
shènɡ lì nǚ shén
  • Goddess of Victory;winged victory
  1. 在《萨莫色雷斯的胜利女神》(WingedVictoryofSamothrace)附近,来自马德里的让-米切尔·博尔达(Jean-MichelBorda)在拥挤的人群中停下了。

    Near the " Winged Victory of Samothrace , " Jean-Michel Borda , visiting from Madrid , paused amid the crush .

  2. 阿波罗、维纳斯和有翅膀的萨摩丝雷斯胜利女神。是我的手指尖的朋友。

    Apollos and Venuses and the Winged Victory of Samothrace are friends of my finger tips .

  3. 神像高40英尺(12米),他一手拿着权杖,另一只手上是胜利女神Nike的小雕像,它们都是用象牙和贵重金属做的。

    The40-foot-tall ( 12-meter-tall ) figure held a scepter in one hand and a small statue of the goddess of victory , Nike , in the other & both made from ivory and precious metals .

  4. 我相信胜利女神一定会对我微笑。

    I believe that the goddess of victory will smile at me .

  5. 最终他们将公司命名为耐克以希腊胜利女神的名字命名

    And eventually named their company Nike after the Greek goddess of victory .

  6. 胜利女神会在他退役之前再次眷顾他吗?

    Have one more victory in him before retirement ?

  7. 奖牌正面为张着双翅的胜利女神双臂上举,双手托着月桂花冠。

    On the obverse , a winged goddess holding laurel branches in both hands , arms raised .

  8. 奖牌背面为希腊胜利女神奈基站在地球上。

    On the reverse , the goddess Nike , goddess of victory , standing on a globe .

  9. 在知名的雕塑藏品中则有《萨莫特拉斯的胜利女神》和《米罗的维纳斯》。

    Among the well-known sculptures in the collection are the Winged Victory of Samothrace and the Venus de Milo .

  10. 奖牌正面是古代竞技场和手持月桂花冠的胜利女神奈基。

    The obverse of the medal features the ancient coliseum and the goddess of victory holding a winner 's crown .

  11. 手握月桂花冠的胜利女神等传统标志刻在奖牌正面。

    The customary symbols , including the Victory Goddess holding a winner 's crown , are engraved on the obverse face .

  12. “胜利女神雕像”、“爱神维纳斯雕像”以及李奥纳多?达文西最有名的画作“蒙娜丽莎的微笑”。

    The statues victory of Samothrace and Venus de Milo accompany Leonardo da vinci 's most famous painting , the Mona lisa .

  13. 屋顶上有一架铁车,上面还套着几匹铁马,由一个铁铸的胜利女神赶着。

    Up on the roof stood a metal chariot drawn by metal horses , and the goddess of Victory , also of metal , was driving .

  14. 奖牌正面为传统的胜利女神。她左手持棕榈叶,右手拿着胜利者佩戴的花冠。

    On the obverse , the traditional goddess of victory , holding a palm in her left hand and a winner 's crown in her right .

  15. 最初在美国代理日本鬼冢虎运动鞋的蓝带体育用品公司最终成为了如今的耐克公司,耐克是古希腊神话中展翅的胜利女神的名字。

    Blue Ribbon Sports , which distributed Japanese sneakers Onitsuka Tiger in the US , eventually became Nike , named after the winged Greek goddess of victory .

  16. 马丁内斯的想法就是帮助新来者破解密码,向他们提供清晰的信息,去阐释博物馆的众多宝藏,诸如米洛岛的维纳斯、有翅膀的萨摩丝雷斯胜利女神和拉美西斯二世的巨大塑像。

    The idea is to help newcomers to crack the code , with clear information to interpret a vast trove that includes the Venus de Milo , Winged Victory of Samothrace and the colossal statue of Ramesses II .

  17. 有一支红色玫瑰花别在门口的把手上,像是胜利的女神一样高傲的俯视着一切。

    Do not have a red roses at the gate of the switch , such as the victory of the goddess of the same Gaoao overlooking all .

  18. 她的双眼充满胜利的兴奋,情不自禁地摆出一副胜利女神的姿态。

    There was a feverish triumph in her eyes , and she carried herself unwittingly like a goddess of Victory .

  19. 她的眼中释放出狂热且胜利的光芒。此时此刻,她的举手投足就像一位胜利女神。

    There was a feverish triumph in her eyes , and she carried herself like a goddess of Victory .

  20. 第一个奖杯原名叫胜利奖杯,后来为了纪念国际足联前主席朱尔斯•雷米特而改名为雷米特杯。该奖杯为标准纯银和青金石镀金铸成,造型为希腊神话中的胜利女神——尼克。

    The first trophy , originally named Victory , but later renamed in honor of former FIFA president Jules Rimet , was made of gold plated sterling silver and lapis lazuli and depicted Nike , the Greek goddess of victory .