indeed it 's a hopeless case !

  8. 年幼时,它们过着群居生活。

    When they are young , they live in groups .

  9. 海豚也是群居动物。

    Dolphins are also social animals .

  10. 让我们从群居性开始谈犬的行为

    Let 's talk about dog 's behavior from the point of gregariousness .

  11. 然而,来自美国阿肯色大学的一组古生物学家可能发现了有关这种可怕动物的一个新理论。霸王龙是群居动物的理论最早是在20年前提出的。

    The theory that tyrannosaurs were social animals was first suggested 20 years ago .

  12. 这些动物非常喜欢群居。

    These animals are highly gregarious .

  13. 群居昆虫中的无性昆虫昆明、洛阳两地献血者人群HBV携带者的HBV基因型分布

    The neuter caste in social insects . Distribution of hepatitis B virus ( HBV ) genotypes among Kunming and Luoyang Chinese voluntary blood donors

  14. ASD起着一系列的作用,这些作用影响着交流、群居相互接触、语言技能和行为。

    ASD covers a range of problems that affect communication , social interaction , verbal skills and behavior .

  15. 善待动物组织PETA的英国发言人米米·贝克奇说:“猴子是非常聪明的群居性动物,如果他们与家人分开就会变得异常孤独和抑郁。”

    Mimi Bekhechi , associate director of animal welfare charity Peta , told the Mirror : ' Monkeys are extremely social and highly intelligent animals who suffer from debilitating loneliness and depression when they 're separated from their families .

  16. 棘腹蛙幼蛙有群居习性,开口取食时间一般在变态完成后的7-10d,晚上7:00-8:00是其取食的高峰期。

    Young frogs are always gregarious , first feeding of which is normally 7 ~ 10d after the completion of the metamorphosis , and 7 p.m ~ 8 p.m at night is the peak of their feeding .

  17. 那些时期,人们都是过群居生活。

    In those days , men had to act in groups .

  18. 北美和南美形似猪的夜间活动的群居野生动物。

    Nocturnal gregarious pig-like wild animals of North and South America .

  19. 在部落和种族之间人类生命都是群居的。

    Human beings are all gregarious , both tribal and racial .

  20. 多数身上有毛的昆虫,包括群居和独居的种类。

    Any of numerous hairy-bodied insects including social and solitary species .

  21. 群居的,在社区或有组织的群体中生活的。

    Living together or enjoying life in communities or organized groups .

  22. 既是群居,何须独并&泛珠三角的竞争优势与经济合作基础

    The Competitive Advantages and Economic Cooperation Bases in Pan-Pearl River Delta

  23. 群居。我们应该建立自己的社区,共同解决我们的问题。

    We should build our community and solve our problems together .

  24. 他们有一些奇想&让人人都生活在群居村里。

    They had some far-out ideas about everyone living in communes .

  25. 群居性啮齿动物重捕取样布笼方式的比较

    Comparing the Trap Patterns for Marking Recapture Sampling Social Rodent

  26. 群居老人与家居老人生活质量的调查与干预

    The Quality of Life in Social Elders and Family Elders and Intervention

  27. 在大型猫科动物里,狮子很特别,他们是群居动物。

    Lions are unique among big cats in forming groups .

  28. 归根结底,我们还是群居型动物。

    At the end of the day , we are social creatures .

  29. 类似蚂蚁的浅色软体群居昆虫,以木材为食。

    Whitish soft-bodied ant-like social insect that feeds on wood .

  30. 群居蜜蜂,经常被驯养用于酿蜜。

    Social bee often domesticated for the honey it produces .