
xīn gān
  • darling;heart and liver;conscience;deary
心肝 [xīn gān]
  • (1) [darling]∶称最亲热最喜爱的儿女等

  • (2) [conscience]∶良心、正义感

心肝[xīn gān]
  1. 这婴儿是全家的心肝宝贝。

    The baby is the family darling .

  2. 我的心肝,我的挚爱,我美丽的妻。

    My darling , my lover , my beautiful wife .

  3. 彭妮的独子是她的心肝宝贝。

    Penny 's only son was the apple of her eye .

  4. 肝肾阴虚病人心肝组织HBVdna检出率达41.2%和52.9%,心肌内不存在HBV复制。

    HBV-DNA was detected in 41 . 2 % of heart tissues and 52 . 9 % of liver tissues , respectively .

  5. 研究认为伴有焦虑症状的原发性高血压病(EH),心肝热毒为其基本的病机特征。

    The article indicated that evil heat in heart and liver was one basic pathomechanism trait in anxiety Essential Hypertension ( EH ) .

  6. 苹果公关部门口风严密,但透露的少量信息显示,iPad可谓是史蒂夫?乔布斯的“心肝宝贝”。

    By the few accounts have leaked out of Apple 's tightly sealed PR machine , the iPad would appear to be Steve Jobs'baby .

  7. 目的研究叶酸(FolicAcid,FA)对高同型半胱氨酸(HCY)小鼠血脂、心肝MDA含量及心肌SOD活性的影响,探讨防治心血管疾病的措施。

    Objective To study the effect of Folic Acid ( FA ) on plasma lipids , MDA and SOD activity in HCY mice , and try to find out the measure to control cardiovascular disease .

  8. 门静脉主干(MPV)宽度由彩色超声测得,门静脉压力(PVP)采用核素心肝血流比得到。

    The average width of main portal vein ( MPV ) were measured by color ultrasound . Portal vein pressure ( PVP ) was measured by radionuclide image .

  9. 结论:补肝散能拮抗自由基损伤,减少D-gal衰老模型小鼠心肝脑组织MDA含量,增强其心肝脑组织SOD活力。

    Conclusion : Reinforcing Liver Powder has rivalry to free radical injury , decreases the content of MDA and increases the vital force of SOD in heart , liver and brain tissue of D-gal senile model mice .

  10. 此结果说明在IH状态下AS容易形成,6.IH状态下心肝肺等重要脏器容易受累。

    This result showed AS is easy formed under the IH condition . 6 . Under the IH condition heart , liver and lung and so on are easily involve in damage .

  11. 与老年对照组比较,β-雌二醇组心肝肾脑组织NO含量明显增高(P<0.01),而心脑肾组织MDA下降有显著性(P<0.01);

    Compared with the aged group as control , β estradiol induced NO significantly increased in heart , liver , kidney and brain ( P < 0 01 ), but tissue MDA in heart , brain and kidney significantly decreased ( P < 0 01 ) .

  12. 赛拉斯(Silas):这只来自法国南部的鸟常驻在黑心肝船长肩膀上。没在做侦查工作的时候,他的空中重击也是非常恐怖的。

    Perpetually perched on Capt. Gutt 's shoulder , this bird from the south of France packs a surprisingly dangerous airborne punch when he 's not scouting out trouble ahead .

  13. 我还不是一个那么没有心肝的人,海伦。

    I 'm not all that of a bastard , helen .

  14. 这个女人可真是他的心肝宝贝。

    This woman is the apple of his eye to him .

  15. 要让他心肝情愿给钱给我们。

    Because giving Danny the money has to be his idea .

  16. 且赞美其甜,甜甜我心肝。

    And praise its sweetness , Sweet , with thee anear .

  17. 第一台电脑就像他的心肝宝贝。

    Tom 's first computer was the apple of his eye .

  18. 为了爱,让我的爱如愿吧,心肝。

    Thus far for love my love-suit , sweet , fulfil .

  19. 那太罪过了,也太没有心肝了!

    That would be wicked , as well as heartless !

  20. 你好,小心肝你好,没毛的小家伙

    Hello , pumpkin . Hello , little baldy bean .

  21. 心肝核素显影比值对门静脉高压症的诊断价值

    Diagnostic value of heart - liver nuclein ratio in cirrhotic portal hypertension

  22. 我还有什么不能答应我的心肝的呢?

    What will I not promise to my Love ? '

  23. 他最小的儿子是他的心肝宝贝。

    His youngest son was the apple of his eye .

  24. 查莉,我的小心肝。

    Charlie , there 's my little sweetie . Hi .

  25. 心肝,可别把眼睛向旁边张望:

    Dear heart , forbear to glance thine eye aside :

  26. “你真是一位天才,我的心肝。”

    " You are a genius , sweetheart . "

  27. 他躺在那儿,心肝又有跳动了。

    He flat-lined , and his heart started again .

  28. 中医心肝肾三脏在应激反应中的作用

    Action of heart , liver and kidney under stress

  29. 心肝宝贝们,是就寝的时候口罗!

    It 's time for bed now , honeys !

  30. 你以为我不想工作吗,心肝儿?

    Don 't I want to work , sweetheart ?