
zì rán xuǎn zé
  • natural selection
  1. 自然选择确保只有最适应环境的物种得以存活下来,把基因传给下一代。

    Natural selection ensures only the fittest survive to pass their genes on to the next generation .

  2. 不同物种的进化是自然选择的结果。

    The development of different species is the result of natural selection .

  3. XML是用于表示参数空间层次性结构的自然选择。

    XML is the natural choice for representing the hierarchical structure of the parameter space .

  4. 该引用的自然选择是ProcessServer流程实例ID(PIID)。

    A natural choice for that reference is the Process Server process instance ID ( PIID ) .

  5. 她的第一本书《非自然选择》(UnnaturalSelection)是2012年普利策奖(PulitzerPrize)入围作品。

    Her first book , ' Unnatural Selection , ' was a 2012 Pulitzer Prize finalist .

  6. 将应用软件Agents和MA(Multi-Agent)技术建立的Agent社会作为WEB的上层结构,是开发基于WEB的社交智能的理想手段和自然选择。

    Using the society build on software Agents and MA ( Multi-Agent ) technology as the upper structure of WEB is the perfect means and natural choice .

  7. 企业在自然选择过程中,经历长期对市场环境的适应,分别形成K策略企业和r策略企业以及K-r策略连续系统。

    Such adaptation classifies enterprises into K-strategy enterprises , r-strategy enterprises and K-r strategy sequential system respectively .

  8. 实例表明,采用自然选择和自然搜索的GA对到发线安排进行优化,其结果优于人工安排。

    An example shows that the optimization results obtained by using GA with natural selection and natural search is better than those obtained manually .

  9. 多数科学家举出查尔斯?达尔文(CharlesDarwin)1872年的著作《人与动物的情绪表达》(TheExpressionoftheEmotionsinManandAnimals)作为证据,证明面部表情是自然选择的通用产物。

    Most scientists point to Charles Darwin 's The Expression of the Emotions in Man and Animals ( 1872 ) for proof that facial expressions are universal products of natural selection .

  10. 而遗传算法(GeneticAlgorithms)就是借鉴生物的自然选择和遗传进化机制演变出来的一种优化搜索算法,并成为进化计算(EvolutionaryAlgorithms)最重要的分支和基础之一。

    Genetic Algorithms is a kind of global optimization random search algorithm based on the principles of natural selection and genetic evolution , and it has become one of the most important part of Evolutionary Algorithms ( EA ) .

  11. 通过建立数学模型我们将DNA序列的进化描述为自然选择约束下随机突变的最大化的过程,并由此预测了一条CDS中四种核苷酸的统计分布。

    We formulated the evolution of CDS as a progress of maximization of neutral mutation under the constraints of natural selection , and calculated the theoretical distribution of four nucleotides in one CDS via Lagrange method .

  12. ERIC(IRU)高度保守,可能其变异受到自然选择压力的限制或它本身就可能是自私的DNA。

    ERIC ( IRU ) is highly conserved , for its variation is restricted by the natural selection pressure , or it 's " selfish DNA " .

  13. 移动IP协议是4G网络中IP层移动性管理的自然选择,但是仅适用于宏观移动管理,在微观移动管理方面效率不高。

    Mobile IP is the natural choice for mobility management in 4G network . However , Mobile IP is only suitable for macro-mobility management and it causes low efficiency for mobile multimedia services in micro mobility .

  14. GIMP集成的屏幕捕获功能和先进的图像编辑功能让它成为屏幕捕获和后续处理的自然选择。

    GIMP 's integrated screen capture capabilities and sophisticated image editing capabilities make it a natural choice for screen captures and subsequent cleanup .

  15. ID运动没有全盘的否定达尔文主义,也不否定进化现象的存在,而是批评达尔文及其追随者把自然选择和随机突变作为进化现象最主要的、甚至唯一的根源。

    The ID movement neither completely denied Darwinism , nor denied the existence of evolution , however , it mostly criticized Darwin and his adherents regard natural selection and random mutation as the uppermost and only root of evolution .

  16. 认为群体迁移、融合而产生的基因流动是HLA基因频率变化的主要动力,但隔离导致的遗传漂变以及自然选择也有重要影响。

    We proposed that the migration and mixing are the dominant driving force of the HLA gene flow while the genetic drift caused by isolation and the nature selection have an important influence on HLA genetic structure .

