
  1. 对基于Agent的软件工程的基本方法和技术特性进行介绍,并以一个多语言的机器翻译软件为实例,具体说明面向Agent的软件工程方法。

    The basic method and technical characteristics of agent-based software engineering are introduced in the paper . The machine translation system based multi-languages is also introduced .

  2. 在将德文亚马逊网站译成英文时,自动翻译软件将USB线缆(USBcable)译成了“USB绳子”(USBrope)。

    An automatic translation from German-language Amazon to English had changed a USB cable into a " USB rope . "

  3. 介绍VRML图形数据结构转换成专用的图形数据格式的翻译软件的原理和实现过程。

    This article presents the principle and implementation of translating software while translating data structure of VRML into Special Data Structure .

  4. 前面介绍说新技术,比如视频会议和电子邮件,会使沟通过程更简单。并且语言翻译软件(languageinterpretationsoftware)会帮助解决一些国际沟通问题。

    New technology such as videoconferencing and email has played a part in making the communication process easier , and it may also be possible that the introduction of language interpretation software will help with some global communications problems .

  5. NEC已在努力发展的第一语言翻译软件的日本市场。

    NEC has put in effort to develop the first language translator software for Japan market .

  6. 本论文采用C++的早联编来实现SDAI,成功开发了SDAI的基础类库SCL和基于SCL的早联编模式翻译软件;

    An early binding base class Library named SCL and a schema translator is developed successfully hi this paper ;

  7. 本文旨在介绍以Trados为代表的计算机辅助翻译软件在科技英语翻译中的应用。

    The paper intends to introduce the application of computer-aided translation software represented by Trados on EST translation .

  8. 在国际上ICSC翻译软件中,英汉翻译软件的技术水平和功能都居前列。

    Among all the ICSC translation softwares that are on the market worldwide , this English-Chinese translation software is deemed to be superior in technology and function .

  9. 这就要求翻译软件的快速性和准确性。

    High speed and accuracy are required of the translation software .

  10. 基于英汉词典和翻译软件的跨语言信息检索实验

    Experiment on English-Chinese Cross-Language IR Using Bilingual Dictionary and MT Software

  11. 计算机汉、维辅助翻译软件研发

    Design and Implementation of the Chinese-Uighur Computer Aided Translation Software

  12. 期待翻译软件的新突破

    Look Forward to the New Breakthrough of the Translation Software

  13. 英语特殊句型在机器翻译软件中的对比研究

    The Comparative Approach to the Translation of English Typical Patterns in Mt Software

  14. 网上冲浪体验??这种体验可能要借助于更快的翻译软件。

    Surfing experience that may require faster language-translation software .

  15. 今年,谷歌开始在中国推出其翻译软件。

    And this year , Google began offering its translation software in China .

  16. 国内翻译软件的现状和发展方向

    Present Status and Developing Trend of Domestic Translation Softwares

  17. 使用翻译软件的译前准备

    Be well Prepared to Translate Before Using Translation Software

  18. 若干实用机器翻译软件与网站评介

    On Applied Machine Translation Softwares & Web Sites

  19. 从几种英汉翻译软件看机器翻译中的多义问题

    A Discussion on the Polysemy in Machine Translation Based on Several English-Chinese Translation Systems

  20. 路由器中网络地址翻译软件的设计及关键技术

    Design of network address translation software in routers

  21. 金山快译是一款著名的翻译软件。

    Kingsoft FastAIT is a famous translation software .

  22. 谈我国机器翻译软件

    A Brief Introduction of Chinese Machine Translation Software

  23. 然而目前大多数的计算机翻译软件,对独词句的处理都存在缺陷。

    Yet most machine translation softwares at present have flaws in dealing with one-word sentence .

  24. 面向网络客户的计算机翻译软件及实现技术

    Translation software technology facing network customer

  25. 第二章分析了科技英语的文体学特点,认为科技英语是十分适合利用计算机辅助翻译软件的一种文体。

    Chapter two analyze stylistic features of EST , concluding that EST is suitable for CAT software .

  26. 对我国几种机器翻译软件译文质量的测评这个网站为您的便利被翻译了使用人机翻译软件的组合。

    This website has been translated for your convenience using a combination of human and machine translation software .

  27. 顺便说一下,这个翻译软件也太烂了,我费很大劲才能理解你说什么。

    BTW , the translation software is terrible , and I try my best to understand what you say .

  28. 只要充分利用机器翻译软件的优点,就能快速高效地完成翻译任务。

    If only we can make the most of machine translation software , we could complete translation tasks effectively .

  29. 作者希望本文能为计算机辅助翻译软件未来的发展提供一些建议与参考。

    It is hoped that this study can provide some suggestions for the future development of the CAT software .

  30. 讨论了面向网络客户的计算机翻译软件技术,研究了常用的翻译软件技术:即译和全屏翻译技术,并且实现了翻译软件的编制。

    The translation software technology facing network customer is discussed , and the result shows the software functions well .