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ròu má
  • disgusting;nauseating;sickening;dally with
肉麻 [ròu má]
  • (1) [nauseating]∶由轻佻的或虚伪的言语、举动所引起的不舒服的感觉

  • 肉麻的吹捧

  • (2) [dally with]∶轻佻地狎昵

  • 和情人肉麻了一阵

肉麻[ròu má]
  1. 这种话听着真肉麻。

    It 's sickening to hear this kind of talk .

  2. 我们兄妹几个觉得挺肉麻的!

    My brother , sister , and I thought this ( kissing in public ) was disgusting !

  3. 不,肉麻程度刚刚好。

    No , it 's just the right amount of mush .

  4. 他专唱那些歌词极肉麻的情歌。

    He specializes in love songs with dreadful syrupy lyrics .

  5. 我不会赘述令人肉麻的细节

    I don 't want to take you through the gory details ,

  6. 她笑了,一面扭动着肩膀,做出一副肉麻的卖弄风情的姿态。

    She laughed , twisting her shoulder in a horrible parody of coquetry .

  7. 艾弗纳:肉麻?你知道我做了多大的努力才说出这样的话吗!

    Avner : What ? That took a lot for me to say !

  8. 这听起来也许有点肉麻。

    That may sound a bit touchy feely .

  9. 伟大的激情和肉麻的温情之间的分限线究竟在哪里,我无法确定。

    Where great passion leaves off and mawkishness begins , I 'm not sure .

  10. 打个招呼,简单的微笑,这要比那些肉麻的搭讪更容易让女孩子接受。

    That and a smile works better on women than any cheesy pickup line .

  11. 这一切文字不是作秀,也不是肉麻的开场白。

    All this are not for show , and are not just mushy openings .

  12. 怀曼的感情使他感到肉麻。

    Wyman 's emotion was embarrassing him .

  13. 她一定赶去与你哥哥肉麻。

    Girl1 : She 's totally running to a booty call with your brother . -

  14. 实际上,无论听到何种称赞,我都不会感到肉麻。

    In fact there is no amount of praise that sets my teeth on edge .

  15. 一个开玩笑的骂人话表达的爱意会比那些不真诚的肉麻话表达出来的爱意更深呢!

    A joyous insult carries more affection and love within the sentiments which are expressed insincerely .

  16. 迈克:我才看了一本书的顾客反馈,太肉麻了。

    Mike : I 've just read some customer feedback of a book , it 's disgusting .

  17. 这份肉麻的情感角色名单告诉我们,现代育儿与现代工作确有一个共同之处。

    This soppy list of roles tells us that there is one thing modern parenting has in common with modern jobs .

  18. 他们上学期做了两个很优秀的实践项目,(肉麻)仅超越了自己,也超越了前辈。

    They did two outstanding practice items last semester ,( disgustingly ) they not only exceeded themselves , but also exceeded many grand old men .

  19. 实际上,并非只有程力一人忍受着社交媒体上的这种“狂轰滥炸”:从晒情侣肉麻自拍,到晒各种美食照,再到打折包包以及各种“不转发就会有厄运降临”的帖子。

    In fact , Cheng is not the only one who has to endure such bombardments on social media platforms , from intimate couple selfies , photos of meals , to bag sales and if-you-don 't-share-this-bad-things-will-happen links .