
zhī fánɡ dài xiè
  • Fat metabolism;metabolism of fat
  1. 促进脂肪代谢,抑制脂肪肝,其机制是甜菜碱能显著促进体内腺苷甲硫氨酸(SAM)的合成,降低肝脏中胆固醇和甘油三酯的含量;

    It also can enhance the metabolism of fat , inhibit the steatosis , the mechanism is that the betaine can increase the synthesis of SAM , decrease the triglycerides and cholesterol .

  2. 大豆黄酮及半胱胺对鹅脂肪代谢的影响

    The Effect of Daidzein and Cysteamine on Metabolism of Fat in Goose

  3. ~(13)C呼气实验与脂肪代谢障碍的检查

    Diagnosis of Fat Malabsorption with 13 C breath Test

  4. 此外,西红柿富含维他命,其中维他命B群可促进脂肪代谢;

    In addition , the tomato is rich in vitamins , vitamin B group which can promote fat metabolism ;

  5. 改善肝脏脂肪代谢,减轻炎症状态可能有利于减轻IR。

    Amelioration of lipometabolism in liver and mitigation of inflammation may help to reduce the extent of IR .

  6. 应用青菜、旱草青料、配合饲料以及在配合饲料中添加维生素B6、蛋氨酸和亚油酸对草鱼的生长、脂肪代谢进行了试验。

    The effect on growth rate and fat metabolism in grass carp fed with vegetable , green fodder , formulate diet and adding vitamine B_6 , methionine , linoleic acid were studied .

  7. 日粮添加DHA对肉仔鸡生长及脂肪代谢基因转录的后效作用

    The Later Effects of DHA in Diet on Regulating Transcription of Lipid Genes of Broiler

  8. 脂肪代谢异常,如肥胖症(Obesity)和高脂血症(Hyperlipidemia)等疾病已逐渐成为严重危害人民健康的常见疾病。

    The disorders of lipid metabolism , such as obesity and hyperlipidemia , are becoming the serious diseases which damage the public health .

  9. LPL基因也一直被当作是影响脂肪代谢相关性状的重要基因。

    So , LPL gene is regarded as the important gene influencing on fat deposition .

  10. Ractopamine对大约克猪蛋白质和脂肪代谢的影响

    Effects of Ractopamine on Adipose and Protein Metabolism in Finishing Yorkshire Swine

  11. 仅针对现阶段CLA与动物的免疫和脂肪代谢研究现状作一简单介绍,以供阅者在研究中能有所认识与了解。

    Therefore , the relation that CLA with immunity and fat metabolism are only introduced to readers in the review .

  12. 结果表明,CLA能够促进脂肪代谢,提示CLA对脂肪代谢的影响可能是通过调控脂肪代谢相关基因来实现的。

    The results indicated that CLA could promote adipose metabolism , and modulate lipid metabolism by regulating genes relating to its metabolism .

  13. 本研究可为后续研究奠定基础,也为将来研究CLA调控脂肪代谢机制提供依据。

    This research provided the foundation for the following researchers and evidence for studying regulating mechanism of CLA in fat metabolism in the future .

  14. 因此推测PPARα基因可能是影响鸡脂肪代谢的主效基因或与控制该性状的主效基因连锁,并且能够用于对鸡脂肪性状进行分子标记辅助选择。

    It implied that PPAR α gene could be a candidate locus or linked to a major gene to significantly affect abdominal fat traits in chicken .

  15. 高脂血症(Hyperlipidemia,HLP)是指由于脂肪代谢或运转异常使血浆中一种或几种脂质高于正常水平。

    Hyperlipidemia is defined as one or several lipids are higher than normal levels in plasma because the metabolism and transport of fats are abnormal .

  16. 试验表明,试验组小鼠体增重降低,提示CLA能增强小鼠脂肪代谢。

    The results showed that body weight gain of rats were significantly reduced by supplementation with CLA . The experiment indicated that dietary CLA could enhance adipose metabolism . 2 .

  17. 背景与目的:瘦素是ob基因编码的16kd的多肽产物,具有调节能量平衡、饮食摄入、脂肪代谢等多种生物学功能。

    BACKGROUND AND AIMS : Leptin is a 16 - kd peptide product of ob gene , with the biological functions of controlling energy balance , food intake and fatty metabolism .

