
  • 网络burnout;Job Burnout;burn-out;jobburnout
  1. 职业倦怠这个概念已经伴随我们几十年了。

    The idea of burnout at work has been with us for decades .

  2. 研究目的:1.对护士职业倦怠量表(NursingBurnoutScale,NBS)在护士中应用的临床性能进行评价。

    Evaluate the clinical performance of nurses of Nursing Burnout Scale ( NBS ) . 2 .

  3. 不过最近,主管培训师和商务心理学家们开始讨论“动力减退”,这似乎是职业倦怠的初级阶段。

    But recently , executive coaches and business psychologists have started talking about " brownout " , which is a sort of junior sibling .

  4. “自愿工作狂”不会有普通工作狂那样的职业倦怠感,这说明对工作的热爱可以抵消工作劳累带来的压力。

    They get a kick out of it . They don 't feel stressed by it . The engaged workaholics didn 't have burnout anywhere near the level of the workaholics , suggesting that loving work may buffer the stress effects of working too hard .

  5. 职业倦怠三个分量表与工作投入三个分量表的相关系数,基本均呈现显著负相关,即工作投入与使用MBI所测得的职业倦怠存在显著负相关得到证实。

    The three subscales of burnout and three subscales of job engagement had significant negative correlations .

  6. 方法分层整群抽取济南市3所医院护士432名,采用护士职业倦怠调查表(MBI)、艾森克人格问卷(EPQ)、自尊量表(SES)及社会支持评定量表(SSRS)对其进行测试。

    Methods MBI , EPQ , SES and SSRS were conducted in 432 nurses selected from three hospitals in Jinan by stratified cluster sampling .

  7. 方法:采用角色压力量表和职业倦怠量表(MBI-GS)对412名酒店服务人员进行问卷调查。

    Survey on AIDS knowledge , attitude and self - prevention of hotel attendants Method : 412 hotel attendants were assessed by role stress scale and MBI-GS .

  8. 研究结果发现:(1)当前我国中小学教师职业倦怠的程度并不严重,职业倦怠的核心指标情绪衰竭偏高。

    The degree of occupational burnout of teachers is not serious .

  9. 近年来国内许多学者也开始研究职业倦怠。

    Recently , domestic researchers have also begun to study burnout .

  10. EAP&改善图书馆员职业倦怠的帮助计划

    EAP : the Assistance Program for Improving the Burnout of Librarians

  11. 高校学报编辑的职业倦怠及其应对措施

    The Professional Affliction of Editors of University Journals and Its Countermeasures

  12. 高校教师工作压力状况及与职业倦怠关系调查分析

    Analysis of Relationship between Job Stress and Burnout of University Teachers

  13. 天津市中小学教师职业倦怠的影响因素分析

    The Burnout Factor about Primary and Secondary School Teachers in Tianjin

  14. 产科护士职业倦怠状况的调查与分析

    Investigation and analysis on status of job burnout for obstetric nurses

  15. 职业倦怠已经在慢慢地吞噬着她们的工作热情。

    Burnout has been slowly engulfed with their enthusiasm for work .

  16. 第三,自我效能感在工作压力与职业倦怠的作用过程中有显著的调节作用。

    Self-efficacy plays a significant role between work stress and burnout .

  17. 行政级别影响员工的职业倦怠。

    Administration rank had effect on employees ' job burnout .

  18. 新世纪的关注热点:教师职业倦怠

    A Hot Issue in the New Period : Teacher Burnout

  19. 职业倦怠对编辑的生理、心理、行为会带来消极的影响。

    It exerts negative influence on their physiology , psychology and behaviors .

  20. 谈电大教师的职业倦怠

    Discussion on the Job Languor of the TV University Teachers

  21. 中小学教师职业倦怠问题解析

    The Analysis of Teachers ' Job Burnout in Primary and Secondary School

  22. 中学教师教学效能感职业倦怠状况及其关系研究

    Relationship between teaching efficacy and professional burnout among teachers of middle school

  23. 精神科护士职业倦怠的影响因素分析

    Analysis on influential factors of job burnout among mental health care nurses

  24. 合理情绪疗法培训在防治护士职业倦怠中的应用

    The effect of rational-emotive therapy on job burnout of nurses

  25. 快乐工作&治疗图书馆员职业倦怠的良药

    Happy Work Is the Best Cure for the Burnout of the Librarians

  26. 高校图书馆员职业倦怠原因及对策

    The cause and countermeasure of campus librarians ' career burnout

  27. 双因素理论在消除图书馆工作者职业倦怠中的应用

    The Application of Two-factor Theory in Eliminating the Job Burnout of Librarians

  28. 基于心理契约的高校心理咨询师职业倦怠分析

    Upon University Mental Counselors ' Job Burnout on Psychological Contract

  29. 职业倦怠现象渐渐走进人们的生活。

    The languorous phenomenon of occupation walks into people 's life gradually .

  30. 高校教师职业倦怠状况研究及对策探析

    Study on College Teachers ' Job Burnout and Its Strategies