
  • 网络Intercellular space;interstitial space;Cell gap
  1. 实验结果表明大多数疟原虫动合子位于蚊中肠两个上皮细胞的胞间隙中,说明在固定标本时,这些动合子正向上皮细胞的胞间隙中迁移。

    The results showed that most ookinetes were localized in the intercellular space of epithelial cells in mosquito midgut , suggesting that these ookinetes were migrating through between midgut epithelial cells when the specimens were fixed .

  2. 根部维管组织很发达,韧皮部由薄壁细胞组成,其间有发达的胞间隙使根的渗透吸水能力大大提高,导管分子数量多、口径大。

    Root vascular tissue is very developed , phloem is consists of parenchyma cells , the xylem occupied a larger width . The intercellular space is developed , made the water absorbing ability of root improved greatly . Xylem_occupy a big width and the number of vascular in it .

  3. 胞间隙CO2浓度(Ci)随遮荫程度的增加逐渐上升。

    Intercellular space and concentration of CO_2 increased with the enhanced shading degree .

  4. BTH诱导的一种黄瓜叶片胞间隙病程相关蛋白的纯化及鉴定

    Purification and Identification of a Pathogenesis-related Protein in Intercellular Fluids of Cucumber Leaves Induced by BTH

  5. 同时X-ray微区分析显示,胞间隙是紫花苜蓿积累Pb浓度最高的部位,细胞壁和液泡次之,胞质中最低。

    At the same time X-ray microanalysis indicated that Pb relative content in the inter-cellular space was the highest , followed by that in cell wall and vacuoles and the lowest Pb concentration was recorded in the cyto-plasma .

  6. 红豆草根瘤胞间隙和侵入线中另有个别细菌含有PHB颗粒,而且数量很少,一个细菌通常仅有一个。

    Only very few bacteria contain PHB granules in the intercellular spaces and the infection threads of Onobrychis viciaefolia nodules and usually is one in a bacterium .

  7. 在不亲和组合中,小麦与叶锈菌互作的早期(接种后4~8h),观察到大量钙离子由胞间隙涌入胞质中的现象;

    It is observed from intercellular space mass calcium swarm to cytoplasm at the early stage of wheat-leaf rust interaction in incompatible combinations ( 4-8h after inoculation ) .

  8. BTH处理或接种霜霉菌都可系统诱导黄瓜叶片胞间隙液产生分子量分别为33、27和22kD的蛋白,而草酸没有诱导这3种蛋白的表达。

    BTH or inoculation both systemically induced three proteins of 33,27 and 22 kD in intercellular fluids , while oxalic acid did not induce the three proteins .

  9. 磷用量超过337.50kg/hm2,增施磷肥定长叶的叶厚、栅栏组织厚度及栅栏组织细胞密度降低,胞间隙面积(%)增加。

    When the phosphate level was over 337 . 50kg / ha , the thickness of leaf blades with fixed length and palisade tissue and the cell density of palisade tissue ere decreased and the area of intercellular spaces was increased with increasing application of phosphate fertilizers .

  10. 实用的防水壁槽结合独特的胞间隙监控器。

    Availability of bulkhead tanks with unique interstitial space monitor .

  11. 花粉管在引导组织细胞的胞间隙向子房方向延伸。

    The pollen extended to ovary through cells intercellular of . transmitting tissue .

  12. 而根中有较大的胞间隙,维管组织不发达,表现出了与湿地环境相适应的趋势。

    There are large cell intervals and undeveloped vascular tissue in root , it displays a tendency to adapt the moist habitat .

  13. 细胞质在愈伤组织形成过程中逐渐减少,胞间隙在愈伤组织形成过程中逐渐增大,为裂生型胞间隙。

    The cytoplasm gradually reduced during the callus formation and the intercellular space increased gradually , the intercellular space was schizogenous intercellular space .

  14. 随着细胞之间的胞间隙越来越大,最终伸长胞间连丝发生断裂,细胞完全脱落,在根冠外层细胞的外侧壁及已脱落细胞的胞壁上出现大量类外连丝。

    The stretched PD were broken into many ectodesmata-like that existed in the outer cell wall of detached cells form the root cap .

