
  • 网络Atmospheric corrosion resistant steel;weathering steel
  1. 集装箱用SPA-H耐大气腐蚀钢的开发研制

    Development of Weathering Steel SPA-H Applied to Containers

  2. 耐大气腐蚀钢的研究概况

    A review on Weathering Steel Research

  3. 耐大气腐蚀钢锈层的X射线衍射与SEM分析

    X & ray diffraction and SEM analysis on corrosion layer of atmospheric corrosion resistant steel

  4. 稀土对CuP耐大气腐蚀钢韧性的影响

    Effect of Rare Earth on Toughness of Atmospheric Corrosion Resisting Steel Containing Copper and Phosphorus

  5. 以Cu、P为基的基础上,利用我国丰富的稀土资源优势发展稀土耐候钢是适合我国基本国情的,同时满足了新一代高强耐大气腐蚀钢的要求。

    It is adapt to our country situation developing RE weathering steel which makes use of the rich rare earth resource in our country . It satisfies the request of new generation high strength and atmosphere corrosion resistance steel at the same time .

  6. 耐候钢又称耐大气腐蚀钢,是在普通钢基中添加少量的Cu、P、Cr、Ti、Ni等合金元素而制成的一种低合金结构钢。

    Weathering steel , also named atmosphere corrosion resistant steel , is a kind of low alloy high strength steel which contains a amount of alloyed elements , such as , Cu , P , Cr , Ti , Ni and so on .

  7. Cu是车辆用耐大气腐蚀钢中的重要元素之一,但是Cu在钢中极易在晶界富集,引起表面网状裂纹铜脆缺陷。

    Copper is one of the most important elements in the atmospheric corrosion resisting steel used for vehicle . However , copper is prone to enrichment around grain boundaries in copper containing steel , which leads to the formation of net like surface cracking called copper brittleness .

  8. 铁道车辆用耐大气腐蚀钢的现状及研发方向

    Current Development of Atmosphere Corrosion Resistant Steel Used for Railway Rolling Stock

  9. 耐大气腐蚀钢的氧化皮结构分析

    The Microstructure of Scale for Corrosion Resistant Steel

  10. 高强度耐大气腐蚀钢在铁道车辆上的应用与技术发展

    Application of High Strength Atmospheric Corrosion Resisting Steel on Railway Rolling Stock and Its Technique Development

  11. 概括了铁道车辆用耐大气腐蚀钢的发展及应用现状;同时,对铁道车辆用耐大气腐蚀钢的市场需求作了分析。

    The research progress of weathering steels and the effect of alloying elements on their atmospheric corrosion resistance were summarized in the present paper .

  12. 降低耐大气腐蚀用钢屈强比的研究

    Research on Reducing the Yield Ratio of Atmosphere Corrosion Resisting Steel

  13. 暴露1年的耐大气腐蚀用钢表面锈层分析

    Analysis on the corrosion rust of weathering steel exposed in atmosphere

  14. 耐大气腐蚀用钢实验室加速腐蚀的研究

    Investigation of Accelerated Laboratory Tests for Weathering Steel

  15. 耐大气腐蚀用钢09CuP

    09 CuP Weather Corrosion-resisting Steel

  16. 高强度耐大气腐蚀乙字钢焊接性能研究

    The weldability of high strength atmospheric corrosion resistance shape steel research

  17. 钢是日本开发的耐大气腐蚀高耐候结构钢,具有极强的耐大气和海水腐蚀能力,是船运集装箱的理想材料。

    And SPA-H steel is a perfect shipboard container 's material for its excellent anti-atmospheric and anti-seawater corrosion attribute .

  18. 金属在自然环境条件下的腐蚀称为大气腐蚀,因而对能在大气自然环境条件下耐腐蚀的钢称为耐大气腐蚀钢。

    Metal corrosion under natural environment is called atmospheric corrosion , the steel with the characteristic of atmospheric corrosion resistance is named weather resisting steel .

  19. 综合论述了耐腐蚀钢的分类和特点,主要介绍了三种耐大气腐蚀钢的定义和使用范围。

    Classification and characteristics of atmosphere corrosion resisting steel were comprehensively discussed . Definitions and useful ranges of three kinds of atmosphere corrosion resisting steel were mainly introduced .