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  • 网络anoint
  1. 我们不可轻看这个圣灵膏立所要付的代价。

    We shouldn 't minimize the cost of this spiritual anointing .

  2. 耶稣膏立他为先知先见。

    Jesus anointed that Prophet and Seer .

  3. 大卫还年轻时撒母耳在伯利恒城膏立他为王。

    David was still a youth when Samuel anointed David to be King in the town of Bethlehem .

  4. 地上君王列阵站着,众人君一同阴谋,要敌挡永恒主,敌挡他所膏立的,说。

    The kings of the earth take their stand and the rulers gather together against the Lord and against his Anointed One .

  5. 是甚麽错误的假设或偏见让耶西没有叫大卫出席献祭的筵席并让撒母耳膏立?

    What assumption was behind Jesse not even bothering to call David to be present at the sacrifice for Samuel 's anointing ?

  6. 我们并不准确知道大卫在膏立之后,要等多久才真正登基为王。

    We do not know how long it was before David was crowned king , how long there was between anointing and coronation .