
  • 网络Examination Instructions;Test Explanation
  1. 都林先生说那个标准化考试说明我不够资格。

    Dooling said the standardized testing says I can 't do it .

  2. 考试说明要求学生不得用铅笔。

    The examination instructions ask that the students should not use a pencil .

  3. 请仔细阅读考试说明。

    Please read all these instructions .

  4. 探讨高考语文古典试题鉴赏试题与教学大纲、语文教材、考试说明之间的关系。

    Discuss the relationships between examination questions and the teaching program , teaching materials , test-taking directions .

  5. 新课程背景下《上海市高考生命科学考试说明》研读及备考教学策略的研究

    Study on the Shanghai National College Entrance Examination Description of Life Science and Correlative Review Strategies under New Curriculum Background

  6. 除提供上述有关信息和材料以外,埃克斯波特学院可以于培训期间在山东举办考试说明讨论会。

    In addition to providing the information and material referred to above the IOE mayconduct exam revision workshops in Shandong during the period .

  7. 实验设计是《普通高中生物课程标准(实验)》和高考理科综合考试说明的共同要求。

    The experimental design is the same request of the Ordinary High school Biology Curriculum Standard and the college entrance examination science subject synthesis test .

  8. 研究高考文言文试题与现在的课程标准、考试说明和教材的关系。

    Now we are discussing the relation between the tests of writings in classical Chinese and nowadays the standards of curriculum , the introduction of test and books .

  9. 梳理高考语文古诗文试题的发展脉络,明确不同时期、不同地区高考语文古诗文试题的发展特点,探讨高考语文古诗文试题与当时的教学大纲、考试说明、语文教材之间的关系。

    It combs the development train of Chinese college entrance ancient poetry prose test , defines its development characteristic in different periods and different districts , and discusses the relation between it and Chinese syllabus , Chinese test program and Chinese teaching materials synchronously .

  10. 考试结果说明你们都有很大的进步。

    The results of the examination show that you have all made good progress .

  11. 考生可用英语、韩语、法语、德语、西班牙语和中文浏览考试的各种说明。

    Instructions are provided in English , Korean , French , German , Spanish and Chinese .

  12. 下表提供了本学期和之前学期的试题,包括考试使用的方程式说明(PDF)。

    Exams from the current semester , as well as previous semesters , are provided in the table below . A formula sheet ( PDF ) for use on exams is also provided .

  13. 关于考试的几点说明。

    A couple of comments about the test .

  14. 考试结果明明白白地说明了他在这一期做得很好。

    The examination left no doubtthat he had done a good jobin this semister .

  15. 第三部分对美国、英国、德国的课程考试做了简要说明,分别总结了各国高校课程考试的特点。

    The third part introduces the examination of the United States , Britain and Germany , respectively summarizing the characteristics of the three countries .

  16. 利物浦大学在1月考试之前向所有国际学生发送了关于考试行为的说明-但他们只将“作弊”一词翻译成中文。

    The University of Liverpool sent the note about exam conduct to all its international students ahead of January tests - but the institution only translated the word " cheating " into Chinese .

  17. 考试是我们对自身能力的一种判断。所以,梦到毫无准备去考试就说明在现实生活中,你正在对自己的表现进行批判性的省视。

    Exams are how we judge our ability to perform , so this indicates that you are critically examining your own performance in waking life .