
  • 网络stomachache;Epigastric pain;Gastric Pain
  1. 治疗组对牙周症状、胃脘痛、痞满、恶心、嗳气和舌苔白腻/黄腻的变化等症状改善方面疗效明显高于对照组(P<0.05或P<0.01);

    The effect of RC was obviously superior to that of WM on improving the clinical symptom including stomachache , ruffian flatulence and nausea ( P < 0.05 or P < 0.01 ) .

  2. 治疗组单项症状胃脘痛、腹胀、嗳气泛酸缓解较明显,治疗前后比较P<0.01~.P<0.001,并能明显降低胃液胆汁酸浓度(P<0.05)。

    Li Qi He Wei syrup could mitigate the symptoms of stomachache , gastric stuffiness and discomfort , belching and acid regurgitation , there was significant difference between before and after treatment ( P < 0.01-P < 0.001 ) .

  3. 胃脘痛血瘀证餐前、餐后胃电图波幅高于脾虚证(P<0.05),与正常人比较差异无显著性(P>0.05);

    The amplitude of fasting and postprandial EGG was higher than that in spleen_deficiency syndrome ( P < 0.05 ) . The difference was not significant as compared with normal volunteer ( P > 0.05 ) .

  4. 结果:与正常人和胃脘痛脾虚证相比,胃脘痛血瘀证胃动素水平升高(P<0.01),胃泌素水平差异无显著性(P>0.05);

    The results showed that motilin level was increased ( P 0.01 ) and the difference of gastrin level was not significant ( P 0.05 ) in patients with blood_stasis syndrome as compared with patients with spleen_deficiency syndrome and normal volunteer .

  5. 功能性消化不良(FunctionalDyspepsia,FD)为临床常见病、多发病,为近年来消化系统疾病的研究热点,属中医胃脘痛、痞症范畴;

    Functional dyspepsia ( FD ) is a common disease and have become a research hot spot in digestive system in recent years , and called the pain in the epigastric region in TCM ;

  6. 探讨小儿胃脘痛对应于现代医学的疾病内涵,分析中医宏观辨证与胃镜辨病、粘膜微观辨证以及幽门螺杆菌(HP)感染的内在联系和规律性。

    We studied the diseases corresponding to Western Medicine included in Infantile Stomachache . Furthermore , we discussed the internal relationship and regularity in TCM syndrome , gastroscopic diagnosis , mucosa syndrome and helicobacter pylori ( HP ) infection .

  7. 胃脘痛血瘀证患者胃肠激素、胃电图的变化

    Changes of Gastrointestinal Hormones and Electrogastrograms in Patients with Blood_stasis_syndrome Stomachache

  8. 484例胃脘痛与饮食关系的调查分析

    Analytical Investigation of Relationship Between Gastralgia and Diet in 484 Patients

  9. 胃脘痛,是一种古今常见的内科病证。

    Stomachache is a very commonly seen disease in internal medicine .

  10. 逍遥丸治疗胃脘痛作用机制的初步探讨

    Elementary study of affect mechanism of Xiaoyao pill on abdominal pain

  11. 胃舒胶囊治疗胃脘痛540例疗效观察

    Therapeutic Observation of 540 Patients with Stomachache Treated by Weishu Capsule

  12. 中医中药治疗胃脘痛120例临床观察

    Clinical observation on 120 cases of epigastric pain treated with TCM

  13. 胃脘痛证候的演变规律附:7315例临床病例报告

    Developing Law of Epigastric Pain Syndromes ── A Report of 7315 Cases

  14. 胃脘痛患者胃镜诊断与中医辨证分型关系探讨

    Gastroscopic diagnosis and TCM syndrome differentiation in stomach ache patients

  15. 286例胃脘痛患者的辨证施护

    Dialectic Nursing Care of 286 Cases of Stomach Pain

  16. 目的观察穴位注射治疗急性胃脘痛的止痛疗效。

    Purpose To investigate the analgesic effect of acupoint injection on acute gastralgia .

  17. 慢性胃脘痛证候分布规律研究

    Study on Law or Distribution ot Chronic Stomach-ache Syndrome

  18. 针刺治疗胃脘痛临床观察

    Observation on the Effect of Accupuncture on Epigastric Pain

  19. 目的观察安胃汤治疗胃脘痛的疗效。

    Objective To observe the efficacy of Stomach-Calming Decoction to treat gastric abscess .

  20. 胃溃疡的内镜分期与胃脘痛辨证分型的关系

    By stages of gastric ulcer under gastroscope and relation to gastral cavity pain

  21. 321例胃脘痛的辨证治疗及分析

    Treatment and Analysis of 321 Cases of Epigastralgia

  22. 针压疗法也有效。李仲愚杵针疗法治疗胃脘痛65例临床观察

    Clinical Observation on 65 Cases of Stomachache Treated by Li Zhongyu 's Pestle Needle

  23. 结果:胃脘痛各证型胃动素分泌大多下降。

    Results : The secretion of motilin decreased in most cases of gastric abscess .

  24. 荜拨穴位敷贴治疗胃脘痛46例观察

    Observation on Stomachache ( 46 cases ) Treated with Point Application with Fructus Piperis

  25. 阳虚实为阳气亏虚,而非气虚;针灸治疗胃脘痛脾胃阳气虚证临床研究感受振阳

    Clinical Study of Acupuncture in Treating Gastralgia Classified as Spleen and Stomach Yang-Deficiency Syndrome

  26. 这些作用是其治疗胃脘痛的药理学基础。

    These effects might be the pharmacological mechanisms of SHGP on treatment of epigastralgia .

  27. 穴位注射治疗急性胃脘痛118例疗效观察

    Clinical Observations on the Treatment of 118 Patients with Acute Gastralgia by Acupoint Injection

  28. 就中医理论而言,消化性溃疡即中医所指的胃脘痛。

    According to the TCM theory , gastric ulcer belongs to stomach ache category .

  29. 小儿胃脘痛中医辨证与胃镜表现之关系的探讨

    Study on the Relationship between TCM Syndrome and Gastroscopic Feature in Children with Stomachache

  30. 胃宁合剂治疗胃脘痛的临床研究

    Clinical Study on " Stomach Peace Mixture " in the Treatment of Epigastric Pain