
  • 网络post-translational;Post-translation;post translational;posttranslation
  1. 翻译后的Ras蛋白的关键环节是经法尼基转移酶的法尼基化。

    The key step in post-translational processing of Ras protein is farnesylation by farnesyl transferase .

  2. 光可以从两个水平调节NR活性,分别是转录水平和翻译后水平。

    NR is regulated by light mainly at two levels : transcript level and post-translational level .

  3. 直译过来就是:“强风”。有专家表示这个词汇源自于希腊语和阿拉伯语,中文翻译后意思加强了。China中国

    The literal translation is " strong wind . " Experts say the term , typhon from the Greek and Arabic , was strengthened with the Chinese translation .

  4. 从外源基因的DNA修饰水平、翻译后蛋白的定位、以及转基因方式等方面综述了国内外植物基因工程中的相关研究;

    The researches of plant genetic engineering were reviewed in the paper .

  5. 从XML文档中抽取翻译后的字符串并重新插入原始文档。

    Extract translated strings from the XML document and reinsert them into the original documents .

  6. 中性丢失少、可区分亮氨酸和异亮氨酸等。这些特点使电子捕获解离充满魅力,特别在TopDown技术和翻译后修饰中具有广阔的应用前景。

    All of these make ECD charming , especially in the field of Top Down strategy and post translational modification characterization .

  7. 本文从病理机制(特别是蛋白质翻译后修饰)、发现临床生物标签及治疗药物三个方面,对蛋白质组学在AD中的研究进展进行了综述。

    The three aspects about the progresses in proteomics researches of AD were reviewed in this article .

  8. 氧化应激对p53翻译后修饰影响的研究进展

    Influence of oxidative stress on p53 post-translational modifications

  9. 本论文是关于日语连体修饰节和被修饰名词(在本文中将其表示为V连+N的形式)与其翻译后形成的中文译文在句子结构上的对比研究。

    This is a contrastive study between the structure of the modified noun in Japanese and that of the correspondent Chinese translation .

  10. Tau蛋白的异常翻译后修饰与阿尔茨海默病

    Abnormal post-translational modification of Tau protein and Alzheimer 's disease

  11. 在宿主蛋白质的成熟过程中,蛋白质内含子可以催化自身从蛋白质前体中剪切下来,同时将两侧的外显子以肽键连接,这种蛋白质翻译后的成熟过程称为蛋白质剪接(proteinsplicing)。

    Intein able to catalyze self-splicing from the precursor protein and the exteins were ligated with a peptide bond . This post-translation process was termed protein splicing .

  12. 序列分析表明,林麝IL-2及其受体结合域与水牛的高度保守,而在翻译后修饰的预测活性位点上和水牛的有所不同。

    Sequence analysis of IL-2 showed that it had high homology with that of bubalus bubalis , except the difference of post-translational modification .

  13. 每个拷贝N端前两位氨基酸序列为KR,是两栖动物典型的翻译后加工位点。

    From N-terminal , the first two amino acids residues of each copy are K-R , it is classic site of post-translational processing in amphibian .

  14. QEMU甚至可以通过在缓存中将翻译后的代码块变为无效来支持代码的自我修改。

    QEMU can even support self-modifying code by invalidating translated blocks in the cache .

  15. 对于每种受支持的语言,应将翻译后的字符串放入一个属性文件中,并在“plugin”后加上地区。

    For each supported language , place the translated strings in a properties file with the locale appended to " plugin " .

  16. 多数文档格式都需要固定在翻译后的文档布局中,一般而言,XML、HTML和RTF格式所要做的译后调整较少。

    Most document formats require fixes in the layout of the translated document ; the XML , HTML , and RTF formats generally require the fewest post-translation adjustments .

  17. 其中语音合成模块主要实现将翻译后的文本信息,使用TTS技术转换成语音输出的过程。

    The speech synthesis blocks implements the function of transform the text information from the machine translation block to speech output .

  18. 多聚ADP核糖聚合酶(PolyADP-ribosepolymerase,PARP)是广泛存在于除酵母以外真核细胞中的蛋白质翻译后修饰酶。

    Poly ( ADP-ribose ) polymerase ( PARP ) is a post-translational modification enzyme which exists in eukaryote cells , except yeasts .

  19. SUMO分子是一种结构上与泛素相似的分子,它参与蛋白质翻译后修饰。

    The small ubiquitin-related modifier ( SUMO ) family proteins are structurally and mechanistically related to ubiquitin .

  20. 逆转换:从翻译后的XLIFF文件生成翻译后的文档。

    Reverse conversion : Generation of a translated document from the translated XLIFF file .

  21. 翻译后的氨基酸序列比对发现,具有6个主要的ORF和2个次要的ORF,具有过氧化氢酶的保守氨基酸残基。

    Results of the translated amino acids sequence comparison showed it had 6 main ORFs and 2 minor ORFs .

  22. 泛素化修饰属于蛋白质翻译后修饰,在细胞的各种生命活动进程如细胞周期、信号转导、转录调节、DNA修复、细胞凋亡等中发挥着至关重要的作用。

    The ubiquitination , which belongs to the protein post-translational modification , plays a critical role in the life process of cells , such as cell cycle , signal transduction , transcriptional regulation , DNA repair , and cell apoptosis and so on .

  23. 已知只有完全糖基化的NCC才能正常表达于细胞膜并发挥作用,因此本研究的目的是观察WNK4对NCC翻译后糖基化修饰的调节作用。

    As only the complete-glycosylation NCC can properly express on the cell membrane and play a role .

  24. QEMU将最近使用的翻译后的代码块缓存在一个16MB的块中。

    QEMU caches the most recently used translated blocks in a16 MB block .

  25. 因此,研究HIF-1α的翻译后修饰,不仅有助于我们加深对HIF-1作为一个多种疾病的治疗靶标的认识,更能为我们理解类似转录因子自身的调控提供思路。

    Therefore studies in this aspect are helpful in understanding not only HIF-1 α as a therapeutic target for the diseases but also the regulation of other similar transcriptional factors .

  26. 因此,我们推断SiO2刺激AMs的培养上清液诱导成纤维细胞及肺泡上皮细胞的GJIC功能下调可能发生在连接蛋白的翻译后水平。

    So we deduced the mechanism that silica-exposed AMs supernatant down-regulated GJIC in CHL cells or CCL-64 cells likely occurred in the posttranslation level of connexin protein .

  27. 通过与其他蛋白的相互作用以及翻译后修饰是调节AP-2活性的两个重要方面。

    Both interaction with various proteins and post-translational phosphorylation play an important role in controlling the activity of AP-2 proteins .

  28. 由于以磷酸化和糖基化为主的Tau蛋白异常翻译后修饰与神经元纤维缠结关系密切,因此,关于Tau蛋白在AD发生发展中的作用已成为近年AD研究领域的一大热点。

    Neurofibrillary tangles are closely correlated to abnormal hyperphosphorylation and glycosylation of tau protein , thus the role of tau protein in the development of AD has been a focus in the current study of AD.

  29. 无论何时从内存中取一个指令,指令指针都会经指令TLB的翻译后指向物理地址。

    Whenever an instruction is fetched from memory , the instruction pointer is translated via the instruction TLB into a physical address .

  30. 结果是与正常家蚕编码酮酯酰CoA硫解酶的DHA序列有15个核苷酸的差异,翻译后有5个氨基酸的差异。

    Result showed that there are 15 nucleoside acid differences with normal silkworm DNA sequence of 3 - ketoacyl-CoA thiolase ; mere are 5 amino acid differences after translated .