
mǎ jiǎ
  • vest;armour for a horse;armor on horse
马甲 [mǎ jiǎ]
  • (1) [armor on horse]∶马身披的铠甲

  • (2) [vest] 〈方〉∶背心

马甲[mǎ jiǎ]
  1. 她戴了一顶漂亮的冕状头饰,而新郎也毫不逊色,身着一件非常讲究的刺绣西服马甲。

    She wore a lovely tiara but the groom , not to be outdone , had on a very smart embroidered waistcoat .

  2. 那是一件用钩针编织的黑色马甲。

    That 's a black crochet waistcoat .

  3. 在穿着正式的黑裤与马甲的学院仆人鱼贯而入之前,我们在托马斯•蒲柏爵士(SirThomasPope)的画像前做了拉丁文的谢恩祷告。

    Latin grace was said under the portrait of Sir Thomas Pope , the founder , before the college servants , formally dressed in dark trousers and waistcoats , moved in .

  4. 那么一件皮夹克或是一件OliviaPalermo风的无袖马甲就正是你所需要的。

    Then a leather jacket or a sleeveless gilet ' Olivia Palermo ' style is certainly what you need .

  5. 跟结婚马甲配套的衣服和裤子让我很漂亮Portia的礼裙也非常好看

    they made me beautiful like shirts and pants for the vest in , a dress for Portia that was so gorgeous

  6. 易趣网上马甲的搜索量也已经增长了25%,制衣公司TMLewin也在其推特上表示,马甲销量已经“直冲云霄”。

    EBay has also reported a 25 % increase in searches for waistcoats and tailoring retailer TM Lewin tweeted that sales were " going through the stadium roof . "

  7. 两位泰国导游(男的叫伍迪(woody),女的叫view)与巴姆正等着我们:他们发放的第一样东西就是头盔,然后是车灯、反光马甲以及半新的崔克(trek)自行车。

    The two Thai guides , woody ( a man ) and view ( a woman ) are onside with BAM : the first thing they hand out are helmets , then lights , reflector vests and newish trek bikes .

  8. 目前Kerrin为女儿Tara制作了裙子,不过这还没完,她还要继续为女儿制作糖果纸的高跟鞋、手提包、甚至是马甲等等。

    With the help of her mother and the community , she also has matching shoes , earrings , bracelets , headbands and even a Starburst vest for her date . Tara 's mother would buy 20 bags of Starburst at a time to get the huge amount of wrappers needed to make the dress and the accessories .

  9. 马甲:出于欺骗目的而使用的网络假身份。

    Sock puppet : A false identity used for online fraud .

  10. 那儿穿着马甲的家伙,克雷格·图腾,

    And the fellow in the vest there , Craig Toten ,

  11. 位于卡雷德泻湖南岸的马甲拉广场。

    Al Majarrah Souk on the south bank of Khaled Lagoon .

  12. 马甲显然比外套新

    That waistcoat is clearly newer than the jacket Stop this !

  13. 你也可以找一件类似装饰的马甲,和T恤搭配,穿出一种甜美和硬朗交错的效果。

    Look for a vest with similar embellishmentfor a sweet-but-tough combo .

  14. 这部影片被观众称为只是披着中国元素的马甲。

    The film is the audience is dressed as Chinese elements vest .

  15. 我们领带的销量再次上升,甚至是马甲。

    We 're selling more ties again and even waistcoats .

  16. 马甲结构变化规律的研究

    Study on the Law of Change of Waist Coat Structure

  17. 红色马甲,意味着她是二级图书管理员助理。

    A red waistcoat , marking her as a Second Assistant Librarian .

  18. 哦一个尼赫鲁马甲芭比别撕尼赫鲁!

    Ooh , a Nehru jacket.Barbie , not the Nehru !

  19. 想要练成“维多利亚的秘密”模特的马甲线?

    Angling to get the abs of a Victoria 's Secret model ?

  20. 他脱下上衣,露出一件鲜红的马甲。

    He takes off his coat to reveal a bright red vest .

  21. 长袍、马褂、马甲为满族人的主要服装;

    Long gown , mandarin jacket and waistcoat were the typical Manchurian clothes .

  22. 大为很爱他的妻子,因为她给他买了一件马甲。

    David loves his wife very much because she gives him a vest .

  23. 一件淡蓝色马甲的袖子只垂到了她的臂弯上。

    The sleeves of a pale blue waist came only to her elbows .

  24. 穿马甲时不扣最下面一粒扣子。

    Leaves the bottom button of his vest undone .

  25. 他的马甲收到腹部以上了。

    His waistcoat was riding up over his stomach .

  26. 改天我换马甲来这里删掉。

    Gai day wo change Majia come here delete !

  27. 他经常穿一件单薄的马甲,戴一顶有绶带的高帽。

    He often wore a simple vest and a cylindrical , tasseled hat .

  28. 最外层的衣物应该是一件透气的,既挡风又挡点雨的夹克或马甲。

    Your outer layer should be a breathable , wind-and water-resistant jacket or vest .

  29. 起诉吧,他们得穿上那些橙色的马甲

    Do it . They 'll have to wear the little , orange vests .

  30. 她的紧身马甲是用起皱的料子做的。

    Her bodice was made of crinkly material .