
  • 网络mental exercise
  1. 这不仅仅需要超过到达空间站所需200万美元七倍的价格,还需要花费数月来进行体力和心理的锻炼。

    Not only is the asking price more than seven times the $ 20m cost of a jaunt to the ISS , it also requires months of demanding physical and psychological training .

  2. 身体活动与身体锻炼的心理效应是锻炼心理学研究的重要内容。

    The psychological effect of physical activity and / or physical exercise is an important content of exercise psychology .

  3. 目的调查青少年锻炼行为,揭示不同锻炼阶段自我效能、决策平衡的特点以及心理变量与锻炼行为的关系。

    Objective To examine the exercise behavior of adolescents ; to reveal the differences in self-efficacy and decision balance by the stages of exercise behavior , and to identify the relationship between exercise behavior and psychological variables .

  4. 护士应加强自身心理承受力的锻炼,增强应对能力。

    Nurses should exercise themselves mentally to strengthen their ability to cope .

  5. 在读硕士研究生心理健康与体育锻炼的相关研究

    A Correlative Study on Mental Health of Master Students and Exercise Doing

  6. 286例下岗职工的心理健康及体育锻炼状况的调查研究

    Study on State of Mental Health and Physical Training of 286 Laid Off Works

  7. 这是一项有利于提高心理素质的休闲锻炼活动。

    This is a kind of leisure exercise and activity beneficial for improving your psychological quality .

  8. 体育锻炼的心理效益是运动锻炼心理学的热点问题之一,身体自尊是反应心理健康状况的重要指标。

    The psychological effect of sports exercises is one of the hot issues of sports psychology .

  9. 学生自身的心理障碍;身体锻炼有助于调节学生身心矛盾,增强心理健康。

    Physical exercise is helpful to regulate the conflict of body and mind , enhance mental health .

  10. 河北省普通高校大学生心理健康与其体育锻炼行为特征的相关研究

    Research on the Correlation between Psychological Health and Its Sport Participation Characteristics among College Students in Hebei Province

  11. 认为注重病人的心理护理和功能锻炼,做好病人的出院指导和回访也是不可忽视的问题。

    Meanwhile , mental nursing , function exercises , discharge instructions and returning visits should not be neglected .

  12. 首先,周一锻炼能形成一种心理规律。周一锻炼说明在以一种自己希望维持的方式开始这一周的生活。

    First , exercising on Monday sets a psychological pattern . I start the week in the way that I want to continue .

  13. 结论对截瘫伴发抑郁的患者采用有效的心理支持、康复锻炼和良好的家庭照顾及社会支持可改善患者抑郁的负性心理,促进患者心理、生理的康复。

    Conclusion It is important to provide paraplegia patients with valid mentality support and recovered exercise . Family and social resources should also be necessary .

  14. 目的:了解警察院校大学生心理健康与体育锻炼态度状况,探讨两者间的关系。

    AIM : To investigate the mental health status and attitude towards physical exercise in students of public security universities , and discuss the association between them .

  15. 不良的生活习惯、忽视生理与心理健康及缺乏锻炼是影响中国男性健康的几大因素。

    Men in China are widely affected by bad living habits , a lack of awareness about mental and physical health issues , and a lack of exercise .

  16. 目的研究大学生心理健康与不同锻炼强度的关系,为促进大学生心理健康提供锻炼方法上的依据。

    Objective To study the relationship between exercise intensity and mental health status of college students , and to provide the foundation of exercise mode for advancing their mental health .

  17. 强调术前心理护理和体位锻炼,术后着重观察皮瓣血运和冲洗管护理,协助进行恢复性训练。

    The paper emphasized preoperative psychology nursing and posture exercising , postoperative observation of blood circulation of flap and nursing of syringe pipe , and assistance to patient 's rehabilitation .

  18. 结果发现:采用新课程进行教学的实验班,大学生的心理健康状况和锻炼时的心理感觉均优于对照组的大学生。

    The result shows that in the test class adopting the new course , college students ' mental condition and mental feeling when exercising are both better than that of the contract class .

  19. 高职院校心理健康学生与心理问题学生体育锻炼情况的比较研究

    Comparative Study on the Situation of Physical Training of Students of Mental Health and Students with Mental Trouble in Higher Vocational Colleges

  20. 身体自尊作为自我意识形态的一个方面,是衡量心理健康的重要标志之一,它对研究大学生参与体育锻炼的心理前因和锻炼后的心理效益有着非常重要的意义。

    Personal self-respect as an aspect of self-awareness ideology is one of the important signs of psychological health . It is of significance for the psychological effect of undergraduates before and after physical exercises .

  21. 根据对西安市小学生心理问卷的调查结果,制定的心理效益评价标准,可以在小学生健身锻炼时,根据相应的性别、年级标准,评价健身运动的心理效益锻炼效果。

    According to survey result on the Xi ' an pupils psychological questionnaires , making psychological benefits evaluation standard , can evaluate the exercise effect of psychological benefits of body-building , according to gender and grade standards in the elementary students fitness training .