
  • 网络Art Management;Art Administration;Artistic Management
  1. 卡耐基梅隆大学的艺术管理硕士(MAM)专业就是一个例子,它是美术学院和Heinz学院的公共政策和管理学院共同主办。

    Carnegie Mellon 's Master of Arts Management ( MAM ) Program is one example ; it is a collaborative effort of the College of Fine Arts and the School of Public Policy and Management in the Heinz College .

  2. 此外,艺术管理领域的最高级职位也在发生变化。

    Moreover , the most senior roles in arts management are changing .

  3. 的确,在美国威斯康辛-麦迪逊大学,艺术管理专业是属于MBA(工商管理硕士)的专业。

    Indeed , at the University of Wisconsin Madison , the arts administration program is a specialization within the Master of Business Administration ( MBA ) program .

  4. UC/CCM毕业的艺术管理专业(就像其他一样)就是要将学生培养成成功的CEO和非营利文化艺术机构的高级管理者。

    The UC / CCM Graduate Arts Administration Program , like most others , exists to prepare and train students to become successful CEOs and senior managers of nonprofit arts and cultural institutions .

  5. 我的姓名是XX,今年22岁,来自美丽的海滨小城日照,我的专业是文化艺术管理,目前便读于XX,并将在七月拿到毕业证。

    My name is XX , 22 , from beautiful haibin city sunshine , my major is culture art management , is currently studying in XX , and diploma in July .

  6. 八年前库兹玛还未加入OCA的时候,她在不同地方担任过顶级艺术管理职位:从华盛顿特区到基辅(Kiev),包括去年的卡塞尔文献展(DocumentaArtFairinKassel),都留下了她的足迹。

    Before joining OCA eight years ago , Kuzma held a long line of top-tier curatorial posts stretching from Washington , D.C. to Kiev , including curator and agent for the last Documenta art fair in Kassel , Germany .

  7. 因此中国需要专业的艺术管理人员。

    That 's the reason China needs professional art managers .

  8. 我国文化产业发展与艺术管理人才建设

    The Development of Chinese Cultural Industries and the Training of Arts Management Personnel

  9. 艺术管理人才素质特征及培养模式探讨

    On the Quality Characteristics and Training Model of Qualified Personnel of Arts Management

  10. 信息社会文化艺术管理的创新趋势

    The Trend of Art Management in Informative Society

  11. 艺术管理是个很庞杂的知识体系,其中包含艺术中介管理、艺术行政管理、艺术经济管理等几大类。

    Art management is complicated system , including art agency , administration and economy man -

  12. 这种分裂三种因素的做法使得艺术管理行业没有形成完整的理论体系和实践总结。

    The above ways makes the art management lack of theoretical system and practice conclusion .

  13. 所以我选择了中央音乐学院的艺术管理专业。

    I like music , therefore I have chosen the university that majors in music .

  14. 艺术管理纵横谈

    A Free Talk of Art Management

  15. 本文是一篇聚焦于艺术管理学科理论的探索性研究论文。

    This thesis is an exploratory research which mainly focuses on the theory of Art Management .

  16. 论艺术管理的创新

    On Innovation of Art Management

  17. 主要研究方向为美术史、文化遗产保护与发展、艺术管理与艺术推广等。

    His majors are art history , cultural heritage protection and development , art management and promotion etc.

  18. 小团体的艺术管理者可做市场营销、票务及处理财务问题。

    An arts administrator in a small organization may do marketing , event booking , and handle financial issues .

  19. 审美对象化及其主客体际合建构中介之桥梁&文艺审美主客体关系思考艺术管理中的主客体研究

    Constructing the Bridge of Intermediary & A Reflection on the Relationship between Aesthetic Subject and Aesthetic Object of the Liberal Arts

  20. 卡耐基梅隆大学开设专门的影视管理专业,哥伦比亚大学的艺术管理的MA允许学生重点选择视觉艺术或表演艺术。

    Columbia University 's MA in Arts Administration program allows students to choose a visual arts or a performing arts focus .

  21. 艺术管理专业授予以下学位与学历证书:学士、硕士。

    Arts administration programs award a range of credentials , including certificates and diplomas , Bachelor 's degrees , and Master 's degrees .

  22. 艺术管理学研究方法体系由哲学层面的方法、一般层面的方法和具体层面的方法构成。

    Study methodology of Arts Management is composed of philosophical method , the method of general level and the method of specific level .

  23. 艺术管理专业在美国、英国、加拿大、澳大利亚等的大学里都有。

    Arts administration programs are available at a number of universities and colleges in the US , the UK , Canada and Australia .

  24. 艺术管理是在艺术机构负责机构的日常运行和任务实施的业务终端。

    Arts Administrationis the business end of an arts organization responsible for facilitating the day-to-day operation of the organization and fulfilling its mission .

  25. 当今文化产业已成为我国经济发展新的增长点,蓬勃发展的文化产业急需大批高素质的艺术管理人才。

    So , for suiting the need of the time , the institutions of higher education must educate the highly qualified personnel of arts management .

  26. 许多艺术管理专业包括学生作为志愿者或职员在艺术或文化机构实习以获得实践经验。

    Many arts administration programs include a practicum in which the student volunteers or works in an arts or cultural organization to gain practical experience .

  27. 艺术管理是一门新兴的学科,横跨艺术与管理、人文与历史、法律与经济等多种学科,重视理论和实践的相互辨证。

    As a newly-sprung subject , artistic management covers a variety of subjects including art and management , humanities and history , law and economics .

  28. 该项目前负责四个计划,给年轻艺术管理人员、技术人员以及文化遗产与创意经济产业的从事人员提供指导。

    The project is running four programmes that provide guidance for young arts managers , technicians and those working in the heritage and creative economy sectors .

  29. 如何建立有效的艺术管理机制,繁荣我国艺术事业,提升艺术质量与效益。

    How to establish a right art management mechanism , so as to prosper the art business in our country and improve the art quality and performance .

  30. 艺术管理学的研究范围包括学科层面、历史层面、艺术组织管理的宏观层面和艺术组织管理的微观层面。

    The study scope of Arts Management includes disciplinary level , historical dimension , the macro level of art organization management and art organization management at the micro level .