
zì yóu duì huàn
  • convertibility
  1. 对人民币实现完全自由兑换提出了对策和建议

    Some countermeasure and recommendation on RMB 's full convertibility . "

  2. WTO与人民币自由兑换

    WTO and Convertibility of RMB

  3. 请对这个互联网的耐心当它生成自由兑换货币为U。

    Please be Patience with this site when it generate FREE MONEY for U.

  4. 加入WTO以后,实现人民币自由兑换的任务日益紧迫。

    After China 's entry into WTO , it is a daily urgent task to realize RMB 's free convertibility .

  5. 我国加入WTO以后,逐步实现人民币资本项目的可自由兑换已成必然,货币替代现象可能会日益严重。

    It 's inevitable to realize gradually convertibility of RMB capital items after entry into WTO , and currency substitution is likely to become increasingly worse .

  6. 我国1996年接受IMF第八条款,实现了人民币经常项目下自由兑换。

    In 1996 China accepted No. 8 item of IMF , then realized RMB free exchange in current account .

  7. 第四部分是中国加入WTO对于中国外汇体制改革的制度影响,以及在近期中国外汇体制改革的热点,尤其是人民币自由兑换和升值这一问题上的展望。

    Section four discusses the influence of China 's entry WTO on China 's foreign exchange regime , and the case whether RMB should be appreciated at present .

  8. 确定货币自由兑换日期与十年前加入WTO相似:这将开启新的改革浪潮。

    Fixing a date for currency convertibility would be similar to joining the World Trade Organisation a decade ago : it would set in motion a new wave of reforms .

  9. 从2003年1月1日始,nis成为可自由兑换货币。

    Since 1 January 2003 , the NIS has been a freely convertible currency .

  10. 自由兑换马克(货币代码是BAM)是波黑的货币。

    The Convertible Mark ( Currency code BAM ) is the currency of Bosnia and Herzegovina .

  11. 1971年8月份,当理查德尼克松(richardnixon)终止美元与黄金的自由兑换之时,金本位的最后遗迹也被扫除干净。

    The last vestige of the gold standard was swept away in August 1971 , when Richard Nixon suspended the convertibility of the dollar into gold .

  12. WTO的透明度原则也要求利率信号的规则和公开,再加上加入WTO后带来的人民币可自由兑换导致的货币的同质化均要求利率的形成机制必须市场化。

    The transparency regulation of WTO requires that the signal of the money rate should be regular and open as well as that freely exchanging RMB should result in currency homogenizing after China 's joining in WTO .

  13. 但要令sdr便于使用,篮子中的货币必须得到广泛交易并能够实现自由兑换。

    But for the SDR to be usable , the currencies in the basket have to be widely traded and freely convertible .

  14. 在目前人民币没有实现自由兑换及外汇管制的条件下,作为过渡措施的QFII制度将引入中国证券市场。

    In the current situation that RMB is not a freely exchangeable currency , QFII system will first be introduced to Chinese stock market .

  15. 加入WTO后,随着国际贸易的频繁往来、国际资金流动的迅速增加,进一步开放资本项目,实现人民币资本项目下的可自由兑换成为我国外汇体制改革的必然趋势。

    As the increase of international transactions and capital flows across the border , it is necessary to reduce the number of reservations and relax the regulations on capital flows for our foreign exchange system reform after the entry into WTO .

  16. 香港金融管理局(HKMA)相当于准央行总裁任志刚(JosephYam)表示,他认为人民币正向着可自由兑换转变,有朝一日,可能会成为一种国际储备货币。

    Joseph Yam , the head of the Hong Kong Monetary Authority , the quasi-central bank , recently said he saw the renminbi becoming freely convertible and perhaps becoming an international reserve currency one day .

  17. 然而这种观点也面临着美国甚至欧洲央行的强烈反对,后者称只有交易广泛、能够自由兑换的货币才能加入sdr的货币篮子。

    But the proponents of the idea face powerful opposition from the US and even the ECB , which argue that currencies have to be widely traded and freely convertible to join the SDR basket .

  18. 国家的货币于1998年确定为可自由兑换马克(BAM),现在定为欧元,波黑的中央银行大幅增加了其资金储备量。

    The konvertibilna marka ( convertible mark or BAM ) - the national currency introduced in1998-is now pegged to the euro , and the Central Bank of BH has dramatically increased its reserve holdings .

  19. 我国在1996年11月正式宣布接受国际货币基金组织(IMF)第8条款规定,实现了人民币经常项目下自由兑换。

    Since the official announcement of acceptance of the Article No. 8 in the Agreements of International Monetary Fund ( IMF ) in November of 1996 , China 's monetary reform has basically entered into a stage in which RMB can be freely converted under current account .

  20. Ngultrum不能与其他国家的货币自由兑换,但是可以和印度卢比互换。

    It does not exchange independently with other nations , but is exchanged interchangeably with the Indian Rupee .

  21. QFII制度作为新兴市场国家在资本项目尚未完全开放、本币未完全自由兑换的条件下开放本国证券市场的一种可靠的制度选择,成为中国证券市场国际化的一种重要策略。

    QFII system as an efficient way to open the security market of the emerging market-directed economy country whose capital account has not opened enough and currency cannot exchange freely with others , is an excellent strategy to internationalize China security market .

  22. 澳门的增长部分还应归功于被称为中介(junket)的一些面向中国富人的旅行社,这种旅行社能帮助赌客绕开中国严格的货币管控,将人民币换成可自由兑换的澳门货币。

    It has also been partly boosted by the Chinese VIP travel agents known as junkets , who enable gamblers to swap their Chinese renminbi - which is tightly controlled - into Macau 's freely exchangeable currency .

  23. 人民币自由兑换及我国金融业发展对策

    Research on RMB Convertibility and Countermeasure for Financial Development of China

  24. 人民币可自由兑换与外汇管理法规的完善

    Perfecting of Law of Convertibility of RMB and Foreign Exchange Administration

  25. 最终将实现人民币自由兑换。

    The free convertibility of the Reminbi will eventually be instituted .

  26. 试论人民币自由兑换与国际化的同一性

    Discussion on the Identity of RMB 's Internationalization and Free Convertibility

  27. 资本项目下的货币可自由兑换是我国对外发展的必然趋势。

    Opening Capital Account is the inevitable trend in China .

  28. 论人民币资本与金融账户自由兑换

    On the free convertibility of Renminbi capital into financial account

  29. 资本项目自由兑换的平稳过渡模型的初步构想

    Stable Transition Model of the Currency Convertibility on Capital Account

  30. 关于人民币自由兑换的宏观与微观条件

    The Macro and Micro Conditions of Free Exchange of RMB