
  • 网络Abnormal fluctuations in stock trading;Stock transaction abnormal fluctuations
  1. 股票交易异常波动的计算从公告之日起重新开始。

    The calculation of abnormal fluctuation of stock trading shall begin with the date of announcement .

  2. 股票交易异常波动往往和内幕交易,上市公司违规信息披露和股价操纵行为有密切关系。

    The stock price abnormal fluctuation phenomena tied up with insider trading , illegal information announcement , and price manipulation .

  3. 大部分的股票交易异常波动的现象会伴随着市场上定向增发、资产重组、整体上市和借壳上市的传闻一起出现。

    Many abnormal fluctuation phenomena occurs together with the rumors of private offering , asset reconstruction , " on listed as a whole " and " back-door listing " .

  4. 2007年股权分置改革基本完成后,中国股市迎来了一个大牛市,上市公司股票交易异常波动的数量和公司家数也随之大幅上升。

    In 2007 , the China stock market was a bully market after the reform of non-tradable shares almost completed . The listed companies ' stock price abnormal fluctuation numbers increased significantly .