
  • 网络self interaction;self-interaction
  1. 互动包括个体心灵内部的自我互动和与他者进行的社会互动。

    Interaction includes self-interaction and social interaction .

  2. 不论喜欢与否,你开始现身网络世界。当你不在在线时,人们与你第二个自我产生互动。

    Whether you like it or not , you 're starting to show up online , and people are interacting with your second self when you 're not there .

  3. 检讨了心理学、社会心理学、社会学、公共关系学等学科的相关理论,如社会认知、自我、人际互动、公共关系与CIS等。

    The theories of psychology , social psychology , sociology , public relations are studied , such as social acknowledgement , oneself , public relations and CIS , etc. Then , an angle of study is decided .

  4. 第三,关于织引导与自我教育的互动机制。

    Third , interaction mechanism on the organization guide and self education .

  5. 结果发现在自陈量表上,以抑制方式调节情绪者较之于情绪重评者与控制组参与者表现出较低之自我评价与互动满意度。

    Results indicated , for the self-reported measures , regulators in the suppression condition reported a lower self-regard and a lower satisfaction with the conversation than both the regulators in the reappraisal and the participants in the control condition .

  6. 自我概念在人际互动中的应用

    The Application of the Concept of Ego in the Interactive Interpersonal Relations

  7. 师生自我效能感同质性互动在体育教学过程中的运用

    On the Favorable Interaction of Self-efficacy between Teacher and Students in PE Teaching

  8. 当我成为个人成长演讲者及训练师并开始四处演讲后,我学到了很多关于如何更有效地沟通、展现自我、与人互动。

    After I started public speaking as a personal development speaker / trainer , Ive learned a lot about how to communicate better , present myself and engage people .

  9. 首先对自我概念、教师互动方式和学习适应三方面的相关研究进行了理论综述,其次是对三者特点及两两关系进行了系统的研究,最后,研究自我概念的中介作用。

    First , it is a theory summarize about the research of three aspects . Second , it is a systematic study about characteristics and relations in the three aspects . Finally , it is a research about mediating effect of self-concept .

  10. 本研究旨在探讨中学生自我概念、教师互动方式和学习适应三个概念之间的关系,重点研究自我概念在教师互动方式与学习适应之间的中介效应。

    This research aims to discuss the relations of three concepts & middle school students ' self-concept , teacher communicational style and academic adaptability , the key point of which is mediating effect of self-concept between teacher communicational style and academic adaptability .

  11. 传播学领域的学者们认为自我概念具有在互动、融合和交往中建构归属和共识的过程性和动态性特征,其基本特点是社会构建的、相互的、可协商的和关系的。

    And it is widely considered by the scholars of communication that self-concept is social construal , mutual , negotiable and relational . Self-concept is also a process of interaction , integration and intercourse . In this process , we construct the sense of belonging and reach common ground .

  12. 自我认同是在自我与社会的互动过程中进行的,在这个互动过程中,有许多因素影响着对自我的认知和评价,包括社会、环境、教育和自身的因素等。

    Self-recognition functions in the reciprocal process between the self and society , and in this process many factors , such as society , environment , education and one 's own quality show their influence to self-recognition and evaluation .