
  • 网络autoloader
  1. 自动装弹机机械系统故障分析

    Fault Analysis of Autoloader Mechanical System

  2. 设计了推弹力模拟测试装置,结合ANSYS仿真测出自动装弹机实际推弹力及其它性能参数。

    Design the push force simulation test device and combined with ANSYS simulation measure of autoloader actual push force and other performance parameters .

  3. 自动装弹机开放式自动测试系统的设计研究

    Design of the Automatic Loading Machine Opening Automatic Test System

  4. 对自动装弹机可靠度的特殊要求。提出了火炮自动装弹机可靠性指标的模糊决策与分配方法。

    At last , reliability index fuzzy decision and distribution method is presented .

  5. 装甲车辆自动装弹机的现状及未来

    The Present and Prospect of Autoloader on Armored Vehicle

  6. 装甲车辆自动装弹机故障诊断研究

    Study on Fault Diagnosis of Autoloader on Armored Vehicle

  7. 火炮自动装弹机可靠性指标模糊决策与分配

    Fuzzy Decision and Distribution of Gun Autoloader Reliability Index

  8. 自动装弹机常见故障主要是由控制电路故障和机械故障引起的。

    Common faults of autoloader mainly result from control circuit faults and mechanical faults .

  9. 模糊专家系统自动装弹机故障检测系统

    The Research of the Fault Detection System for Auto-loading based on Fuzzy Expert System

  10. 坦克自动装弹机故障检测系统的设计与实现

    Design of Fault Detector on Tank Autoloaders

  11. PLZ04/04使用一部自动装弹机,因而全体组员仅仅需要4名。

    The PLZ04 / 04 use an automatic loader , thus a crew of only four is required .

  12. 自动装弹机安装在转塔下的稍后位置并且首先载入射弹,然后装药。

    The latter is mounted below the turret and first loads the projectile , and then the charge .

  13. 本文研究的自动装弹机满足设计指标,通过验收并投入使用。

    This paper studies the autoloader meet the design index , through acceptance of the party and put into use .

  14. 介绍了坦克自动装弹机故障检测仪的设计及其工作原理,重点介绍了系统的硬件组成和软件设计。

    This paper relates the design of a composite control device which is used to detect faults of tank autoloader . It introduces the basic fault detection principle with emphasis on hardware configuration and software design .

  15. 针对自动装弹机的故障特点,分别采用故障树、专家系统和神经网络三种故障诊断方法,并综合3种方法的优点,分析了最佳故障诊断模式。

    Based on the characteristics of the faults , three methods are designed : fault tree , expert system and neural networks . At the end , it synthesizes the advantage of the three methods , and forms the best mode of fault diagnosis .