
  • 网络parity;gravida
  1. 选择年龄、体重、胎次、繁殖性能较一致的二元杂经产母猪(长白×约克)27头,采用L9(34)正交表安排试验,共9个试验组,每组3个重复。

    Twenty seven crossbred sows ( Danish landrace × Yorksire ) analogous in age , bodyweight , parity and reproductive performance were used in the trial .

  2. 试验一:选用6头大白×长白二元杂交经产空怀母猪,初始体重约为200kg,胎次5-7,单独饲喂于代谢笼(产床)中。

    Experiment 1 : Six Yorkshire X Landrace dry sows , average initial body weight 200kg and 5-7 parity , were fed in the metabolic cage ( piglet bed ) .

  3. 结论:CT感染与胎膜早破和胎次、婚前性行为时间之间存在显著相关性。

    Conclusion : CT infection has significant correlations with , pregnancy frequency and the time of pre-marital sexual behavior .

  4. 利用最小二乘法分析了PRKDC基因部分外显子位点基因型、场年季、胎次对产奶性状的影响,结果表明:场年季对乳脂率的影响显著(P<0.05);

    Least squares analysis showed that herd location , season of calving had significant effects on milk fat rate ( P < 0.05 ) .

  5. 目的:探讨孕妇沙眼衣原体(CT)感染与胎膜早破和胎次、婚前性行为之间的关系。

    Objective : To study the relationship between chlamydia trachomatics ( CT ) infection and premature rupture of membrane ( PROM ), pregnancy frequency and pre-marital sexual behavior .

  6. 不同胎次奶山羊血浆及乳汁cAMP和cGMP含量变化

    The Varying of cAMP and cGMP Contents of Plasma and Milk in Different Number of Birth of Goats

  7. BMD与体重极显著正相关(P<0001),BMD与年龄、绝经年限、生育胎次极显著负相关P均<0001。

    BMD was positive correlated with weight ( P < 0.001 ) and negative correlated with age , menopausal duration and pregnant frequence ( P < 0.001 ) .

  8. 目的:研究强直性脊柱炎(ankylosingspondylitis,AS)是否有父母育龄及胎次效应。

    Objective : To study the influence of maternal age at delivery and birth order on ankylosing spondylitis ( AS ) .

  9. CTSB基因对金华猪所有胎次的TNB影响显著(P<0.05),对所有胎次的NBA及BLW的影响都不显著(P>0.05);

    CTSB gene significantly influenced the TNB at the 0.05 level among the all parities of Jinhua pig , but not significantly influence the NBA and BLW for each parity ( P0.05 ) .

  10. 结果表明,不同胎次血浆cAMP和cGMP含量差异不显著(P>0.05),而乳汁中cAMP和cGMP含量明显高于其血浆中含量(P<0.01);

    The result shown that varying of cAMP and cGMP of plasma of different birth of the milk goats were not significant ( P > 0.05 ), but cAMP and cGMP of milk were much higher than that of blood ( P < 0.01 ) .

  11. 方差分析结果表明,交配类型、胎次、分娩年份×分娩季节互作、总产仔数对NSB、PBA均有极显著(P0.001)影响;

    The results of variance analysis indicated that mating type , parity , farrowing year × farrowing season interaction and total number born had highly significant effects on NSB and PBA in sows ( P 0.001 ) .

  12. 产后10d、20d、30d和40d的母猪的抗体阳性率分别为100%、96%、85%和76%,胎次越高,抗体水平也越高。

    In the sows positive rates of antibody were 100 % , 96 % , 85 % and 76 % , respectively at postpartum 10d , 20d , 30d and 40d . The sows with the higher birth , got higher level of antibody .

  13. 纯种母羊的妊娠期平均为151.37d,杂交后代妊娠期平均为150.22d。(8)不同胎次母羊的产羔率:纯种羊为162.16%,杂交后代羊为153.66%。

    Gestation for purebred ewe and cross-fertilized offspring ewe average as 151.37d , 150.22d respectively ( 8 ) Proportion of lamb birth at different fetal order of ewe : purebred goat means 162.16 % , and cross-fertilized offspring does 153.66 % .

  14. 结果表明:产后23d内不同胎次的奶牛孕酮,雌二醇含量差异不显著,而产后不同天数之间的孕酮、雌二醇含量差异极显著(P<0.01)。

    The result indicated that the contents of progesterone and oestradiol in the milk of Holstein cows in different parity were not significant , while the contents of progesterone and that of oestradiol in different days after postpartum were highly significantly different ( P < 0.01 ) .

  15. 不同胎次大约克夏母猪的繁殖性能观察

    Reproductive Performance of Large Yorkshire Sows After Different Times of Birth

  16. 育龄及胎次与精神分裂症关联的研究

    Study of the Association Between the Parental Age-Birth Order and Schizophrenia

  17. 不同胎次中国荷斯坦牛鲜乳脂肪酸组成研究

    Effects of parities on milk fatty acid composition of Chinese Holstein

  18. 不同胎次长白母猪的繁殖性能研究

    Study on Reproduction Performance of Landrace Sow with Different Farrowing Times

  19. 胎次对大约克母猪繁殖性能的影响

    The Influence of Parity on Reproduction Performance in Large Yolk Sow

  20. 胎次对荷斯坦牛体型线性评分的影响分析

    Effect of Parity on Linear Appraisal of Conformation Traits of Holstein Cows

  21. 胎次递进人口发展方程的解及渐近展开

    Solution and asymptotic expansion for parity progressive population evolution equation

  22. 叶酸对不同胎次母猪生产性能的影响

    Effects of Folic on Performance of Different Parity Sows

  23. 胎次-激化双重效应:中国生育政策与出生性别比关系的理论构建与实证研究

    Parity-Intensification Effect : Birth Planning Policy and Sex Ratio at Birth in China

  24. 獭兔体重与不同胎次繁殖力相关分析

    Correlation Analysis between Body Weight and Fecundity at Different Parturition Times of Rex

  25. 胎次对西北地区西门塔尔牛产奶量的影响

    Effects of Different Parities on Milk Production for Simmental in the Northern Region

  26. 随着胎次的增加牛奶体细胞数逐渐增加。

    With the increase of SCC , milk somatic cell counts increases gradually .

  27. 胎次递进与人口发展系统稳定性

    Parity Progression and the Stability of Population Development System

  28. 这些都是年龄结构人口胎次递进算子新的结果。

    These are the new results in age structure parity progressive population operator .

  29. 在分析不同基因条带的组合时未发现与各胎次产奶量有显著影响的组合形式。

    Obvious combining forms were not found between gene band and milk yield .

  30. 胎次效应与儿童情感性障碍的风险性研究

    Study on relationship between birth order effect and risk of child affective disorder