  15. 在水生植物中,是没有栅状叶肉细胞的,所以有很多胞间隙(气室)以增加浮力。

    In aquatic plants , the palisade cells are absent so that there is more intercellular spaces ( air spaces ) for buoyancy .

  16. 其后在胞间隙中也见到钙沉积,子叶细胞充实后,只在沿细胞膜处见到钙分布。

    Subsequently calcium also could be found in intercellular cleft , and calcium lay along the cell membrane in the cytoplasm after cell enriched .

  17. 以上研究结果表明,胞间隙几丁质酶与黄瓜对霜霉病的抗性密切相关。

    The above results indicated that the relationship between induced chitinase in intercellular fluids and cucumber resistant potential to downy mildew were closely related .

  18. 植物的几丁质酶主要分布在细胞间隙和液泡内,胞间隙几丁质酶常在病原菌侵染后首先诱导累积。

    Plant chitinase mainly distributes in intercellular space and vacuole . Chitinase in plant intercellular fluids is frequently induced in the first place by pathogen infection .

  19. 因此,研究胞间隙几丁质酶的积累变化规律对于揭示植物抗病防御反应的机理具有重要意义。

    As a result , the study on the change of induced chitinase in intercellular fluids is a significant part of revealing the mechanism of plant defense responses . 1 .

  20. 次生代谢物草酸钙晶体在麦冬根、茎、叶中都存在,以针状成簇分布在晶体异细胞或薄壁细胞胞间隙中。

    Oxalate crystals were found in root , stem and leaf . These crystals were distributed in crystal idioblasts or in intercellular spaces of parenchymatous cells as needle clusters . 5 .

  21. 本文采用不同霜霉病抗性的黄瓜品种,研究了接种霜霉菌后黄瓜幼苗叶片胞间隙液中几丁质酶诱导积累的动态变化及接种对幼苗生长的影响。

    In this study , after inoculating with downy mildew , the dynamic changes of induced chitinase in intercellular fluids of cucumber leaves and the seedling growth of cucumber with different resistance were studied .

  22. (四)钙离子在叶细胞中主要贮藏分布于胞间隙以及细胞壁两侧,焦锑酸钙沉淀以块状为多,而在茎、根中主要以分散状态存在。

    In leaves , the ion calcium was stored mainly in lacuna and two sides of the cell wall . Calcium antimonate was deposited in the form of mass , but in stems and roots , it was existed in the dispersing form . 5 .

  23. 它具有周围偶联及内部偶联的形态结构特征,即(1)在偶联区域内存在胞浆间隙,宽约11~18nm;

    It possesses 3 morphological features of the peripheral and interior couplings , i. e. , the cytoplasmic gap in coupling region is about 11-18 nm in width ;

  24. 干种子的子叶细胞中贮藏有大量的蛋白体、油脂体,Ca2+沉淀颗粒大量分布于胞质、胞间隙以及细胞质膜上。

    Electron dense Ca 2 + antimonate deposits were mostly localized in cytoplasm , intercellular space and matrix of protein bodies of cotyledon cells of dry seeds ( Plate I 1,2 ) .

  25. 大、小致密核心小泡均被媒染,其电子密度显著提高,大致密核心小泡于非突触部位胞吐入细胞间隙内的介质被即时媒染、固定。

    Both large and small dense cored vesicles were well mordantly stained by TA , their electron density increased significantly , and the transmitters were stained and fixated promptly as they were released from large dense cored vesicles into intercellular space by exocytosis at the nonsynaptic sites .

  26. 在树脂道形成阶段,果胶酶首先溶解相邻细胞的细胞壁角隅处胞间层,使之出现胞间隙。

    At the formative stage , the intercellular space , which formed by pectinase degrading middle lamella , first appeared in the corner among the forthcoming epithelial cells and then gradually enlarged .

  27. 首先,原始分泌细胞团中央几个细胞的胞间层膨胀、溶解,形成裂缝状胞间隙;

    First , some original secretory cells in the center of secretory cavities began to expand and dissolved , and small spaces appeared between the cells .

  28. 球形胚中,Ca2+集中分布于质膜和胞质一定区域。子叶胚中,Ca2+主要分布于细胞壁和胞间隙。

    At globular embryo stage , calcium concentrated on plasma membrane and certain areas of cytoplasm ; at cotyledonary embryo stage , calcium presented on cell wall and intercellular space . 3 .