
fù bù
  • abdomen;belly;stomach;midriff;gaster
腹部 [fù bù]
  • [abdomen;stomach] 身体内包含胃的部分

  • 腹部疡肿

腹部[fù bù]
  1. 机组人员终于使飞机腹部在跑道土质松软的部分着地。

    The crew finally landed the plane on its belly on the soft part of the runway .

  2. 这种动物的腹部长满了锋利的长刺。

    The belly of the animal is covered in long piercing spikes .

  3. 这些活动目的在于增强你的腹部肌肉。

    The exercises are designed to strengthen your stomach muscles .

  4. 这些身体锻炼有助腹部变平。

    These exercises will help to flatten your stomach .

  5. 产后只有通过锻炼才能使腹部收平。

    Exercise is the only way to get a flat stomach after having a baby .

  6. 他突然感到腹部一阵剧烈疼痛。

    He was struck by a stabbing pain in his midriff .

  7. 她已经做了13次手术,包括一次腹部瘦身整形手术。

    She 'd undergone 13 operations , including a tummy tuck .

  8. 他双手十指交叉放在腹部。

    He linked the fingers of his hands together on his stomach .

  9. 通过采取更好的坐姿,你的腹部马上就会看起来平坦一些。

    You can make your stomach look flatter instantly by improving your posture

  10. 他感到腹部剧痛。

    He was suffering from pains in his abdomen .

  11. 她被建议拍一张腹部的X光片。

    She was advised to have an abdominal X-ray .

  12. 另一名受伤男子是腹部的皮外伤。

    The other injured man had a superficial stomach wound

  13. 绞痛包括引起马匹腹部疼痛的各种病症。

    Colic describes a whole variety of conditions in which a horse suffers abdominal pain

  14. 这些腹部练习会增强腹肌。

    These stomach exercises will tighten abdominal muscles

  15. 将一块小毛巾浸在液体中,拧干后敷在腹部。

    Soak a small towel in the liquid , wring it out , then apply to the abdomen .

  16. 她说她的下腹部有点痛。

    She said she had a pain in her lower abdomen .

  17. 刀子刺进了他的腹部。

    The blade of the knife penetrated his stomach .

  18. 对手猛击他的腹部。

    The opponent struck his abdomen .

  19. 多数患者有腹部的隐痛或不适。

    The majority of patients have vague abdominal pain or discomfort .

  20. 手术之后腹部有时会出现粘连。

    Abdominal tissues sometimes adhere after an operation .

  21. 这些妇女特别不喜欢自己的胃部,腹部,臀部,大腿,腿部

    The women especially disliked their stomachs or abdomens , hips , thighs and legs .

  22. 腹部有广泛压痛。

    The abdomen is diffusely tender .

  23. 他们跳舞不是用腿和臂,而是用整个身子,腹部一起一伏地扭动着

    They danced not with their legs or arms , but with their entire bodies , undulating their abdomens .

  24. 在蜜蜂的整个身体中,腹部体积最大,不过却没有任何附肢与之相连。

    The belly is the largest of the three parts of the body , but it has no limbs attached to it .

  25. Shapewear就是能够临时改变穿着者体型的内衣,比如让腹部显得平坦、让整个身材从外部看来更苗条、更有吸引力,也就是我们所说的“塑形内衣”。

    Shapewear is simply underwear which is designed to temporarily alter the shape of the wearer 's body , typically to flatten and / or upper body .

  26. 配饰也会使你产生靡肿或修长的视觉效果。如果你腹部赘肉很多,则避免佩戴宽腰带,那会使你的腹部成为焦点。

    Accessories can also make you look fatter or thinner . Avoid using a large belt if you have tummy , since you are drawing attention in your tummy .

  27. 例如:32岁的Buttram在生育后无法通过锻炼恢复体形,她选择进行了隆胸术和腹部拉皮手术,整形外科医生称之为“妈咪整容术”。

    Unable to regain5 her old shape through exercise , Buttram , 32 , opted6 for breast augmentation and a tummy tuck , popular procedures in what plastic surgeons have dubbed7 “ the mommy makeover . ”

  28. “妈咪整容术”可以包含多种整容手术程序,通常包括使腹部皮肤紧致的腹部拉皮手术,去除多余脂肪的抽脂术,以及乳房提升手术(使用或不使用假体)。

    So-called mommy makeovers can involve a variety of procedures , but often involve tummy tucks to tighten2 stretched abdominal3 muscles , liposuction to remove excess fat and a breast lift , with or without implants4 .

  29. 《肥胖》期刊的一篇评论指出,比起以较低强度持续锻炼更长时间的女性,做高强度间隔训练的女性燃烧的腹部皮下脂肪更多。

    A review in the Journal of Obesity1 found that women who did high-intensity interval2 workouts burned more of the subcutaneous belly3 fat that causes love handles than women who exercised longer at a lower-intensity , steady pace .

  30. 蜜蜂体长半英寸稍多一些,与所有的昆虫一样,蜜蜂的身体分为三个部分——头部、胸部与腹部。

    Its length is a little more than half an inch . The body of the bee , like that of all insects , is divided into three parts — the head , the chest , and the belly2 .