
  • 网络esop association;Conference of Share Holding Employees
  1. 第四章:理论上的探索&对现有法律框架下我国职工持股会性质界定的检讨。

    Chapter IV : Theoretical discussion - The review to define the nature of the ESOP Association under the existing legal framework .

  2. 在貌似平静的职工持股会外表下面,其实是暗潮涌动。随着各地清理、解散职工持股会动作的开始,一些潜在的法律问题将渐渐浮出水面。

    In the seemingly calm facade ESOP Association is actually surging undercurrent . As the clean-up around the dissolution of the beginning of movements ESOP Association , a number of potential legal problems will gradually emerge .

  3. 论我国职工持股会法律制度的重构

    Holds the Stock Meeting Law System by Our Country Staff Constructs Again

  4. 关于职工持股会的理论和实际问题

    On the Theoretical and Practical Problems of Employee Stock Plans

  5. 职工持股会法律问题研究

    A Study on the Organization of Shareholding Employees

  6. 对职工持股会的研究

    Study on the Employee Stock Ownership Meeting

  7. 论职工持股会的信托法律性质

    Trustee Nature of Employee Shareholding Committee

  8. 员工信托持股成为替代职工持股会的最佳载体。

    The staff trust holding trust holding has apparently become the alternative is the best carrier of the ESOP Association .

  9. 重组改制企业职工持股会问题的初探

    The preliminary probe into the problem that shares are held by the staff and workers in the reorganized and reformed enterprises

  10. 我国职工持股会自始至终都是在法律规避状态下产出的怪胎。

    From the beginning to the end , the ESOP Association is a " monster " under the evasion of the law condition .

  11. 职工持股会的设立是实施职工持股制度不可或缺的措施,在我国企业改革中,职工持股会扮演着重要的角色。

    The establishment of the employee stock ownership meeting is an indispensable measure in putting the institution of the share hold by staff .

  12. 第二章:来也规避,去也规避&对我国职工持股会命运轨迹的检视。

    Chapter ⅱ: " To come to avoid , and go to avoid " - The trajectory view for the fate of the ESOP Association .

  13. 我国的职工持股会作为企业股东,是实现公有制经济、建立现代企业制度的一种重要形式。

    The workers and staff members ' association for share-holding in China as stockholders is an important form of realizing public economic and building modern corporate system .

  14. 在理论界,学者们对于职工持股会性质的考证,大多倾向于对职工持股会的保护。

    In the theoretical community , the scholars about the nature of employee stock ownership will be verified , most tend to employee stock ownership will be protected .

  15. 但是职工持股会的法律形式与法律地位没有统一法律法规进行规范,以至于目前处境十分尴尬。

    However , legal form and legal status of the ESOP Association have not been specifically regulated by uniform laws and regulations and hence this may lead to a very embarrassing situation .

  16. 职工持股会是职工持股制度的重要组成部分,在企业改革的过程中起到了不可替代的作用。

    The ESOP ( Employee Stock Ownership Plans ) Association is an important part of Employee Stock Ownership System , which has played an irreplaceable and important role in the process of enterprise reform .

  17. 第三章对职工持股的运作载体&职工持股会进行分析。组建职工持股会有利于实现职工持股的激励目标;

    The third chapter analyses the operation form of the Employee Stock-ESOT .

  18. 职工持股在股份制企业中的最初探索始于20世纪80年代中期,先后经历了内部职工股、公司职工股和以职工持股会建设为主要内容的职工持股制度等发展阶段。

    The employee stock ownership was explored initially in sharing corporations in the mid of 1980s , which experienced several stages : the internal worker share , the corporate worker share , the employee stock ownership that their shares are mainly held by employee share holding councils .