
  • 网络clause on the back;reverse side
  1. 委托单位的签字表明已看过并理解委托书背面条款,双方同意履行。

    Once signed by the Trustor , it will be deemed that he has understood the clauses on the back and the two parties agree to carry out them .

  2. 国际机票是国际航运中承运人与旅客之间存在运输合同关系的证明凭证,而其背面条款则提供了有关承运人与旅客权利义务关系的重要信息。

    The international airline ticket is the contract of carriage showing the relationship between the carrier and the passenger , the back conditions on the ticket providing important information concerning rights and obligations of both the passenger and the carrier .

  3. 本公司并同意接受本申请书背面约定条款之拘束。

    We also agree to be bound by the Terms and Conditions on the reverse hereof .

  4. 把罪犯从拘禁状态中解放出来并有条件释放。本公司并同意接受本申请书背面约定条款之拘束。

    Release a criminal from detention and place him on parole . We also agree to be bound by the Terms and Conditions on the reverse hereof .

  5. 合同背面的基本条款是本合同的一个不可分割的组成部分。

    The general term and condition on the back page constitute an inseparable part of this contract .

  6. 3.汇款申请致中国银行武汉分行:本人已阅读并同意遵守此页背面所列条款,兹委托贵行据此办理下列汇款。

    Dear China Bank , Wuhan Branch , I hereby request you to handle the following remittances subject to the conditions overleaf , which I have read and agreed to be bound by .