
tuō jī ɡōnɡ zuò
  • off-line working
  1. 在一些脱机运行的数字信号处理器(DSP)系统中,用户代码需要在加电后自动装载运行闪速(Flash)存储器并行自举是DSP入门套件(DSK)脱机工作的首选方法。

    In some off-line-running DSP systems , after powered on customer codes need be firstly run automatically . The first choice is synchronous Flash boot-load for DSP off-line working .

  2. 脱机工作时,web项目不支持复制项目。

    Copy project is not supported for web projects while working offline .

  3. 指定脱机工作时web项目的根目录。

    Specifies the directory root of the web project when working offline .

  4. exchange管理员可以选择脱机工作的用户可以使用哪些通讯簿,也可以配置分发通讯簿的方式。

    Exchange administrators can choose which address books are made available to users who work offline , and they can also configure the method by which the address books are distributed .

  5. MicrosoftSyncFramework最新CTP版本–这是一个全面的同步平台,它支持应用程序、服务和设备的协作和脱机工作。

    Latest CTP of the Microsoft Sync Framework-a comprehensive synchronization platform that enables collaboration and offline scenarios for applications , services and devices .

  6. 如果您脱机工作并使用调制解调器连接到您的isp,请单击以选中“当检查新邮件时自动拨号”复选框。

    If you are working offline and use a modem to connect to your isp , Click to select the " automatically dial when checking for new messages " check box .

  7. 然而,通过将所有UI放在客户端和使用Ajax从服务器获取数据,我们可以简单地将数据缓存到客户端,甚至实现应用的脱机工作方式。

    However , by putting all of the UI on the client and pulling data from the server using Ajax , you could easily cache data on the client and even enable the application to work offline .

  8. 脱机工作时所做的更改还没有进行同步处理。

    Changes you made while working offline have not been synchronized yet .

  9. 无法创建附件,当前您处于脱机工作状态。

    Cannot create attachments , you are currently working offline .

  10. 或经营者可以选择脱机工作,进行模拟。

    Or operator can choose to work off-line to carry out simulations .

  11. 选择供脱机工作的邮件夹和新闻组。

    Choose mail folders and newsgroups for offline use .

  12. “也可以选择指定文件夹和文件,使它们在脱机工作时可以使用。”

    " the local computer . Users can also select specific folders and "

  13. 单击“工具”,然后单击“脱机工作”。

    Click Tools , and then click Work Offline .

  14. 您目前正在下载文件。脱机工作将取消此下载。

    Do you want to cancel the file download ?

  15. 例如,即使打开了“脱机工作”选项也仍然连接。

    For example , connect even when the work offline option is turned on .

  16. 使您能够联机或脱机工作。

    Enables you to work online or offline .

  17. 断开与数据库的连接并脱机工作。

    Disconnecting from the database and work offline .

  18. 如果您的浏览器设置为“脱机工作”,也会发生此问题。

    This problem will likely occur if your browser is set to work offline .

  19. 请取消选择“文件”菜单上的“脱机工作”项并重新选择此邮件。

    Uncheck the work offline item on the file menu and reselect this message .

  20. 否则,请选择在同步脱机工作时要下载的目录。

    Or , select the directory for downloading when you synchronize for working offline .

  21. 您可以选择脱机工作的用户可以使用哪些通讯簿。

    You can choose which address books are made available to users who work offline .

  22. 这称为脱机工作。

    This is called working offline .

  23. 要恢复联机状态并放弃所有脱机工作时做出的修改,请单击上面的重设按钮。

    To go online and lose all changes that you made while offline , click Reset above .

  24. 您正在脱机工作。要连接,请单击文件菜单中的脱机工作。

    You are currently working offline . To connect , click Work Offline on the File menu .

  25. 该共享文件夹中的文件已被复制到本地计算机中用于脱机工作。

    Files from this shared folder have been copied to the local computer for use when working offline .

  26. 则当脱机工作时,因为路径翻译需要域控制器,所以应用程序会引发异常。

    The application throws an exception when working offline because the domain controller is required for path translation .

  27. 当您丢失网络连接时,会周期性地出现一条消息,提醒您正处于脱机工作状态。

    When you lose network connectivity , a message appears periodically to remind you that you are working offline .

  28. 您可以使用网络连接到服务器,或者脱机工作,或者取消此次登录。

    You can connect to the server using the network , or work offline , or cancel this logon .

  29. 网络上使用的文件被存储在计算机中。以便脱机工作时使用。

    Files used from the network are stored on your computer so they can be used later when working offline .

  30. 如果您想使这些选项脱机工作,则必须给予用户查看和编辑此日历的权限。

    You must give users permission to view and edit this calendar if you want these options to work offline .