
sè mù rén
  • people of special category—one of the classes into which China's population was divided during the Yuan Dynasty, including Central Asian allies of the Mongols, mostly Uighurs and other Turks
  1. 元代江南寓居着因各种原因前来定居的蒙古、色目人。

    Many Mongolians and Semu people came to live in the South of China in the Yuan dynasty because of various reasons .

  2. 元代蒙古统治者给予包括回回在内的色目人以较高的政治地位,并以制度或法律条文的形式固定下来。

    The Mongol rulers of the Yuan Dynasty put Semu people including Huihui ( Uygur ) on a higher political status , and consolidated the status by law .

  3. 第一章主要从元代色目人及其社会地位、元代后期色目诗人群体的崛起等方面进行论述,说明他们在元代后期诗坛上扮演着重要的角色。

    The first chapter argued that minority poets played an important role in the late stage of the poetic world in Yuan Dynasty by discussing the social status of minority and the rise of minority poet community .

  4. 各级官署除主管官吏外,均设“达鲁花赤”,由蒙古人或色目人充任,掌实权。

    Except the chief governor in the different levels of administration " Daluhuachi " was ap-pointed in the governments of different levels , which were given to the Mongolians or the Semus , and they had the real power .