  17. Baldwin效应、自然选择和生态位构建分别体现了有机体对环境变化的中性、被动和主动等三种不同响应;

    Baldwin effect is compared with natural selection and niche construction , which respectively indicate neutral , passive and positive responses of organisms to environments ;

  18. 另外由于长期的自然选择和人工选育,家蚕Bombyxmori已形成了4大地理系统和多种生态类型,有上千个品种。

    There are 4 kinds of geography system about silkworm ( Bombyx mori ), many zoology types and hundreds of varieties have been formed due to the long term natural selection and artificial breeding .

  19. 遗传算法是一种借鉴于生物界自然选择和进化机制发展起来的高度并行、自适应的随机搜索算法,是一种非常有效的解决NP完全的组合问题的方法。

    Genetic Algorithm is a high-effective Paralleling Processing , randomly searching and self-applicable algorithm based on the development of the nature evolution and option , it is a very effective algorithm to resolve NP-Completed Combination Optimization Problem .

  20. 第一部分介绍达尔文体系及Eigen模型,包括适应面概念、Fisher的自然选择理论、准物种模型的解析解、微扰近似和数值解。

    The first part deals with the Darwinian system and Eigen model , including the concept of fitness landscape , Fisher 's theory , and the analytical solution , perturbation approximation and numerical solution for quasi-species model .

  21. 而基于自然选择和基因遗传学原理的遗传算法(GA),具有很强的全局搜索能力,将二者结合起来形成了一种训练神经网络的混合算法&遗传神经网络(GA-BP)。

    Genetic Algorithm ( GA ) based on natural selection theory and genetics has good global search property . Combining the neural network with the genetic algorithm is to be a mix algorithm-genetic neural network ( GA-BP ) .

  22. 遗传算法(GA)是近10年来发展的基于自然选择规律的一种优化方法,算法能成功的解决无功变量中的离散问题,避免常规数学优化方法的局部最优现象。

    The genetic algorithm ( GA ) is an optimization method being developed in the past decade based on the natural selection rule . This method can successfully solve the discrete problems of reactive power variables and avoid the local optimization phenomenon in conventional mathematical optimization methods .

  23. GA是一种源自生物界自然选择和自然遗传机制的随机化搜索方法,群体搜索策略和信息遗传的特点使其在组合优化中表现出其它传统方法所不能比拟的性能。

    Genetic Algorithms ( GAs ) is a stochastic search method which uses ideas and gets inspirations from the mechanism of natural selection and heredity . Its strategy of population search and characteristics of information transmission make it showing incomparable performance to other traditional approaches in combinatorial optimization .

  24. 根据蛋白质残基的功能重要性与自然选择压力相互关联的分子进化原理,对GDNF家族及其受体GFRα家族进行了进化踪迹分析,搜索到相互作用的功能决定位点。

    Based on the principle of molecular evolution that site-specific functional importance is relevant to the pressure it undergoes under natural selection , evolutionary trace method was used to identify the functional epitopes in GDNF and GFR α families .

  25. 结论西双版纳州属G6PD缺乏及疟疾高发区,两种疾病的流行区域具有一定的相关性,提示G6PD基因突变可能是自然选择长期作用的结果。

    Conclusion Xishuangbanna has a high incidence of both G6PD deficiency and malaria . Our results showed that G6PD deficiency geographically correlated with incidence of malaria , which indicated that the mutations of G6PD gene might result from the natural selection .

  26. 普通野生稻(O.rufipogon)长期处于野生状态,经历生存竞争和自然选择,积累了大量的有利基因,具有丰富的遗传多样性。

    Common wild rice ( O.rufipogon ) in the wild state with long-term survival competition and natural selection , has accumulated a mass of favorable genes and abundant genetic diversity .

  27. 基于中性进化、自组织和自然选择的进化算法

    Evolutionary Algorithm Based on Neutral Evolution , Self-Organization and Natural Selection

  28. 这是达尔文的自然选择原则的行动。

    It 's Darwin 's principle of natural selection in action .

  29. 物种的进化是自然选择的结果。

    The development of species was the result of natural selection .

  30. 他陈述他的信念,认为进化是自然选择的产物。

    He stated his belief that evolution occurred through natural selection .