
  • 网络Fine Arts;ART;artistic;The arts
  1. 而且就是投入了这些也不一定能上大学,就是考上了大学,艺术类专业的学费也比普通的专业高很多。

    And those who investigate may not be able to go to college . The average fee of the arts students is much higher .

  2. 艺术类专业人员通过媒体传达想法、观念和事实真相以达到特定的效果,诠释艺术作品如音乐曲谱和手稿。

    ARTS PROFESSIONALS communicate ideas , impressions and facts in a range of media to achieve particular effects , and interpret compositions such as a musical scores and scripts for performance .

  3. 过去15年里,卖艺术类书籍的市场逐渐分化。

    Over the past 15 years the marketplace for art books has bifurcated .

  4. 艺术类OA期刊搜集与分析

    Collection and Analysis of Art OA Journals

  5. 第三部分说明了CIS设计与高校艺术类课程的整合。

    The third part explains the integration of CIS design and college art curriculum .

  6. 从具体上分析了现代CIS设计与高校艺术类主要课程包装设计、书籍设计、广告设计的整合,学以致用,理念指导设计,课程之间相互调整、组合和优化。

    It analyzes the integration of CIS design and college art curricula as package design , book design and advertisement design in detail .

  7. 少儿艺术类,英语,武术,棋类。

    Children Arts category , English , martial arts , chess .

  8. 高校艺术类学生的信息素质教育

    Information Quality Education for College Students Majoring at Arts and Design

  9. 大学可以包括学院、艺术类学院或部门。

    Universities can comprise faculties , academies of arts or departments .

  10. 论艺术类大学生心理动态及调适

    Discussion on the Mental Strand and Adjusting Methods of Art Undergraduates

  11. 非艺术类高校应如何开展艺术素质教育

    How to Launch Quality-oriented Education of Art in Non-art Universities Colleges

  12. 艺术类专业大学生个性行为及成因分析

    The Analysis on Individual Behavior and Motive of University Art Students

  13. 浅析对艺术类新生的班主任工作策略

    On the Skills of Class Teacher 's Work to Art Freshmen

  14. 结合90后艺术类大学生的特点开展学生管理工作

    On the Management of Post 90 College Students Majoring in Art

  15. 当代艺术类大学生的心理压力与应对方式

    Psychological Pressure of Modern Art College Students and its Coping Styles

  16. 数字艺术类专业计算机课程结构体系研究

    Research on Framework System of Computer Curricula for Digital Art Specialty

  17. 艺术类大学生英语阅读策略教学的实验研究

    An Experimental Study of Reading Strategy Instruction on College Art Students

  18. 论艺术类师范生人文素质的提高

    On Enhancing the Humanistic Quality of Arts Students of Normal Colleges

  19. 如何提高非艺术类广告专业学生的设计能力

    How to enhance design capability of students in non-art advertising major

  20. 高等体育院校体育艺术类人才培养方案研究

    Higher Institutes of Physical Education Sports Arts Talent Training Program Research

  21. 高校图书馆艺术类图书损坏丢失现象与对策

    Countermeasures on Damaged and Lost Art Books in University Libraries

  22. 谈高校艺术类专业学生的图书馆利用教育

    Talking about the Education on Library Utilization for Students Majored in Art

  23. 关于体育艺术类英语教学的几点思考

    Some Ideas Involved College English Teaching for Art and Physical Education Majors

  24. 高年级、女生、艺术类学生存在更多的心理问题。

    Senior class , female and artist students had more mental problems .

  25. 中等教育包括文法学校,职校以及艺术类学校。

    Secondary education comprises grammar schools , vocational schools and art schools .

  26. 艺术类大学生恋爱观特点及教育对策

    The Features of Art College Students ' Love viewpoints and Education Policies

  27. 论社会实践在艺术类大学生培养中的德育功效

    On the Moral Education Efficacy of Social Practice among Art-Attached College Students

  28. 艺术类学术期刊影响因子分析

    Analysis of the Influential Factors of Academic Journals of Art

  29. 职业院校设计艺术类专业教学探讨

    Exploration on the Teaching of Art-design Specialty in Vocational Schools

  30. 艺术类大学生思想政治工作探析

    On the Ideological and Political Education of University Students Majoring in Arts