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xīn téng
  • be distressed;love dearly;feel sorry
心疼 [xīn téng]
  • (1) [love dearly]∶爱惜

  • (2) [feel sorry; be distressed]∶因喜爱的东西或人受到损害而感到痛苦或难受

心疼[xīn téng]
  1. 这是我的心疼。

    This is my love dearly .

  2. 为什么我看你难过会如此心疼,我心里在想什么你永远不懂。

    Why did I think you sad can so love dearly , in my heart was thinking any you never understand .

  3. 在你们姐妹中,我最心疼你。

    Of all your sisters , I love you best .

  4. 这么浪费,叫人看了心疼。

    It makes one 's heart ache to see such waste .

  5. 这样惯孩子不是心疼他。

    Pampering a child like this is not loving him .

  6. 孩子的父亲看到后很心疼自己的儿子。因此,他拿起一根棍子开始打自己。孩子的爷爷见到后很不理解,便问道:

    The boy 's father saw and asked :

  7. 您这样嚎啕大哭,就连石头听了都会心疼的呀。

    Thou weepest so that even a stone would show pity .

  8. 我为何哭?因为我心疼我们的总理!

    Why do I cry ? Because I love my Premiers !

  9. 让你遭受这些,我心疼死了。

    It kills me that I 'm putting you through this .

  10. 老公工作很辛苦,心里很心疼他。

    He warked so hard , I was very distressed him .

  11. 她说剪下这些美丽的花会让人心疼。

    To cut such beautiful roses would hurt one , she said .

  12. 看到那小孩啼哭,我真心疼。

    The sight of the poor child crying tugged at my heartstrings .

  13. 你知道我一向心疼马。

    You know how I always feel for the horses !

  14. 那种想你到心疼时候。

    That kind thought you to love dearly the time .

  15. 拉姆齐太太解释说她心疼她的猫拉斯特斯。

    She explained that Rastus was very dear to her .

  16. 不过没关系,因为其实心疼的感觉让我上瘾。

    Well that 's alright because I like the way it hurt .

  17. 所以你老公也许也是心疼你呢?

    So you may also be distressed husband you ?

  18. 真正的鸟类会心疼自己,甚至有时泥流血而死。

    Truly distressed birds will gouge themselves and even sometimes bleed to death .

  19. 女人要的很简朴,只是一个真正心疼自己的男人。

    The woman is very simple , just a really love their man .

  20. 就跟你的心脏病发作一样心疼吧。

    It was as good as your heart attack .

  21. 但是她把一伙犯人交给他,却一点也不心疼。

    But she had no qualms in trusting him with a convict gang .

  22. 珍珠是贝壳一生的心疼,你是我一世的牵挂!

    Pearl is shells of life , you are my dearly life-long care !

  23. 一些卖家可能会觉得心疼。

    Some sellers may also be feeling the pinch .

  24. 其实爸爸每次打你后,心里总在心疼地流汩!

    Actually , every time you father after heart always lovingly flow Gu !

  25. 他心疼着他的孩子呢,可怜的汉子!

    He adored that little fellow , poor man !

  26. 母亲对我的遭遇十分心疼。

    My mother is distressed greatly about my sufferings .

  27. 我心疼地看着它因为不熟悉环境而在墙壁和家具上磕磕撞撞。

    It pained me to see her crash into unfamiliar walls and furniture .

  28. 尽管如此,他的新主人可不会心疼这个价格。

    The price is unlikely to have fazed its new owner , though .

  29. 科罗格利沃夫的事更令人心疼。

    The case of kologrivov was even more poignant .

  30. 妈妈心疼我,不让我下来踩到又脏又臭的深水里。

    Mother distressed me , let me step down in deep-water dirty , foul .