
kǎo ɡǔ xué jiā
  • archaeologist;archeologist
  1. 虽然法庭行动是由法国考古学家、欧洲保护中华艺术联合会(AssociationfortheProtectionofChineseArtinEurope)会长高明斯(BernardGomez)提起之,但它得到了中国官方默示之支持。

    Though the action was brought by a French archeologist Bernard Gomez , also head of the Association for the Protection of Chinese art in Europe , it received the tacit support of authorities .

  2. 公元747年,希沙姆宫被埋葬在沙尘之下,直到巴勒斯坦考古学家D.C.Baramki于1934年开始对它进行挖掘工作它才得以重见天日,不幸的是,历史学家们表示担心,100年之内这个古迹可能就会消失了。

    Hisham 's Palace was buried underneath the sand in A.D. 747 and remained there until Palestinian archeologist D.C. Baramki began excavating it in 1934 . Sadly , historians fear that the site might not be around in as few as 100 years .

  3. 考古学家在挖掘现场的最下层发现了陶器。

    Archaeologists found pottery in the lowest level of the site .

  4. 考古学家在发掘之初就知道他们将有重大发现。

    Archaeologists knew they were onto something big when they started digging .

  5. 考古学家在阿拉斯加发现了一个距今11,700年的狩猎营地。

    Archaeologists have uncovered an 11,700-year-old hunting camp in Alaska .

  6. 推土机刚一启动,伦敦博物馆的考古学家们就蜂拥而至了。

    Barely had the bulldozers started when Museum of London archaeologists swooped .

  7. 考古学家判定这个堡垒建于罗马皇帝安东尼·庇护统治时期。

    Archaeologists have dated the fort to the reign of Emperor Antoninus Pius .

  8. 其他考古学家对他的发现表示怀疑。

    Other archaeologists are sceptical about his findings .

  9. 他是位考古学家,过去的一年都在参与克里特岛上的一项考古发掘工作。

    He 's an archaeologist and has been on a dig in Crete for the past year .

  10. 考古学家在古墓里发现了一些珍贵的东西。

    The archaeologists found a few valuable things in the barrow .

  11. 考古学家们正在讨论如何发掘出被埋的古城。

    The archeologists are discussing how to excavate the buried ancient city .

  12. 有一个学生的父亲就是一位考古学家。

    One of the girls had a father who is an archaeologist .

  13. 这个遗址已被考古学家发掘出来。

    The site has been excavated by archaeologists .

  14. 例如,考古学家在5000年前的冰层中发现了一个人。

    For example , archaeologists found a human in ice from 5,000 years ago .

  15. 考古学家们发掘出一个古堡

    The archaeologists excavated an ancient fortress .

  16. 3月20日,“考古中国”重大项目工作进展会在成都举行,通报了四川广汉三星堆遗址重要考古发现与研究成果。考古学家宣布,四川广汉三星堆遗址新发现的6座三星堆文化“祭祀坑”中已出土500余件文物。

    Chinese archaeologists announced the discovery of over 500 cultural relics at the Sanxingdui Ruins site in Guanghan , Sichuan province .

  17. 去年1月,在伦敦东部工作的考古学家们发现了一个不同寻常的长方形木结构遗迹。

    Then , in January last year , archaeologists working in east London uncovered the remains3 of an unusual rectangular timber structure .

  18. 埃及考古学家扎希·哈瓦斯介绍,装载木乃伊的特制棺材内填充氮气,也是起到保护作用。每具木乃伊都由加装特殊减震装置的花车运送,四周有车队护送,其中还包括马拉的仿造战车。

    Each mummy was carried on a decorated vehicle fitted with special shock-absorbers and surrounded by a motorcade , including replica horse-drawn war chariots .

  19. 出土文物“上新”在三号坑,考古学家发现了大量青铜器,其中有两个正方形青铜尊,是中国古代典型的青铜祭器。

    In No 3 pit , a rich reservoir for bronze ware , archaeologists found two square zun jars , a typical ancient Chinese bronze ritual vessel .

  20. 海洋考古学家说这个物体是一个“星盘”,海员在航行中用它测量太阳的高度,以确定所在位置。

    It confirms that this is an astrolabe - an instrument used by mariners5 to measure the height of the sun above the horizon , enabling them to navigate6 the seas .

  21. 首席考古学家札希·哈瓦斯在一份声明中称,他们在卢克索西岸的沙滩下发现了这座名为“太阳神崛起”的城市。

    The city , named " The Rise of Aten , " was discovered under the sand on the western bank of Luxor , lead archaeologist Zahi Hawass said in a statement .

  22. 周四中国考古学家称在中国中部河南省双槐树遗址有重大发现,该发现是中国五千多年文化的有力证据。

    The ancient city relic dating back to around 5300 years ago was proposed by Chinese archaeologists to be named " Heluo Kingdom " after its location in the center of Heluo area , where the Yellow River ( known as He in ancient China ) and the Luohe River meet .

  23. 考古学家使用GIS重构古代贸易网络。

    Archaeologists use GIS to reconstruct ancient trading networks .

  24. 我的导师是个超有天分的教授,WilliamChilds,一位考古学家。

    My adviser was a really gifted professor , an archaeologist named William Childs .

  25. 发掘工作由布拉德福德大学(universityofbradford)考古学家接手,他们清理出近40具个体,其中28具为完整骨骸。

    Archaeologists from the University of Bradford eventually took charge of an excavation of almost 40 individuals , 28 of whom were complete skeletons .

  26. 我当时是大英博物馆(BritishMuseum)的考古学家。最后,我们在拉特兰郡一座农家小屋安下了家,这里离乔恩所在的皇家空军斯坎普顿基地很近。

    I was working as an archaeologist at the British Museum and we eventually settled down in a little cottage in Rutland , close to Jon 's base at RAF Scampton .

  27. 考古学家阿尔蒙德纳·加西亚-卢比奥(AlmudenaGarcía-Rubio)说,“没有确凿的基因证据,”尽管他们已经做过DNA检测。

    Almudena Garc í a-Rubio , an archaeologist , said that there was " no confirmed genetic identification , " although DNA tests were being performed .

  28. 一群考古学家回到了之前检测过的一个地点KukSwamp,

    A group of archaeologists returned to a site that had been previously examined , Kuk Swamp ,

  29. 向巴黎法院提交紧急请求的中国律师团代表的是法国考古学家高明斯(BernardGomez)。

    The group of Chinese lawyers that filed the emergency request in Paris , represents Bernard Gomez , a French archaeologist .

  30. 指挥此次发掘工作的考古学家迭戈•巴坎(DiegoBarkan)认为,这个古代大陶瓷盆原来就是酿造啤酒用的。

    According to archaeologist Diego Barkan , who directed the excavation , the large ceramic basins were used to make ale .