
xīn lì
  • mental and physical efforts
心力 [xīn lì]
  • (1) [mental and physical efforts]

  • (2) 思维能力,才智

  • 费尽心力

  • (3) 心思和能力

  • 尔尚一乃心力,其克有勋。--《书.大禹谟》

  • 尽心力以事其君。--《左传.昭公十九年》

心力[xīn lì]
  1. 结合我国改革开放营造的新的心理环境的现实,从心理力的基点出发,深入地论述了社会文化与主体心力的关系,揭示了心理环境的内在机制;

    Based on the psychological force and the new psychological environment created by the reform and opening-up , this article expounds the relationship between social culture and subjective mental and physical efforts , revealing the intrinsic mechanism of the psychological environment .

  2. 花费了很多心力反复灌输国家与家庭观念。

    Great care was taken to inculcate the values of nationhood and family .

  3. 为了这个设备我现在已经是心力憔悴了。

    For the purpose of this device is qiangxinli ve now languishes .

  4. 全村的人都跑来帮忙,而他们所得到的回报却是一顿嘲笑,白费了心力。

    The whole village came running out to his assistance when all the return they got was to be laughed at for their pains .

  5. 结论:心力舒滴鼻剂能拮抗CHF大鼠神经内分泌细胞因子的过度激活。

    Conclusion : Xinlishu naristillae could depress the aggregation and activation of neuroendocrine cytokines in CHF rats .

  6. 结论:心力神能改善DCM患者的左右心功能。

    Conclusion : Xin Li Shen can improve the left and right cardiac function in DCM .

  7. III度房室阻滞患者VVI起搏时运动耐力和心力储备的研究

    The Research of Exercise Endurance and Cardiac Reserve in Patients With Complete Atrioventricular Block Treated With VVI Pacing

  8. 他所著的ReadingsinChineseLiteraryThought一书是他在耶鲁大学和哈佛大学讲授中国文论期间,集十二年心力精心编选、翻译、评注的中国诗学经典读本。

    His work Readings in Chinese Literary Thought is a classic chrestomathy on Chinese poetics with 12 years of selecting , translating and annotating elaborately , when instructing Chinese literary theory in Yale and Harvard .

  9. 目的:观察中药制剂心力神对扩张型心肌病(DCM)的治疗效果。

    Objective : To observe the effect of Chinese herbal preparation Xin Li Shen for dilated cardiomyopathy ( DCM ) .

  10. 结果充血性心力哀竭(CHF)组BNP浓度为(1050.3±75.5)pg/ml,明显高于非心源性呼吸困难组的BNP水平;

    Results the levels of serum BNP in CHF group were ( 1050.3 ± 75.5 ) pg / ml , which were much higher than non-cardiac group ;

  11. 目的:从神经内分泌细胞因子水平探讨心力舒滴鼻剂对实验性慢性心力衰竭(CHF)大鼠的作用机制。

    Objective : It was studied in this paper that the function mechanism of Xinlishu naristillae to Chronic Heart Failure ( CHF ) rats by the level of neuroendocrine cytokines .

  12. 如果你甚至连折磨那些电话推销人员的时间或心力都没有,请在www.donotcall.gov这个网站上写上你的大名。词语解释:1.tormentv.折磨2.telemarketern.电话销售员

    If you don 't have the time or the heart to torment telemarketers , put your name on the National Do Not Call Registry at www.donotcall.gov .

  13. 并且,心力神的RCI、LCI及EF值均较对照组为高(P<0.05)。

    The RCI , LCI and EF in Lin Li Shen group were higher than those of control group ( P < 0 . 05 ) .

  14. 目的:探讨心音图运动试验(PCGET)评估心肌收缩力及心力储备的价值。

    Objective : Explore the value of phonocardiogram exercise test ( PCGET ) to evaluating cardiac contractility .

  15. 研究冠心病左心室能量(LVE)及能量效率(EE)与心力储备之间的关系。

    Objective : To study the relationship between left ventricular energy ( LVE ) and energy efficiency ( EE ) in patients with coronary heart disease and cardiac reserve .

  16. 望京中心A5区绝版珍稀地块,举世心力汇成财富焦点,核心价值卓然于全球经济潮涌。

    As the center of Wangjing , A5 is a rare masterpiece out of print , a fortune focus created with global efforts , whose critical value is still shining among waves of world economy .

  17. CRI、用运动前、后s1幅值计算的心力储备指数(CCRI)与NYHA分级的符合率分别为70.59%与41.76%,二者有显著差异(P<0.005)。

    The coincidence rate of NYHA and CRI . CCRI ( ratio of the amplitude of first heart sound before and after exercise ) was 70.59 % , 41.76 % respectively ( P < 0.005 ) .

  18. 实验在麻醉狗中进行。静脉内匀速注射硝普钠时,平均动脉压和左心室收缩压明显降低,左心室dp/dt(max)、-dp/dt(max)和心力环面积均明显减小。

    Experiments were performed on 15 anaesthetized dogs , mean arterial pressure , left intraventricular pressure , dp / dt max , - dp / dt max and the area of cardiac force loop ( CFL ) were reduced markedly by intravenous infusion of sodium nitroprusside ( NP ) .

  19. 不同运动负荷下运动后第一心音幅值(S1)对安静时S1幅值增加的相应倍数定义为心力变化趋势(CCCT);

    The definition of the changing tendency of the systolic ability of the myocardium is the increasing relevant multiple between the S1 range value after finishing the exercises with various loads and that in silent state ( CCCT );

  20. 方法:受试者完成规定的运动量,把不同负荷下运动后第一心音(S1)幅值对安静时S1幅值增加的相应倍数定义为心力变化趋势(cardaccontractilitychangetrend,CCCT)。

    Method The subjects accomplished the designed exercise workload and the increase of the amplitude of the first heart sound after accomplishing different exercise workloads , with respect to the amplitude of the first heart sound recorded at rest was defined as cardiac contractility change trend ( CCCT ) .

  21. 心音图运动试验(PCGET)是新近提出的一项心肌收缩能力以及心血管病人和健康人的心力储备评估方法。

    Phonocardiogram exercise testing ( PCGET ) is a recently developed method for evaluating cardiac contractility and the cardiac reserve in patients with heart disease or in healthy subjects .

  22. 运动员心力储备检测和评估的一种无创性方法研究

    A Noninvasive Method for Measuring and Evaluating Cardiac Reserve of Athletes

  23. 然而,情绪的焦虑更令她心力憔悴。

    Yet it 's the emotional anxiety that wears her down .

  24. 维新派心力观研究

    A Study on the Reformation School 's Philosophy of Mind Power

  25. 大多数银行在非常规薪酬心力憔悴;

    Most banks are hopeless at processing payments that are irregular ;

  26. 别将心力浪费在符合别人的期待之上。

    Don 't waste your energies trying to fit others expectations .

  27. 她们的心力只能走到这一步。

    Her strength alone can only take her so far .

  28. 我爸希望我多花些心力在课业上。

    Dad wants me to put more effort into my school work .

  29. 用尽你的心力去打否则你没有任何机会。

    Fight with all of your heart or there is no hope .

  30. 每位聆听这场演讲的人都该贡献心力

    everyone listening to this presentation has a role to play