
lián jī jiǎn suǒ
  • on-line retrieval;on line searching
  1. Web检索与联机检索

    Web Searching and Online Searching

  2. Dialog国际联机检索费用控制研究

    Research on Charge Control of Dialog International Online Retrieval

  3. 降低DIALOG联机检索费用的技巧

    Techniques to Reduce Service Charge of Dialog Online Retrieval

  4. Dialog联机检索指令运用技巧

    Some Skills of Using Dialog On-line Retrieval Instructions

  5. 介绍了部分专业检索人员对Web检索与联机检索的看法、以及一项关于联机与Web搜索引擎两者检索效果的对比性研究。

    This paper presents the professional searchers'opinions of Web Searching and online searching . A comparative study of the effectiveness of searching for information via online systems and Web search engines is described .

  6. 基于SYBASE的图书馆联机检索服务系统

    The Development of a Library On-Line Retrieval Service System Based on SYBASE

  7. STN国际联机检索系统中化学文献检索方法的比较与研究

    Comparative Studies on the Searching Methods for Chemical Documents on STN

  8. 目前国际公认的文献检索工具首推医学文献联机检索数据库(MEDLINE)。

    One of the worldwide accepted tools for literature retrieval nowadays is MEDLINE .

  9. 对Dialog系统中有关进出口贸易的国际市场信息数据库进行分析和归类.介绍了联机检索的方法,并举了一个实例。

    This paper approaches to the inports and exports trade market information data bank in Dialog system and classify . introduction of on-line retrieval and gives a case .

  10. 文章介绍了在DIALOG联机检索系统中检索专利文献时如何降低检索费用的技巧,以节约用户的费用。

    With the purpose of saving money of the users , this article introduces ingenious use in online retrieval of patents in order to reduce the costs in using the system of DIALOG .

  11. OCLC;检索技术;联机检索;光盘数据库;第一检索服务;全文数据库。

    OCLC ; Search technique ; Online search ; Disk database ; FirstSearch Service ; Full text database .

  12. 本文基于Dialog联机检索,以德温特世界专利索引数据库和专利引文索引数据库为数据源,对质子交换膜(PEM)燃料电池行业进行了专利分析研究。

    Based upon Dialog online search , we use Derwent World Patents Index ( DWPI ) and Derwent Patents Citation Index ( DPCI ) as data sources to analyze the patents in PEM fuel cell industry .

  13. 详细介绍Dialog系统中专利检索常用的数据库、指令、字段,并通过几个联机检索实例,深入探索Dialog专利检索的实用策略和技巧。

    This paper introduces in detail the databases , instructions and fields often used in patent search , and tries to conduct an in - depth research on some practical strategies and skills for the advanced patent search in Dialog System .

  14. 通过对DIALOG系统的研究分析,阐述了国际联机检索经济商业情报信息的方法,并分析了企业的情报需求。

    The method of retrieval of economic and commercial information through the international on-line retrieval system is explained by way of analyzing DIALOG system . The strong points and significance of developing the international on-line retrieval system by enterprises are also given .

  15. 美国国立医学图书馆(NLM)建立的医学文献分析和联机检索系统(MEDLINE)是全球最具影响力的生物医学数据库。

    Medical literature analysis and retrieval system online ( MEDLINE ) established by National Library of Medicine , USA ( NLM ) is the most important biomedical database all over the world .

  16. 即通过因特网的链路,结合BDSIRS专用检索软件联机检索的方式。

    Then , the author tried out a new connecting way by the use of special retrieval software for BDSIRS and via internet .

  17. 结果:VH基因序列全长369个碱基对,编码123个氨基酸,通过国际联机检索及Kabat库扫描证实,该VH基因符合小鼠免疫球蛋白可变区基因特征,同源性最高达87%。

    Results : The VH gene contained 369 base pairs encoding 123 amine acid resides . Analysis of the nucleotide sequence of the light chain variable region revealed that the VH sequence was 87 % identical to the sequence present in mouse Ig VH region .

  18. 开展国际联机检索为企业的生产经营服务

    Make international on-line retrieval system serve enterprises in production and management

  19. 自行编制设计了人机对话式联机检索程序。

    On-line retrieval programs are interactive mode , designed by myself .

  20. 他们认为图书馆技术要比联机检索主题知识更难于掌握。

    They rate librarianship skills higher than subject knowledge in on-line searching .

  21. 试论提高我国国际联机检索服务水平的几个问题

    Some Aspects on the Improvement of International Online Retrieval Service in China

  22. 五大国际联机检索系统收录数据库内容比较分析

    Comparative Analysis on Database Contents Embodied in Five International Online Retrieval Systems

  23. 如何降低国际联机检索费用

    How to Reduce the Service Charge of International Online Retrieval

  24. 化学物质毒性效应登录数据库在VAX/VMS上联机检索的实现

    On-line retrieval of RTECS database on vax / vms

  25. 利用国际联机检索系统查找专题情报的实践

    A Practice of Searching Special Subject for Information by International On-line Search System

  26. 国际联机检索效果综合评价

    The Comprehensive Evaluation of Effectiveness of International Online Search

  27. 对提高联机检索算法效率的讨论

    Discussion on raising the efficiency of online searching algorithm

  28. 网络搜索引擎与联机检索系统的比较分析

    Comparison and Analysis between Internet Search Engines and On - Line Retrieval Systems

  29. 情报联机检索人-机系统效果综合分析与设想

    Comprehensive Analysis of Man-machine System Effectiveness in Information On-line Search and Its Tentative Ideas

  30. 国际联机检索系统文献型数据库检索策略模型

    The Model of Search Strategy of Bibliographical Data Base in International Online Retrieval System