  18. 固醇调节元件结合蛋白(Sterolregulatoryelementbindingproteins,SREBPs)属于碱性螺旋-环-螺旋亮氨酸拉链(bHLH-zip)转录因子家族,是真核细胞内调节脂肪代谢的关键转录因子。

    Sterol regulatory element binding proteins ( SREBPs ) belong to the transcription factor family of basic helix-loop-helix leucine-zipper ( bHLH-zip ) . They are the key transcription factor in eukaryotic cell which regulates lipid metabolism .

  19. DG是天然植物油脂的微量成分及体内脂肪代谢的内源中间产物,它是公认安全(GRAS)的食品成分。

    DG is a natural minor component of various edible oils and the endogenetic intermediate metabolite of lipid . Moreover , it is generally recognized as safe ( GRAS ) by FDA .

  20. 肝脏基因表达芯片的结果表明摄入氧化蛋白会引起脂肪代谢、免疫、内分泌系统、信息处理过程、疾病等相关通路的改变,而LA能使相关基因通路的改变恢复或部分恢复至正常水平。

    The gene chip showed that oxidation can change lipid metabolism 、 immune system 、 endocrine system 、 environmental information processing 、 disease and other pathways in the liver . LA addition can cause change gene pathway restore or partially restore to normal levels .

  21. 通径分析结果:不同蛋白源日粮组转录谱差异表达基因参与的信号通路相似,主要显著通路有PPAR信号通路、氨基糖代谢、T细胞受体信号通路以及脂肪代谢等通路(p<0.01)。

    Pathway analysis : The signal pathways that the differentially expressed genes participated in both treatments were similar , including PPAR signaling pathway , Aminosugars metabolism , T cell receptor signaling pathway and so on . These pathways changed obviously after weanling ( p0.01 ) . 5 .

  22. miRNA作为一种转录后水平的基因调控机制,广泛参与时序发育、神经元发育、细胞凋亡、细胞分化、脂肪代谢、激素分泌等多种生命过程。

    As one of the post-transcriptional gene regulatory mechanism , miRNA was involved in a wide range of life processes which include development , neuron development , apoptosis , proliferation , fat metabolism and hormone secretion .

  23. Cavener和Guo发现,从饮食中去除一个被称为亮氨酸的氨基酸就足以激起影响脂肪代谢的饥饿反应。

    Cavener and Guo found that the removal of a single amino acid , leucine , from the diet is sufficient to provoke a starvation response that affects fat metabolism .

  24. 结果表明:日粮赖氨酸和蛋氨酸显著影响了肉仔鸡的胴体组成和脂肪代谢(P001)。

    Results showed that dietary Met and Lys significantly influence the body composition and fat metabolism ( P0 01 ) .

  25. 随着对microRNAs研究的不断深入,科学家们发现microRNAs参与生命过程中一系列的重要进程,其中包括早期发育、细胞增殖、细胞凋亡、细胞死亡、脂肪代谢和细胞分化等等。

    MicroRNAs are reported to involved a series of important progress of life , just like early development , cell proliferation , apoptosis , cell death , fat metabolism , cell differentiation and so on .

  26. 腹脂重,Ⅱ组比对照组下降40.8%,提示LFA3对产蛋母鸡脂肪代谢有较强的调节作用。

    The weight of abdominal fat in Group ⅱ was 40.8 % lower than that in Control Group , which suggested that LFA_3 has an action of regulating fat metabolism of laying hens .

  27. 结论调节PYY可能是针刺减肥取得疗效的途径之一,但其与改善肥胖机体的脂肪代谢异常引起的胰岛素抵抗性的关系有待进一步研究。

    Conclusion Regulation of PYY is possibly one of the mechanisms of acupuncture in slimming , but the relation of PPY with insulin resistance remains to be studied .

  28. 液态蛋氨酸羟基类似物(HMB)是一种有效的反刍动物用活性蛋氨酸源,具有提高产奶量、改善乳成分、促进脂肪代谢和降低饲料成本等多种作用。

    Liquid methionine hydroxy analog ( MHA ) is an efficient source of active methionine for ruminant , which has many function in raising milk yield , improving milk composition , stimulating adiposity tissue and decreasing feed cost in animal production .

  29. 运动对骨骼肌脂肪代谢与胰岛素敏感性的影响

    Effect of exercise on skeletal muscle lipid metabolism and insulin sensitivity

  30. 你的身体需要足够的时间来把脂肪代谢掉。

    Your body can take the time necessary to metabolize fats .