- 名Cinnarizine

In the cinnarizine group , the rotation stimulation was performed 1 hour after cinnarizine injection .
These change are believed to be the important mechanism of how cinnarizine prevents motion sickness .
The control group was treated with oral cinnarizine , vitamine C and compund salvia miltiorrhiza intravenously .
The Effect of Aplactan on Hepatic Cellular Mitochondrion ATPase and Ca  ̄( 2 + ) Uptake in Rats with Hepatic Fibrosis
Conclusion : The central mechanism of cinnarizine in preventing motion sickness is considered to be closely related to the quick expression of c fos gene in the brain tissues .
Image and Quantity Analysis of Prostaglandin in Rats ' Blood Plasma and Na + K + ATPase in Their Cerebellum During the Prevention of Motion Sickness by Cinnarizine
Effects of Cinnarizine on Experimental Thrombus Formation in Rats
Effects of cinnarizine on the REG power spectrum and nystagmus of rabbits during rotatory stimulation were studied .
Methods : 160 patients with headache were randomly allocated in treatment group ( 80 ) and control group ( 80 ) .
Aim : To explore the relationship between the CNS mechanism of anti motion sickness effect of cinnarizine and the c fos gene expression in the brain cells .
The rats that were subjected to rotational stimulation engaged in pica were used as the experimental models , The actions of cinnarizine in preventing motion sickness were studied .
Rats and rabbits were stimulated with rotation , influences of cinnarizine were then observed on EEG power spectra of rats and cerebral blood flow of rabbits after this rotatory stimulation .
These results suggested that the protective effect of cinnarizine on motion sickness should result from a dilatation of the brain blood vessels under pathological contraction caused by vestibular stimulation and do not do away with the reduction of the sensitivity of vestibular organs .
Effective vestibular stimulation might cause the tension of brain blood vessels . Cinnarizine could improve the brain blood flow during the vestibular stimulation and also reduce the frequency and velocity of slow phase of post rotatory nystagmus .