
tuō xiàn
  • off-line;shell-off
脱线[tuō xiàn]
  1. IDE硬盘的在线与脱线控制

    On-Line and Off-Line Control of IDE Hard Disk ONLINE

  2. 脱线柱预富集ICP-MS法测定南极水样中的痕量元素

    Off-line column preconcentration system for trace element determination by ICP-MS

  3. 边上的针脚磨得已经开始脱线了。

    The stitching had begun to fray at the edges

  4. 缆绳端部状况良好及牢固,并无松散脱线。

    The ends of ropes are in good condition and secured without unravelling .

  5. 本文给出了一个基于RSA加密系统的脱线式数字现金支付系统。

    In this paper , we introduce an off line digital cash system based on the RSA encryption system .

  6. 本文针对脱线手写签名识别的特点,提出基于bandelet变换的特征选取方法。

    Facing the characters of Off-line HSV , this paper proposes a method based on bandelet tansform .

  7. 在含脱线可信第三方的不可否认协议中,TTP的参与暴露出协议双方可能有一方不诚实,产生不好的社会影响。

    In the previous non-repudiation protocols with off-line TTPS , the intervention of the TTP may be duo to a cheating party and exert a bad publicity .

  8. 给出了一个求解SBPP的线性脱线算法C-NF,其最坏情况渐近性能比为2,与启动空间的大小无关。

    A linear offline approximation algorithm C-NF is presented to solve the SBPP problem . It is proved that the C-NF algorithm has an asymptotic worst-case performance ratio of 2 , which is independent of the size of start-up space .

  9. 脱线服务生,真好玩。

    Mater the waiter . That 's funny right there . -

  10. 作为这种算法的应用,给出了一种脱线算法,其最坏情况绝对性能比是2。

    It proves that the absolute worst - case ratio is 2 .

  11. 脱线,我是说就我和莎莉。

    Mater , I meant it would be just me and Sally .

  12. 脱线,控制一下你自己,别出丑了!

    Get a hold of yourself . You 're making a scene !

  13. 霍莉,我去抓泽达普,你去帮脱线。

    Holley , I 'll get Zedapp . Help Mater .

  14. 做我们这样的工作交朋友是很危险的,脱线。

    Friendships can be dangerous in our line of work , Mater .

  15. 我以为…脱线,这家伙需要拖车,把他拖走。

    But I thought ... Mater , his chap needs a tow .

  16. 我上衣的钮扣脱线了。螺丝全脱扣了,不能用了。

    The buttons on my coat came unfastened . The screw was stripped .

  17. 我们因为你来的啊,脱线一切都好吗?

    We 're here because of you , Mater . Is everything OK ?

  18. 我的靴子的缝合处脱线了。

    My boots are coming apart at the seams .

  19. 我上衣的钮扣脱线了。尼龙紧身衣有时会脱线。

    The buttons on my coat came unfastened . Nylon tights sometimes run .

  20. 女王陛下亲自要求的,脱线。

    Her Majesty asked for you personally , Mater .

  21. 米轨机车在小半径曲线上脱线的原因分析

    Reason analysis of derailment of meter-gauge locomotives on the tracks with small curvature radius

  22. 佛克脱线型激光等离子体光学深度的理论分析

    Theoretical Analysis of the Optical Depth of Laser Produced Plasma for the Voigt Profile

  23. 你最好及时补一下那个洞,免得整件羊毛衫都脱线松开。

    You 'd better mend that hole before the whole sweater starts to unravel .

  24. 我扣不上这个钮扣。我上衣的钮扣脱线了。

    The buttons on my coat came unfastened .

  25. 不不,没事的,告诉他们,脱线,解释吧。

    No , it 's OK ! Tell ' em , Mater . Explain .

  26. 脱线?麦坤能围着你转圈跑。-

    McQueen could drive circles around you . -

  27. 脱线,我那是在夸你是个出色的侦探。

    Mater , I was complimenting you on what a good spy you are .

  28. 脱线,谁有毛巾?

    Mater . Has anyone got a towel ?

  29. 使(火车、有轨电车等)脱轨,使出轨,使脱线。

    The streetcar was derailed by a stone lying across the rails of a track .

  30. 一种脱线式数字现金系统

    An Off - Line Digital Cash System