
  • 网络matthew;Gospel of Matthew;Mathew;gospel;Gospel according to Matthew
  1. 很多是恨耶稣的人。马太福音27章40-42节讲到,这些人说:“你如果是神的儿子,就从十字架上下来吧!”祭司长和文士并长老也是这样戏弄他,说:“他救了别人,不能救自己。

    Most were enemies of the Lord Jesus and in Matthew 27 : 40-42 we read that they cried out , " If you are the Son of God , come down from the cross . The chief priests mocked him , with the scribes and elders , saying , " He saved others ; but he cannot save himself .

  2. 王是亚伯拉罕和大卫的后裔(见马太福音1:1)。

    The King will be a descendant of both Abraham and David ( see Matthew 1:1 ) .

  3. 我也说了他可能用了Q,假设的文书,这是通过对比路加和马太福音发现的。

    I 've also said he probably used Q , this hypothetical document because we find that by comparing Luke and Matthew .

  4. 据基督教马太福音记载,圣母玛丽亚与婴儿耶稣接受了携带礼物的magi(拉丁语,东方智者)的拜访。

    In the Christian Gospel of St Matthew , Mary and the infant Jesus receive a visit from " magi " bearing gifts .

  5. 他在马太福音里认为这是必要的。

    He makes a point of this in the Gospel of Matthew .

  6. 耶稣在马太福音中做了五次讲论。

    There are five speeches by Jesus in Matthew .

  7. 《马太福音》中没有暗示废除律法。

    There 's no hint in Matthew that the law would be abrogated .

  8. 我刚才,列出了马太福音中不同的段落。

    What I 've done is walk through several different passages in Matthew .

  9. 复习圣经新约各卷书,从《马太福音》直到《启示录》。

    Review the New Testament books of the Bible ; Matthew through Revelation .

  10. 根据马太福音,耶稣复活后是在哪里,向他的使徒显现的?

    Where did Jesus appear to his disciples after his resurrection according to Matthew ?

  11. 再来看看马太福音的架构。

    Look at the structure of Matthew though .

  12. 按照圣经里的顺序新约是从马太福音开始。

    In the order of the Bible Matthew is the First New Testament book .

  13. 他们几乎都会说出马太福音的版本,而不是路加的。

    They almost always finish it in the Matthew form , not the Luke form .

  14. 你不能用《约翰福音》的内容,来解释《马太福音》

    You can 't use the Gospel of John to interpret the Gospel of Matthew .

  15. 讲述《马太福音》是用哪种方式来表明耶稣就是应许中的弥赛亚。

    Describe the ways in which Matthew shows that Jesus was the promised Jewish Messiah .

  16. 《马太福音》中有一则故事一直让我对自己充满疑虑。

    There 's a story in Matthew 's gospel that 's always kept me guessing .

  17. 马太福音,第23章,第12节

    Matthew , Chapter 23 verse 12 .

  18. 据马太福音,耶稣有没有,在耶路撒冷向使徒显现?没有。

    Did Jesus appear to any of his disciples in Jerusalem according to Matthew ? No.

  19. 《马太福音》是怎样一步步表明耶稣与敌对者的冲突逐步加深的?

    How does Matthew show that the confrontation between Jesus and his enemies was getting stronger ?

  20. 在马太福音里,耶稣同时是一名老师。

    One of the things that Jesus is , also in Matthew , is a teacher .

  21. 耶稣受试探&第二个和第三个试探的先后顺序在马太福音和路加福音里是不一样的。

    The Temptation of Jesus-The sequence of the second and third temptations differs in Matthew and Luke .

  22. 马太福音,一直是被这样使用的典籍之一。

    The Gospel of Matthew has been one of the texts that 's been used in this way .

  23. 马太福音中,耶稣复活后,只在加利利显现,而不是耶路撒冷。

    All the appearances of Jesus & the resurrected Jesus in Matthew take place in Galilee not Jerusalem .

  24. 别忘了,「哀恸的人有福了,因为他们必得安慰。」(马太福音5章4节)。

    Remember ," Blessed are those who mourn , for they shall be comforted "( Matt . 5:4 ) .

  25. 它大量借鉴新约的《马太福音》,以及《雅各书》

    It 's very dependent upon the Gospel of Matthew and the letter of James in the New Testament .

  26. 这跟我们在马太福音或是,马可福音中看到的不太一样?

    That 's actually very different from what we 've seen in Matthew or even in Mark , right ?

  27. 对于我而言,耶稣在马太福音中所提到的终极戒律是至关重要的问题。

    For me the central question is about the supreme commandment according to Jesus said in the book of Matthew .

  28. 但马可及马太福音中,晚于此,就来到迦百农。

    According to Mark and Matthew it 's later in their Gospels then moves and makes his home in Capernaum .

  29. “凡动用刀剑者,必死于刀剑之下。”-圣经“马太福音。

    " And them that take the sword shall perish by the sword . " - The Bible , Matthew .

  30. 从旧约最后一本书玛拉基书到第一本福音书马太福音间隔的时间。

    The time gap between Malachi the last book of the Old Testament and Matthew the first of the gospels .